The Dawning

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The Dawning

Post by Corbin »

[Figured I would bring one of my old RPs over from my days at another shard because I did like them.]

The room was dark. Only the flicker of light from a small lit candle broke the blackness that covered the small cabin. The wind outside pounded against the walls as the storm raged on. Flashes of light lit the sky like day, and the clap of thunder could be heard for miles.

The door to the cabin swung open. Wind and rain poured through as water would burst through a broken dam. A man walked in and quickly used all his might to shut the door behind him and subdue the breach of the tranquility within the building. He turned quickly at the sound of a match being lit. The figure sitting at the desk relit the extinguished candle.

"You're late", said the figure without looking up.

The man at the door shook his long coat violently as if trying to shake all the water from himself. An aimless task as he was as wet as if he had jumped into the sea. "It not bein' of good weather out there, sir. I came as quickly as I could." The man continued trying to dry himself, stroking his wet beard.

"To the point", said the man at the desk, "did you deliver the letter?"

The bearded man sat in a chair at the front of the desk, "Aye, I did. Though I'm not too keen on bein' part of whatever it be you doin'"

"And what we are doing is not of your concern. You just do what you're told to do and nothing more. You know too much already, but it seems there is not much we can do about that now. The time is almost at hand, now we just wait."

The bearded man had a look of concern cross his face, "Ye know, I don't be thinkin' many people's gonna be likin' this too much."

The man at the desk leaned forward over the candle and an eerie glow cast upon him. He gave a twisted smile, "You leave them to me. It is not of your concern." The man leaned back into his chair and tossed a scroll to the bearded man. "I have another letter for you to deliver. You'll find the location to deliver it to next to the seal. I expect to see you again 7 nights from now for further instruction. Now go."

With that, the man at the desk blew out the cable indicating that there would be no more discussion. The bearded man stood and walked towards the door glancing back only briefly toward where the desk sat in darkness. He quickly opened the door and snuck out closing the door quickly behind as not to let anymore rain in. He knew the man at the desk could easily take his life, he knew that for all the information he knew, that the man should take his life. But for some reason, the man decided to spare him instead. He shrugged and was about to place the scroll into his jacket when a word caught his eye in the split second flash of light as lightning streaked across the sky. The bearded man shook his head in disbelief and quickly stuffed the wettening scroll into his coat.

With a sigh, Farmer Amos grabbed his pitchfork and began his long walk back to Cove before taking another journey to deliver the letter. For hours along the way, a single name stuck out in his mind... "Lord British"
Pacific (98-02) - Mystic of FL
Catskills (03-08) - Roo Avery of VIT, T^B
UOSA - Amos Trask/Roo Avery of WTC

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The Journey - Day 1

Post by Corbin »

He stood at the top of the mountain pass overlooking the valley below. His pitchfork in his hands, Amos stood looking across the tops of mountains he would soon be traveling. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he began walking down the steep goat trail. The weeds had long grown over as the trail had been abandon many moons ago. For hours he walked along the ridges of the mountains, stopping only for a quick rest or drink from the fresh springs that flowed down the steep hillsides, many times creating the most majestic waterfalls that Amos had ever seen. He stopped several times to admire the beauty the Gods had bestow upon him on this cursed journey.

Amos didn't know much about this quest, but what he did know could easily get him killed. He knew the man he was working for only by "sorcerer". They had met a few miles from the town of Cove while Amos had been moving his belongings to his new home. The man had stepped out from beyond a tree startling Amos, but within moments, he felt calm as if there had been nothing to fear. They had talked long into the night. The man had offered great rewards for completing trivial tasks such as the one he was doing now. He had agreed, but now believed that it was not by his own will. But he is a man of his word and stuck to his agreement. After their meeting, he had felt this that kept him calm fade and he knew fear. This man was one of power, and power was something to fear within men.

Over time, he completed those tasks which were asked of him. Everything from delivering letters and packages, to helping the Sorcerer with common farming knowledge. It would have all seemed normal if it wasn't other men of power he was delivering letters and packages to and seeking certain knowledge about land that most men would overlook. This concerned Amos to the point that he was afraid to tell anyone about what he had been doing, for if what this man planned was against the kingdom, than Amos would have been held responsible for his actions in helping.

Amos crested the top of a mountain and stopped to take in the beauty of the land below him. Never before had he appreciated the wonder he saw before him. Land stretched as far as the eye could see. Mountains to his right, the ocean to his left, and in front of him laid the road he must take. Trees covered the land below him. Many lakes, rivers, streams, and grasslands filled his eyes. For a moment, he felt emotion sweep over him. He started down the mountain pass toward the road he must take to get to Britain. As he walked, he wondered if he would ever see that much beauty in the world again.
Pacific (98-02) - Mystic of FL
Catskills (03-08) - Roo Avery of VIT, T^B
UOSA - Amos Trask/Roo Avery of WTC

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The Journey - Day 2

Post by Corbin »

The night was cool. The ground still damp from the previous nights storm. Amos sat on his coat tending to a small fire he had built out of kindling and a small, broken log left from a tree that fell long ago. He absently poked at the burning wood with a long stick. Beside him sat the remnants of a meal he had just eaten. A freshly snared rabbit and a few fish he managed to catch in the tide pools along the coast. He could still hear the waves crashing against the surf from where he sat. He had decided earlier in the day while coming down from out of the mountain that he would stay not far from the ocean, for at least he would have an abundance of food along a good part his journey. And there would be a village only a days walk from where he was now that he would be able to have a warm meal and a bed for the night before continuing on.


