Stunning Revelations!

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Stunning Revelations!

Post by Jupiter »

The most epic tales of history are most often the culmination of several smaller events, many of them seemingly insignificant, some of them long past; all culminating at some pivotal moment. This is just one such of those epic tales...

Jupiter sat at his favorite table and sipped his morning milk as he read the Herald's daily patch notes. Sometimes he wondered why he even bothered reading this every single day. Most days, it seemed to be the same old rubbish, every day without anything new; but this day, was not like other days. Jupiter's milk spat from his mouth as he read the latest news. The Efreet stopped spawning daemon bone?!
"How could this be?," he mused silently as he wiped the milk clean with a wave of his hand. According to the article the aristrocrats tried to take credit for this as their efforts to restore the world to 'historical' accuracy. Yet, Jupiter couldn't help thinking that perhaps this time, they actually had nothing to do with it and were just trying to take credit; after seeing the heated debates regarding the matter perhaps they thought they could gain some popularity from the mindless masses.

But his doubts and conspiracies would have to rest for the time being as a knock came to his door. He opened his doors to a messenger of Reeve Jr., the son of a local land baron near the city of Yew. He dismissed the messenger and quickly opened the letter. How curious that he had not heard from the Reeve family in such a long time...

(see details of letter here)

After reading the letter, he raced out the door. The magic locks on his door had hardly clicked closed before Jupiter was near the Moonglow Moongate. He had to assemble a party to aid Reeve Jr; and like most matters that he attends to, he had very little time to prepare.

To his dismay, Jupiter had been unable to test each man's mettle prior to bringing them on this perilous and most urgent quest, but he had no time to be selective. The first to answer the call were the only ones he could dare wait upon. With a band of worthy adventurers assembled, they bravely entered Reeve's manor to find some clues regarding the proprieter's mysterious dissappearance.

The band moved quickly and carefully passed the rooms. Often times feeling disoriented many of them had to return to the beginning in order to get their footing set right again. The manor's endless halls were filled with treasure, bursting out of their chests and piled on the floor like unwanted clutter. Fortunately the brave adventureres honored their vow, and made finding clues their primary objective.

They recovered 5 separate Journal entries from Reeve Jr's late father. The journal entries pieced together a sad tale. I break from our current tale now, to give you a short summary of the journals:

See full size here: [Imgur](

According to the last Journal entry, Lord Reeve had found a way to ensure that no other men would suffer the agony and torture of soul that he had borne all these years away from his son. He surrendered his life so that he could obstruct the Efreet's transport routes and personally ensure that no new pieces of the cursed daemon bone would reach this world again. And in his final breathe, he bequethed his entire treasure to his son.

After reading these journal entries, Reeve Jr appeared ghastly white. He had returned home hoping to find reconciliation with his father, but instead all he found was an empty home of a nearly forgotten man. A man who may have gone forgotten through the ages, like all others, had it not been for this one last act of heroism.

As the party reflected over these stunning revelations, nobody noticed the young land baron slip away. It was not until we heard what sounded like the rantings of a lunatic, that we realized he was missing, and it was too late for any of us to do anything but watch the events unfold. We all heard Reeve Jr shouting "Enter into my father's manor at your own risk!" before he flung himself off the ledge.

While men may debate what truly happened this day for ages to come, it is up to we few, to determine how the events of this day will be remembered. I chose to remember the Reeve's as heros. A father and son, who stand watch at the gates of hell, feasting on demon flesh with forks fashioned from daemon bone. Never again, will we see the likes in this world again.

- Jupiter

See full size here [Imgur](

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