Virutes, Griefing, and Friendly Advice

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Virutes, Griefing, and Friendly Advice

Post by Mardas »

I'd like to hit on a topic here that seems to be affecting a lot of people recently, especially new players.

There is Griefing and PKing on this server, a lot. There are also a lot of people that don't participate in this, but it is there, many would say there is a lot more of it now than ever in the real T2A era and that is is not T2A "accurate", but that is a topic for another thread.

What I want to talk about is how it affects the new player. The most negative and obvious way is through discouragement. Most weeks there are a post or two about how another player is leaving the shard after realizing that they will probably get killed hanging around dungeons and popular hot spots. This shard is not for the unwitting or the weak of constitution. Simple logic shows us that: Murderers Murder, Murderers need a Victim in order to Murder, and will go to places with people to Murder.

Similarly, Thieves steal Items from players, in order to Steal from a player said player needs Items available to Steal. If there are no Items available (and sometimes if they are not worthwhile items) the Thief cannot Steal.

If you think about these two things you'll make yourself much less of a target.

Another things to address that I believe is tied into Grief is the concept of community. The community is usually why we play, and what keeps players going after bouts with in game Grief. Some have said there is no community, and I will tell you that they have not tried looking for one. The list of guilds can be found here:
Hopefully this will open your eyes to the community that exists on this shard. (Not to mention, just read the forums, its pretty evident it exists.)

Beyond these two tidbits of information there are a plethora of guides to be found here on the forums and in the wiki to guide you through the early stages on t2a.

One last request: please stop telling us you've been griefed out of the game, if you've decided to leave you're not going to read a response on here that is going to make you change your mind.

Thank you, Good luck, and all the success.


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Re: Virutes, Griefing, and Friendly Advice

Post by nightshark »

I don't think the amount of PKing is any worse than it was in T2A, there was a lot more competition for resources in T2A and I remember being regularly rolled by large groups of players giving me almost zero opportunity to recall out. The proportion of blue players to red players is the biggest difference in community between now and then.

Players come to UOSA looking for some nostalgia and fun, but many have forgotten how harsh this world can be after more than a decade of playing watered down games. I have personally taken massive hits in my time playing here that made me consider quitting (if only for a moment). If a player wants to expect that everything will go right for them, they should go and play one of those watered down games.

My 2c
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Re: Virutes, Griefing, and Friendly Advice

Post by Stuck »

Even if the amount of PKing were worse here than any other shard, how do people suggest it be reduced? PKs already get more of a penalty here for being red than they do on any other shard in existence. How many other shards implement statloss? A good number of other shards treat reds just like permagreys except your name is red. I don't think PKing can be considered a problem here.

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Re: Virutes, Griefing, and Friendly Advice

Post by Mikel123 »

nightshark wrote:I don't think the amount of PKing is any worse than it was in T2A
It is about 20 times as worse. I guess I played more here than I did in T2A, but still... I would literally go weeks without seeing PKs on Chesapeake. I am not exaggerating. The lag and frequent disconnections were bad enough to a newbie wearing bone armor; I cannot imagine how intolerable they were for a PK in stat loss with no secondary account for gating. I know it's a foreign concept here, but reds back then actually ran their ghost to the chaos shrine to resurrect.

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Re: Virutes, Griefing, and Friendly Advice

Post by Malaikat »

I'm with nightshark on this one. I know on Cats we had some massive pk guilds that would do entire dungeon crawls, wiping out everyone in their path. I personally don't know that I ever kept a character blue except during the time they implemented factions...and I recall encountering other pks on a regular basis.
Save yourself the shame and embarrassment and just assume that if you can't understand're the one who's retarded.
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Re: Virutes, Griefing, and Friendly Advice

Post by Mardas »

Alright I think some of you are missing the point. The point is that regardless, there aren't PK's everywhere, and there are many safe places to hunt.

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