The sun was setting along the coast. Amos could see the lights from the village not far down the road. His day had gone uneventful and he was making better time that he expected. as he crested a small hill along the road, he came to an abrupt halt as two men walked out from the tree line. No honest men would be walking out onto a road from the forest at this time of the day. Amos attempted to turn around and walk the other way, but stopped as two more men walked toward him from behind. Amos thought quickly, not knowing what to do nor having any options come to his mind. He gripped his pitchfork tightly. He knew had it been only the two, he may have had a fighting chance, but four was out of the question.

The men closed in on them. They were poorly dressed, holes and dirt shown in the fabrics. Their faces were also dirty and they stank of alcohol and some less pleasant smells. One of them stood before Amos, clearly showing he was the leader of the pack. He grinned wide showing missing teeth, and the smell didn't improve as he spoke.

"Well, what have we here? A traveler? Alone in the woods after dark? Don't you be knowin' that these forests ain't safe once the sun goes down? Lots of disreputable folk out here after dark."

Somehow, Amos didn't think that these men were part of any respectable lot he would find. He held his ground and attempted to reason. "I bein' on my way that there village if'n ya'll don't be minding. I shalt be on my way and out of yer business."

"Ahh, yes," said the leader, "I hear they have a very nice inn there. Though we've never seen the inside for ourselves. Ya see, it seems we have fallen on some hard times as of late, so we decided to take it upon ourselves and hire ourselves as... roadway security. Of course, for a small fee, you can pass forward to town. Security deposit, we should call it. Of course, you could always go back into the woods if you choose." The leader looked at the men behind Amos, "but then you'd have to pay them a fee because they secure them there woods behind you."

Amos thought for a moment, "Well, I could just be beddin' down right here in the middle of the road til' mornin' and get by for free."

The leader looked puzzled for a moment before his face turned red. "NO!", he yelled, "That's not how it works!" He shook his head as if trying to force confusion for his mind. "I've had enough playing, let's get on with it."

Without notice, Amos took a swift blow to the back of his head which sent him to his knees, while a second one kicked him in the stomach. Amos doubled over in pain as he took a boot to the head from another bandit. The leader leaned over him and started searching his pockets for anything of value.

"5 gold coins, a packet of seeds, small knife... where are all the goods at, man?!" he yelled and gave Amos another kick. One of the bandits reached into his coat and yanked out the scroll.

"Hey Glenn, lookie what I got here. Looks... official. Could be somethin' important. Worth a fair price to keep us fed for a long time, eh?"

"Gimme that", said the leader known as Glenn. He grabbed it from the bandit and examined it with an eye that clearly stated he didn't know what to make of it. "It's gotta be official. Look at this crest on the seal. Whoever sent this is pretty important. Probably would pay a lot of money to keep the information inside hush hush, eh?"

He pulled out a knife from his belt and held the parchment firmly. As he stabbed the seal with the tip of his blade, a blast of energy shot out throwing Glenn completely across the road and he hit a tree with a loud thump and gasp as air exploded from his lungs from the force of the hit. The other bandits jumped back from the scroll that now lay on the ground.

"I'm not touching that!", one yelled and jumped backwards a step. The other just shook his head and also stepped back. The bandit who pulled the scroll from Amos leaned over him and exclaimed "What did you do?! That scroll cursed or something?! Man, take that thing out of here and don't come back! It's evil, pure and black! Take your black arts elsewhere!"

The bandit ran over to his friend to help him, leaving Amos and the scroll in the middle of the road. They helped their friend to his feet and hobbled past Amos. One of the bandits gave him a final kick to the mid section and they disappeared into the forest.

Amos lay for a moment before struggling to stand. He dusted himself off and looked down at the scroll which lay at his feet. Now more than ever he wondered to himself if he should just leave it and disappear to where no one would be able to find him. He discarded the idea as he figured that if this man was as powerful as he thought him to be, that he would be found in a matter of days only to suffer the consequences of his actions.

Amos bent down and picked up the scroll and looked at it for a moment before placing it back inside his coat. "How could a piece of paper hold such power?", he thought to himself. He began walking towards the village to rest and find some food.
Pacific (98-02) - Mystic of FL
Catskills (03-08) - Roo Avery of VIT, T^B
UOSA - Amos Trask/Roo Avery of WTC

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The Journey - Day 3

Post by Corbin »

The men stood in a circle. Dressed in black shrouds, they surrounded an unnatural fire of blue flame. Atop a mountain they stood, clouds gathered not far above them. The mountain stood in the center of a vast vista in which one could look in any direction for miles across the planes, though it was dark now and the only light came either from the fire before them or the stars above them. The men chanted low, in tongues that would be vexatious to most mens ears. One man broke from the circle and stood close to the flames near a small podium with a book on it. He softly touched the outside of the book, dragging his fingers across the smooth surface of obsidian. With a flick of the mans hand, the book swung open and pages began to turn, stopping at a particular page. He raised his hands up and the men stopped their chanting and all looked up to the one at the podium. His eyes flickered as he spoke in an alien tongue no man has heard for many millenia. The flames in front of him flickered with the sound of his voice, and suddenly it was quiet and dark, yet the fire still remained; it's light captured as if the flames did not wish to release it to brighten the area surrounding.

