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What is your preferred UOSA trade currency these days?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:42 pm
by Taboo
What goods do you typically trade for other goods you are interested in?

There has been a noticeable change in the trade activity of UOSA lately. It seems that players have sectioned themselves off and now exclusively concentrate on areas they are interested in. Evidently, this has caused them to only trade in areas that directly affects them or that they are interested in. Meanwhile, there have also been huge value shifts for properties, GFered/Blessed wearables, silver, and how much gold a player has in general. So how does the UOSA predominately trade now?

For example, if I had to purchase something that a player strictly wants 35-50 mil or CDs, I'd literally roll my eye while making a mental note that it will take 0-3 months to attain that gold by selling/trading. I'd roll my eyes because this has become more rare, and I'd slightly consider this player to be rigid. In fact, I'd be caught a little off guard by it. Instead, the usual route now seems to be trading items for items to bypass gold. Even now, I'm in the haggling process with several players over items, and they all seem to have this same understanding concerning trade.

There are also several PvP oriented, wealthy players who I wouldn't even bring up gold to. IMO, these players are way more swayed in my favor by elite pvp gear & bulk pvp consumables. Incidentally, you could forgivably consider a charged, vanq, mainstream weapon as a rare. They are highly sought after and worth more than gold, silver, or actually rares are for certain players. And for them, I almost never bring up rares that are deco. That topic is lost on them.

So, what is your preferred trade these days? Do you think gold has waned because of certain facts, such as many high end goods being too expensive? Do you actively trade various goods for various goods? If so, have you developed a specialized area of goods that you trade or that you prefer to deal with exclusively?

Re: What is your preferred UOSA trade currency these days?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:32 pm
by violator
I am still using (and prefer to use) gold and deeds at the moment.

I am not nearly wealthy enough to entertain the idea of purchasing 1337 sandals, clothing bless deeds, etc... and I'm not (currently) interested in PvP. When I am buying anything, it is usually bulk reagents, and less and less frequently frenzieds, so deeds or loose gold are sufficient.