The Looting of Zeddmore

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The Looting of Zeddmore

Post by spkeck »

I was contacted real late or early last night by my friend Mrs. Buttersworth. She was on her locksmith doing her rounds when something happened at Moonglow Bank.

A gate appeared.

Gates often appear and many people go in them and they lead to no where awesome. THIS GATE was different. Zeddmore opened the gate and then opened the door to his newly acquired keep from Meradin only weeks ago. He took his character through the gate and into his keep but kept his keep gate open as he lagged to go from one character to another. While this was happening, little did he know that Lord Sean the locksmith stealthed into his keep.

Now, stealthing into a keep isn't a difficult feat, stealing and looting is. Most keeps have security measures out the wazoo. Zeddmore apparently recently moved in here and failed to properly secure his Keep and failed to lock down ANY of his stuff. After noticing the situation at hand, Lord Sean/Mrs. Buttersworth noticed that Zeddie Zedd was macroing and not paying attention most likely. So he called me on Skypie and we prepared for our massive loot. We only thought we would get one or two things before he noticed. Unforturnately, he didn't notice for nearly 40 minutes and we got almost his entire bottom floor. It was a grand adventure. Also, for good measure, we dropped back off his candelabras on his door step :). We wanted to give back. We surely appreciate his charity to the Buttersworth Gang. We just recently returned from about a year layoff and this was just what we needed to get going again. My name is I Scribe Stuff, but perhaps for this occasion I shall amend my name to We Steal Stuff. (more like everything)

It was an adventure indeed! We hold no ill will towards ZeddieZedd in fact we want to thank him! He has given us loads of loots to sell and just be proud of that we have. We thank you for being lax in your securities. We hope this tale will allow you, ZeddieZedd, to never leave your place unsecured again. Put yourselves in our foot, if in this situation would you have stolen everything? If you wouldn't, you are better people than us. Personally, we like free stuff, and other people doing all the work for us.

Main loots obtained---

Lootz -
A bank check for 5k
A virtually indestructible shovel
checkers (both colors)
35+ vanqs
75+ powers
200+ force (all smelted)
50+ Invulnerability gearz
100+ fortification
ID/invis/reflect items out the ass
Holiday gifts of all kinds
35k boards
40k ingots (varying colors, thanks for mining wife now get back to work)
colored shipwreck pillows (and a shit ton of shipwreck loot)
4-6k each reg
7k scrolls
T-map library
7k arrows

Here are before and after pictures of his looted place. As well as pictures of just a taste of what we obtained in the 40 minutes.





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Re: The Looting of Zeddmore

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

You should just start handing his things out to anyone who asks just to be funny
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: The Looting of Zeddmore

Post by spkeck »

archaicsubrosa77 wrote:You should just start handing his things out to anyone who asks just to be funny

We aren't mean or cold, just thieves, we do have ethical standards.

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Re: The Looting of Zeddmore

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

Ah you have plenty to sell, you should burn into him by playing a bit of Robin hood. I am not asking for anything. Maybe work with the NEW guild and treat them like fatherless orphans...and make your crusade against the stinking rich
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: The Looting of Zeddmore

Post by spkeck »

archaicsubrosa77 wrote:Ah you have plenty to sell, you should burn into him by playing a bit of Robin hood. I am not asking for anything. Maybe work with the NEW guild and treat them like fatherless orphans...and make your crusade against the stinking rich

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: The Looting of Zeddmore

Post by spkeck »

The adventure continued tonight, when, by chance we came across young xandy. Now, xandy died a horrible death because he never tried to recall he just walked a few fight and didn't try to run or escape or fight back. It was sadly. On him, was a runebook entitled "refresh book."

Inside this book was Zeddmore's small house. lol.

So his entire keep gets looted, his guild refresh book gets stolen, its a bad week for Zeddmore and the guild *F*
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Re: The Looting of Zeddmore

Post by Boxcar Sean »


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Re: The Looting of Zeddmore

Post by shonnie53 »

so now that you see where the houses are you want to let me make a copy of the book. so I can continue refreshing for the people I refresh for? They don't play they are all busy right now. lol so you can sit at them all day long and see. and most are not of the guild other people and my horse needed to be refreshed and would not let me get ahead of you to recall. lol and for the record books I am a she not a he and it is so sad when you kill a tamer. but this is why uo is the best game to play nothing is the same at any given time. lol.

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Re: The Looting of Zeddmore

Post by spkeck »

shonnie53 wrote:so now that you see where the houses are you want to let me make a copy of the book. so I can continue refreshing for the people I refresh for? They don't play they are all busy right now. lol so you can sit at them all day long and see. and most are not of the guild other people and my horse needed to be refreshed and would not let me get ahead of you to recall. lol and for the record books I am a she not a he and it is so sad when you kill a tamer. but this is why uo is the best game to play nothing is the same at any given time. lol.

you didnt need to get ahead of me to recall. you could of just kept spamming recall lol. i only harmed you once or twice and then used bolt you didnt even try recalling more than once. I didn't know you were a tamer, I just happened a long you looking for my friend. Wrong place, wrong time, I'm a bad PVPer so it was unfortunate for you. However, Mrs. Buttersworth's Gang are a bunch of really good thieves. Our specialty is thieving.

But no, I cannot give you the book back because we destroyed it lol. We destroy everything useless to us in our possession, I just posted it on here because Zeddmore's name was in it, and he had an awful week last week lol.

Also, one of the houses already fell I believe it was Zeddmore's small.

We aren't going to sit at the houses at all, we don't get on that often enough to do that. It's just fun that it is destroyed and no longer accessible to anyone lol.

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Re: The Looting of Zeddmore

Post by inkognito »

You wouldn't also happen to be "I pick stuff" also? If so, sorry for a recent mishap near the moonglow bank. I hate to assassinate another thief in such a manor. Either way, nice score and welcome back.
Li Meiyang wrote:Banned for"trashtalking for no reason"
Inkognito was flamebaiting me with all the "no" stuff.WTF is that?
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Re: The Looting of Zeddmore

Post by spkeck »

inkognito wrote:You wouldn't also happen to be "I pick stuff" also? If so, sorry for a recent mishap near the moonglow bank. I hate to assassinate another thief in such a manor. Either way, nice score and welcome back.

actually no im not i pick stuff lol haha just i scribe stuff.

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