The man opened his eyes, spoke a word, and then shot his hands high and the flames from the fire exploded high into the heavens. Those around the column of fire struggled to keep upright as the blast threw them back. Only the man nearest the flames was able to hold his ground as if somehow protected from the force of the fire. He then brought his hands down and the fire subsided and went from a dark blue to an orangish colour that was more natural. He looked around at his brethren and pulled his hood back and examined each of them silently for any sign of weakness, for he would kill any man who had shown concern on his face in a split instant. He required only those who truly trusted and believed among his conclave. He smiled slightly as all the men before him in this circle were as he had hoped. None would die this night; all would serve the cause wisely.

The man at the podium spoke loudly so all could hear, "The time shall be upon us very soon, my brethren."


Amos awoke from his bed at the inn and looked around the room as light peered through cracks the closed shutter. His side was badly bruised and his face was slightly scratched up, but overall, he knew he would live, though he had his doubts the previous night as he crawled his way into the town. He rolled over to the side and sat up, then doubled right back over as his head spun into vertigo. He knew he had gotten a concussion from the boot to the head, but he also knew time was not on his side and he must continue his journey whether he felt able to or not. This day he hoped to make it all the way to the city of Papua and, with the help of those who guarded the gate, make it into the city of Moonglow where he would rest another night.

Amos arose from his bed, fighting off the urge to fall back into it and got dressed before heading down the the commons and grabbing a bite to eat before leaving. As he came down the steps, he saw a man, the owner of the inn who was readying the morning meal, and his daughter behind the bar cleaning. The innkeeper noticed Amos and smiled brightly.

"G'mornin, traveler. Might ye be stayin' this lovely morning to break your fast? I have some hot oats being stirred up as we speak and some warm bread with honey."

Amos felt his stomach grumble as he had not eaten the previous night. He had barely made it to the inn before passing out, so he went strait to his room.

"Aye, I be thinkin' food is in good order this mornin'" he said as he sat heavily on a stool at the bar. The daughter of the innkeeper came and wiped down the place in front of Amos and gave him a friendly smile as she sat out a wooden spoon and bowl and poured him some of the oats from a hot pot. "Are you feeling better today, sir? You were a little worse for wear when you arrived last night."

"A little worse for wear?", bellowed the innkeeper. "I thought I might have to be callin the coroner this mornin'!" The innkeeper looked over Amos' wounds, "Seems to be all scratches, though last night when you walked in I thought maybe someone took an axe to your head. Sure you are well enough to head out today? You look like you need a few days rest before attempting to go anywhere. What happened?"

"I met a few disagreeable men who thought I was there employer and wanted their past due paychecks." Amos shook his head which sent him swimming again, "I'm afraid my business is bein' far too important to stop fer but a minute. I must be continuin' my journey quickly if I am to be makin' it to Papua by nightfall."

"Papua by nightfall?" asked the innkeeper, "You certainly do get around, don't you? Papua is nearly a day and a half's journey from here if you're quick."

Amos frowned. He had thought he was further along than he was. The innkeeper thought to himself and then a smile cracked across his face. "Ya know, I do know of a way you can get there safer though. There is a caravan headed that way this very day. They stayed here last night and are out getting supplies for their journey. They even got them horse driven wagons. I'm sure they would need another guard for the journey."

Amos sank at the thought of doing any guard work as he felt like a beaten rug, but he nodded. The innkeeper slapped the bar and and laughed, "That's the spirit! You've got a strong will about you, farmer. It must be some very important business indeed. I'll not keep you, but I will give you some food for the road." He nodded to his daughter who ran off to pack some bread in a travel bag.

"Thank thee, sir." said Amos. "Yer a fine innkeeper indeed. Blessings upon yer house."

"And yours." said the innkeeper as he handed the bread to Amos. "Now get goin before they leave without you."

Amos nodded and stood up slowly waving to the innkeeper as he left and headed down the street to meet up with the caravan.


The caravan pulled into Papua. The trip was uneventful as Amos had hoped it would be. While bandits would trouble one person walking down the road, a caravan of three wagons and 12 people were more trouble than it would be worth. He looked around at the town, if he could indeed call it that. Swamps surrounded the road and buildings. Most stood high up on posts of wood keeping them above the dark, murky waters. He absently wondered why anyone would build a town on top of a swamp. The idea seemed very silly to him. He was certain that much care had to go into these buildings to keep them from sinking into the mucky waters.

One of the teamsters walked over to Amos. "Here is your pay, Amos."

Amos nodded and took the coins. He didn't want to accept them as he felt he should be paying them for the quick travel to the town, but he also didn't want to insult them either. He put the coins in his pocket and shook the teamsters hand as they parted their ways. He didn't bother to count it, but he knew it was more than he made in a month on the farms. Retorically he joked about changing jobs and becoming a full time caravan guard, but then, farming was all he really knew and he enjoyed his work. Plus, he thought, farming was probably a much safer venture.

Amos made his way over to the building that housed the gate to Moonglow. The trip had taken one day and one half of travel, but Amos felt he would still make good time to Britain. He neared the door to the building and knocked. A man in a dark red robe answered the door. His eyes were as deep a red as his robe.

"What is your business here?" asked the mage.

"I be seekin' passage to the city Moonglow", replied Amos

The mage looked carefully at Amos as if studying him which made him feel very uncomfortable for a moment. Then the mage opened the door wide allowing Amos to walk through. The mage closed the door behind.

Amos looked around the room. There were two other men, both in red robes sitting at a table. Many books and bottles were in the room, but what caught his eyes was the large platform of stone. On the stone were many glowing runes carved into it's hard surface, and above it, small flashes of energy danced between the stone and the ceiling.

The mage who answered the door walked to the stone and stepped on it. The energy seemed to circle him as he stood there. He called Amos over to step on the stone as well. As he did, he felt the energy surround him as well sending a tingling sensation through his body wherever the energy came in contact with him. Without warning, the mage grabbed Amos by the hand and chanted out "Recsu!". The world seemed to fall from under his feet and suddenly, he realized he was in another place. He looked around at the larger building and those inside the building looked at the newcomers. Amos thanked the mage who nodded briefly and chanted a second word and was gone with a crackle of energy.

Amos walked out of the shoppe and got directions from a passerby who guided him to another rune covered stone. This one seemed different than the other as it was more worn and had no energy circling around it, and instead of many glowing runes, it had a single rune carved into the top. He stepped onto the room and the world fell from below him once more, only this time seemed quicker and less intense. He almost fell forward as he stepped down and realized he was in the center of the city.

He shook his head, "I've bout had enough of all this magics in this town." he said to himself as he made his way to the inn for some food and rest before he continued on.
Pacific (98-02) - Mystic of FL
Catskills (03-08) - Roo Avery of VIT, T^B
UOSA - Amos Trask/Roo Avery of WTC

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The Journey - Day 4

Post by Corbin »

Amos awoke at dawn. The sun peered through the window and the sound of birds chirping outside filled his ears. He sat up on the side of his bed and stretched with a loud groan. He rubbed his still tender side and examined his wounds. His side was turning into a yellowish green bruise but he estimated that it would be gone by the end of the fortnight. His head still hurt a little, but he felt less this day like he was going to roll over and spill last nights dinner onto the floor. He gathered up his belongings and headed out the door of the room and into the commons where sat men already breaking fast for the day. The innkeeper darting from place to place trying to service each patron as there was no one in the room to help him. Amos fell hard to a seat at the far end of the room away from the door.

The innkeeper rushed over to Amos, "Food, sir?" Amos nodded and the innkeeper was off in a mad rush to bring him a plate of food.

Amos watched the door as people came and went. Patrons leaving for business, locals coming for food, drunkards coming in for their morning ale. One man entered that caught Amos' eye. He wasn't like the rest of the people coming and going. He was dressed in long robes of black, which for this town, wasn't all that uncommon for people to be in robes, but something with this man was different somehow. Amos studied the man for a moment as he made his way into the room and over to the bar. Where his hair was almost as black as night, his eyes were as pale as marble. He seemed to be studying everyone else in return, which Amos found to be strange. Then they locked eyes. Amos felt power extrude from this man much like he had the Sorcerer. The man in robes turned toward Amos and it was then he noticed the marking on his hand. Amos looked down quickly and pulled the scroll out just enough that he could see the seal. Sure enough, it was the same crest. A star with a formation of 5 stars around it, the center being the largest. As quickly as Amos had taken out the scroll, it was back in it's place as the man reached his table and without comment, sat down. It was then that the innkeeper reached Amos' table with a hot platter of food. He sat it down in front of Amos and noticed the newly arrived person at the table. The innkeeper rolled his eyes in frustration and the man put his hand up indicating he wanted nothing. The innkeeper nodded and returned to his ever growing array of customers.

The man in robes studied Amos for a moment as if looking inside of him past clothing and skin. A chill went up Amos' spine as he became more uncomfortable being under scrutiny. It was then the man spoke up, his voice coarse and sharp.

"We serve the same master, then?" he asked.

Amos sat for a moment and thought of his reply. He didn't yet know whether or not to trust this man. "I be guessin' it be dependin' on which master we be talkin' bout"

The man in robes glared at Amos and something flashed within his eyes. "I have not time for this. Ye serve the man from the mountains. Ye have seen this before, yes?" The man placed his hand on the table showing the crest with the 6 stars. Amos nodded briefly indicating to the man he had seen it.

"My name is Neldar, I am servant to he who has sent thee on this mission. I bring message from he who sent thee, first being that thou understand haste is of utmost importance. Time draws shorter every day."

Amos nodded, slightly irritated at the comment about being quick. "Aye, I been travelin' as fast as possib..."

Naldar cut him off, "But there is a second message, one thou must heed to above all else. Ye mustn't take the moongate to Britain." He waited a moment for reaction from Amos, and when none came, continued. "There is much ye do not know, nor would thou understand at this point. But know ye there is danger lurking about."

Amos now cut Naldar off and spoke with a hit of both sarcasm and anger, "Aye, I already met some of them there bandits along me path already."

"Foolish farmer!" Naldar said harshly, "Ye know nothing of the dangers which seek thou out! These being be not bandits, thieves, or crooks. These being are that of thous worst fears and nightmares. Beings of power which seek to destroy our cause. They are out seeking ye for thou art more important than ye know. This is why I have been sent to thee, to bring warning and guidance to thee."

Naldar paused a moment and gathered himself. "I have arranged a boat for thee. It twill set sail to the west of town near the Lyceaeum. From there, thee will sail 2 weeks into port in Britain to be met by 6 men in black robes who will take ye to the castle where thou shalt meet with Lord British and hand him the letter."

Amos waited a moment for Naldar to continue, when he did not, he asked, "What after I be meetin' with the King?"

"That is not for me to decide. Ye shalt receive further instruction from that point." Naldar arose from his seat and flicked his hood up over his head. "The Gods be with thee. Understand that what ye do is much more than ye will understand. But all will be made known soon. For this moment though, ye have a task to complete. Be well, Sir Amos."

And with that, Naldar turn and left the inn. Amos looked down regrettably at his food left untouched on his plate and sighed. He had so many questions they he knew wouldn't be answered at this point. What was this cause he was taking part in, who is this master he serves, and most importantly and troubling, who wanted to kill him? Amos stood, leaving the food at his table and walked out of the inn. He has lost his appetite from all that was going on and wished to be on his way and be done with this infernal journey. As he walked down the street to the west gate of Moonglow, he smiled to himself at the final honourific Naldar had left him with.

"No one has ever called me a Sir before", he thought to himself. Suddenly his day seemed a little brighter. So bright that he failed to notice the sky blackening to the west...
Pacific (98-02) - Mystic of FL
Catskills (03-08) - Roo Avery of VIT, T^B
UOSA - Amos Trask/Roo Avery of WTC

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Storm On The High Seas

Post by Corbin »

The storm tossed the boat around. Waves crashed against the large hull. The deafening thunder cracked and lightning lit the sky like daytime. The storm had raged for three days now and had not let up. Captain Rethar yelled through the noise, ordering his crewmen here and there. Amos stood on the deck, his hands wrapped around some leather straps attached to the fife rails. He had attempted to stay in the hull, but found the tossing and turning had made him very seasick. At least, he thought, if I lose my supper again, it will be washed right off the boat.

All the men looked close to collapsing. Three times they had traded out with the night crew, but no rest would come with the ship being tossed around like a child's play thing. How these men could keep this work up was beyond Amos, as he had been exhausted himself but spent most of his time just attempting to keep sea water out of his mouth when a wave hit rather than having to pull ropes or drop sails.

Amos turned as he heard the Captain shouting, "Turn four points to starboard Mr. Mathers! We dock in Nujel'm this night! I'll not have my boat at the bottom of the sea because these land rats couldn't keep their eyes open long enough to keep it afloat in this little rainstorm!"

The Captain knew it was more than a little rain storm and that his men were about to drop; he felt as if he would as well. He also knew that this storm was beyond common for this time of year, and that set his mind to worry. There were many sailors superstitions, and he tried endlessly to any that this would fit and none came to mind. He finally came to the conclusion that this was beyond natural and that it would be best to stay the night in the closest town till it passed; if it passed. He looked toward the main mast where a wet, scared farmer was clutching for his life to a small leather strap. He cracked a grin as he found the sight quite amusing.

A cry from the crows nest signaled that he had spotted land. The Captain walked to the side of the ship and pulled out his spyglass. He cursed silently to himself.

"Mr. Mathers", he called out, "It seems as if this storm has blown us off course. Turn two points to port. We'll be in Nujel'm within the hour."

It was then that he saw it as lightning stretched across the sky. To the left, a huge wave headed strait for the ship.

"Gods..." he muttered to himself. "Renegade wave to port! To stations!" he yelled as he tried to turn the ship to take the wave head on at the bow, but the wave was already too close. Men on the deck braced themselves as the monster wave came upon them. The wave captured the boat into it's huge maw and it climbed. Higher and higher they seemed to go until. Men in the rigging fell off into the water and debris from the deck followed not far behind. One man fell from the rigging and got caught in the ropes with one around his neck. Amos watched as the man stopped falling toward the water with a jerk as his now lifeless body hung in mid air. The boat was high upon the wave when the world suddenly seemed to flip over on them and they plummeted toward the cold water.

Life seemed to stand still for a moment, it somehow seemed to go silent. All the men aboard the ship could see is the quickly approaching sea beneath them. Many men said their prayers silently to the god of the sea, for hitting the water would be painful enough, but a large boat then falling atop them would surely be the end of them.

With a loud crash, the boat hit the water. The wood creaked and groaned in protest to the force of gravity pulling it down and the hull split into two. Men were crushed between water and ship, others flew off the sides and hit the water with a hard thud as if falling onto earth. Wood splinters impaled men and the sails drown others who avoided certain death by being crushed by the ship, only to have their route of escape covered with canvas.

And just as quickly as it happened, the night was once again quiet. The only sign there had been a ship was the debris it left behind...
Pacific (98-02) - Mystic of FL
Catskills (03-08) - Roo Avery of VIT, T^B
UOSA - Amos Trask/Roo Avery of WTC

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The Truth Revealed

Post by Corbin »

The fisherman sat along the docks, his line cast out into the sea as he fried up his first catch of the day for breakfast. The sky was a beautiful red and the formations of the clouds simply added to the beauty of the brisk morning. He smiled to himself remembering the old sailors proverb:

“Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning”

He silently went about doing the same as the old man had been doing for several years. Waking up in his hut at the end of town, and spending his day fishing along the docks. It was a simple life by any man's standards, but he had earned his retirement for years of service with the kings army. Once upon a time, he had been a soldier for the Nujel'm guard, and though most of his life was spent either training or in a watch tower, there were a few brutal times when he needed to use his training.

The old fisherman absently flipped his Mutton Snapper over on his little fire pit grill. Not his favorite fish to eat, but then, it was still early in the day and he had hours of fishing ahead of him. He didn't eat them all; occasionally people would come from town to see what his days catch was a purchase some. It was nice to have some coins in the purse to help pay for new rods when his would break or be lost out to sea.

With a click, the fisherman's rod signaled that something was pulling on his line. He casually walked back to his seat and began to reel in his next catch. The line grew taught as the fisherman pulled. With a splash of water and a cry, a man emerged from the water attached to the wrong end of the fishing line. The startled fisherman fell backwards at the unexpected catch. More men appeared at the shoreline; most of them hanging on to some sort of debris from the broken ship, others floated up dead as the tide pushed them ashore.

Amos' head poped up and he spat out sea water. He climbed up onto the shore gasping for air as he clawed his way across the sand. His body was friged and he knew he wasn't out of danger yet. His mind reeled with stories he recalled of men who would fall through ice and be rescued only to die later because they didn't get their bodies warm quick enough. For the moment though, he was happy to be out of the water. He was never a good swimmer and all that kept him from sinking was a piece of wood from the ships hull that he managed to hit when the boat capsized. Throughout the night, he kept his legs kicking toward the light of the town.

Of the eighty-eight men on the boat, only nine came ashore. Each of them now lay on the beach trying to soak up the heat from the morning sun. Each of them gasping for air and thanking the gods that their lives were spared, and saying a small prayer for each of the lives that weren't.

The fisherman ran down to the shore and examined the men. He ran back up for help and soon enough, the beach was buzzing with town guards and citizens alike helping the men to somewhere warm. It wasn't long before they were all asleep inside the inn.


Amos awoke before the others. His body still hurt and he felt fatigued, but he managed to stand and walk to where some bread and wine had been set up for them. It was then he realized how hungry he was and instantly grabbed for a chunk of honey laden bread and stuffed it into his mouth followed by a glass of wine. After he managed to swallow the huge chunk of bread, he took his glass and went outside. It was now nearing dusk and the sun was falling to the west.

"Now maybe you understand a portion of what you are up against", said a voice from behind Amos. He turned to see the man he had known only as the sorcerer leaning against the door frame to the inn. A little ways off was the mage, Naldar. He motioned Amos to follow and he fell into lock step with the sorcerer. Nothing was said as they walked through the city streets of Nujel'm.

They came to a building outside of the main city. A man dressed like Naldar, only with his hood over his head, opened the door and the three went inside the room. Inside three other men in robes stood. Candles lit the room and on the floor was a pentagram drawn in chalk with a candle at each point of the star. The door closed behind them, the robed man at the door remaining outside.

The sorcerer looked over at Naldar, "Seal it", the sorcerer said.

Naldar moved to the closed door and placed his hands on the crack between the door and wall. He said something Amos couldn't make out in a low voice and a bright light shown from Naldar's hand. The light lasted only a moment and when he moved it away, a seal with the crest of the 6 stars was left on the door. The sorcerer then led Amos into the pentagram and the four men surrounded them and joined hands. The sorcerer placed his hand on Amos shoulder and the men began chanting. Amos held his breath and the room changed colours around him and the four men disappeared. It was then he realized he was no longer in the same room, but somewhere else.

The sorcerer removed his grip from Amos and walked out of the pentagram to a small table with two chairs, two glasses, and a glass jug with amber fluid in it. The sorcerer took the two glasses and filled them with the amber liquid and motioned Amos to join him as he sat. Amos moved to the table and sat down.

"We may speak freely in here. This room has been prepared and no ears shall here from outside", said the sorcerer.

"Who are you?" asked Amos.

The sorcerer smirked slightly, "I figured that would be your first question. I suppose there is no harm in explaining, but know this first, there is much that will go unknown for now, for what you do not know you cannot tell." The sorcerers eyes seemed to go blank for the moment and he refocused on Amos and smiled, though it was more to cover up emotion, or so it seemed.

"My name is Darius Silden. I'm what you could call the leader of this conclave."

When nothing more was said, Amos asked, "And what be this group of men you lead?"

Darius seemed to consider his words for a moment, deciding how much he should tell Amos. "We are known as shadows. Though, our time for remaining there has come to an end. We are prophets and seers. We are servants of faiths long dead on this world. We are brothers whom speak in tongues the soil of the earth has not heard in eons. We are The Circle of the Stygian Star."

Amos was quiet for a moment attempting to understand what was being said. Finally after moments of quiet, he asked, "Why me?"

"Why not?" replied Darius. Amos looked unsatisfied with the answer, so Darius continued. "We needed someone to deliver this message. I found you among the fields while traveling and figured, who more pure and honest than a farmer to do this work? Our enemies would never consider it or look twice at a traveling farmer, and it would be harder for them to figure out it was you who was working for us. It was working as well, until recently of course."

"But this place", Amos motioned with his hands, "We bein' someplace else, not in Nujel'm."

Darius nodded, "Aye, we are back in the lands once lost on my island."

"That bein' an impressive feat, indeed. But why you not just be magically wiskin' yerselves to Britain instead of sendin' me?"

"Because that is what the enemy expects, Amos. If we could have use our arts to take this, we would have, but never for one moment underestimate the power of those who seek to destroy our sect. Had we used arts to take the letter to Britain, our enemies would have known and all would have then been lost. These people can sense magic being used. It is only that these rooms have been prepared to which we can freely use our arts to transport here. Had we not prepared them, we both would most likely be dead now."

Amos considered, "So why not you be sendin' one of yer men to Britain, make a room like this, and be transportin' this 'ere scroll yerselves? And even if ya did transport, the British army be on yer side, I am sure."

"Because, for one, if I sent one of my men to make a room, why would I not just send the scroll with him to begin with? No, they would have noticed him. We took great risk to even come to Nujel'm. We are under constant watch by the enemy. It's like a constant game of chess, we move, they counter. They move, we counter. It's been like this for as long as I can remember, and that, my friend, has been a very long time."

"And the armies? Why not be goin' to war?" asked Amos.

Darius finished the last of his brandy and sat the empty glass down on the table. He stood and walked back toward the pentagram. "Amos, we could have every soldier of every city line up on the battle field in full armor with newly sharpened swords, and these enemies would simply toss them into the sea as if they were rocks thrown by a little child. They are nothing to those we seek to counter."

Amos stood and left his untouched glass of brandy sit at the table. "Who be these enemies, Darius? And what be your cause against them?"

Darius looked toward the farmer who was worn out from all the events. He could feel Amos was weary from the travel and the events that have taken place. "Again, if I could tell you, I would. But that is for another time. One day you will understand. Soon, Amos. But not now. The less you know, the better. Just finish the task before you and all will be well."

Amos again looked unsatisfied and close to anger, "I be riskin' me neck for this stupid piece of parchment. I be deservin' to know what I be riskin' me life for! I know I can't be openin' this meself, so you will be tellin me what I be puttin' me life on the line for, or I be tossin' this to the sea and goin' home."

Darius walked quickly over to Amos and grabbed him by the shirt bringing his head close and locking eyes. "Yes, Amos, run back home. They know who you are now. They will follow you, they will torture you till they get everything they can from you, and when they feel like they have gotten all the information they can out of you, your family, your friends, and their friends, they will kill you all. And not just kill you, Amos, they will make you feel pain like you could never imagine. You will tell them to just kill you and they will laugh at you. They will enjoy watching you and yours suffer. Then they will burn your home to the ground out of spite, maybe even the whole city. You see, you can not back down now."

He pushed Amos back down into the chair. "It's not like I wished you to be part of this. If I could have spared you this, I would have. But it is needed, this is bigger than the both of us. And it is not by coincidence that we met. There is a plan neither you or I can comprehend. We both must do our parts."

Amos sat stunned, unsure of what to do next. He knew he was trapped by fate to finish this quest, even if he didn't like it. He closed his eyes and stood up. Without word, he walked back to the pentagram. Darius followed behind and placed his hand on Amos' shoulder. They appeared in back at the room in Nujel'm. The four mages were now gone from the room, the two of them walked towards the door. Darius spoke a word and the seal melted off the door and they walked outside. It was now the middle of the night, the air brisk off the sea.

"There will be a boat for you at the docks in the morning. Be there at sun up." Darius said as he walked back into the hut, closing the door behind.

Amos started his long walk to town. He would not sleep this night. He walked down every street in the city just thinking to himself about what was said. As he looked up, he saw the sun start to rise and he began walking toward the docks. The sooner he leave, the sooner this would end...
Pacific (98-02) - Mystic of FL
Catskills (03-08) - Roo Avery of VIT, T^B
UOSA - Amos Trask/Roo Avery of WTC

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The Journey Continues

Post by Corbin »

Amos stood at the bow of the ship. The wind blowing through his long hair and beard which gave him a slightly comical appearance. The week they had been at sea were thankfully uneventful. Amos had time to rest up and consider long and hard the words of Darius Silden. He knew there was no turning back on this journey, but he found it hard to bring himself to believe that there was no other options but to accept what fate had brought him to. He knew if he stopped now, he would be dead in a matter of days or weeks at best and that everyone he cared about would also be put in danger. He didn't fully understand the purpose or reasons for this journey, but he found that any question he had would be moot and pointless; for now at least.

Amos closed his eyes and breathed deep the cool sea air. He found himself actually enjoying the trip aboard the large ship, that is, after the countless hours he spent green faced and hanging over the side, though he doubted himself he could ever get use to the boat shifting beneath his feet. While he loved the sight of the ocean, the smells of the sea, the feel of the sea mist hitting his face, his body longed to be back on solid ground.

"We may make a sailor of you yet, Farmer." a voice came from behind.

Amos turned to see Captain Trask moving to stand beside him. From the start, Amos had taken a liking to the Captain. For one, they shared the same name of Amos, and there was just something in his demeanor that Amos found he liked. He could swear that the man was nothing more than a pirate, but none the less, he was enjoyable company when he wasn't screaming obscenities at his crew.

"I be doubtin' that I be built for it, Cap'n." replied Amos. "I be still havin' issues keepin' me meals in me belly."

Captain Trask bellowed a laugh, "Aye, that does take some time to get use to." He was quiet for a moment and looked out to sea, "Life can be hard sometimes, Farmer. We get put into situations we don't want to be in, don't understand why we're in, and wish we weren't in. It's part of being a man that makes us move forward without running back to our mothers looking for safety. Maybe that's why I enjoy being a sailor so much. The sea can be a rough bitch sometimes and your own existence is in the her hands, much like you experienced a week ago, or sometimes the winds favor a rogue crew of sea rats who want nothing more than to slit your throat and take your goods and you are forced to fight because you can't catch enough wind in your sails to get to safety. But it's moments like this that I can look out to sea, and just feel like I'm in the safety of home."

Amos nodded in understanding. "Aye, I be feelin' the same way when I be in the fields. The air, the smells, I be at the mercy of mother earth out there. Sudden storms can be poppin' up, floods can be comin', but the rest of the time it feels safe like me home."

Captain Trask patted Amos on the back, "We may be completely different, Farmer, but we sure understand one another pretty damn well. Just remember that things happen for reasons we may not understand, but we much trudge forward and not look back."

Amos nodded as Captain Trask headed back to the helm of the ship. Amos looked back and watched the Captain for a moment. He knew that the Captain was much more than he appeared to be, but that he was also right in what he was saying. That Amos must keep looking forward on this journey and not even consider any other option but to get to Britain. It was then that Amos saw on the hand of Captain Trask, the crest of six stars and wondered exactly how much this Captain knew about what was going on.


Darius Silden sat at his desk, his long quill writing quickly on the parchment. A small candle flickered at his desk illuminating the small area in the room. He dipped the quill into ink and continued writing as a knock came at the door to the large study. The door opened and Naldar entered the room carrying a torch which lit up the large room. Books could be seen on all walls like a library, only these books could never be found in one. Naldar walked across the room and placed the torch on a stand and sat before the desk.

"Everything is as thou asked, Master." said Naldar.

Darius looked up from his desk and nodded. "Good, we must now begin searching for those whom we need to join our cause. Tell our brothers to keep their wit about them and search each person they meet for the talent. Our Circle must grow if we are to survive the coming times."

Naldar looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Something on your mind, brother?" asked Darius.

"Aye", Naldar replied. "It is just that we of the Circle hath abode here for many centuries. It shalt be odd to be in a new place. It's... sad."

Darius nodded. "I understand, Naldar. We have lived here all our lives. To be somewhere new is an unnerving thought. But it's something we must do." Darius stared off into space for a moment, "We will always have this place as a refuge. Feel free to come and go here as you please. But our new home must be Cove. Now, return to our brothers and have them begin the search. The Circle of the Stygian Star must grow."

Naldar stood and bowed to Darius. He turned and removed his torch from the holder. As he moved to the door, he looked back upon the study. He closed his eyes a moment as if remembering, and all too quickly, the door was open and he left leaving the study with only the flicker of a small candle for light.


"Land Ho!" shouted the sailor from the crows nest. Captain Trask walked to the side of the ship and pulled out his spyglass looking at the small speck of land growing closer by the moment. Amos walked up to the deck and over to where the Captain was looking to the north. Captain Trask noticed Amos and gave a large smile.

"Good arvo, Farmer. You're just in time. We'll be heading in to shore tonight which means a good meal and a warm bed."

"We be in Britain already?" asked Amos.

Captain Trask laughed loudly, "No, not by a long shot. That is Vesper on the horizon. We're still a week or so out of Britain. This is the halfway point here and we need to restock."

Amos nodded and asked "Might we be stoppin' in Cove? I do wish to be seein' me wife. I've not seen her in nearly two weeks and I'm sure she be worried."

Captain Trask frowned, "Unfortunately, I don't think that would be a wise idea." Captain Trask leaned down to whisper in Amos' ear, "I don't believe you would wish to bring these dangers upon your people. If you're spotted in town by an agent of the enemy, think of what they might do to those you care about while you're not there to protect them."

Amos nodded again in understanding. Though he was sad to not be able to see his wife, he knew it could put his whole community in danger by going to see them.

The ship made port and the sailors were quickly at work unloading empty crates and barrels and restocking with filled ones. Amos and Captain Trask made for the local inn for food and a warm bed. The sailors would remain on the ship for the night, but Amos was happy to be back on dry land if only for one night. He quickly ate and was fast asleep within the hour.
Pacific (98-02) - Mystic of FL
Catskills (03-08) - Roo Avery of VIT, T^B
UOSA - Amos Trask/Roo Avery of WTC

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