C^V Town Add-Ons

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Re: C^V Town Add-Ons

Post by inkognito »

Wasn't it about two years ago? I'm sure some sort of compensation would've been in order. I assume you did report it right away. Who answer ed that page if you don't mind me asking?

If i recall correctly, that tent is total nostalgia to me and my buddies when we first hit uosa in 09. We for sure sunk million of gold into those vendors.
Li Meiyang wrote:Banned for"trashtalking for no reason"
Inkognito was flamebaiting me with all the "no" stuff.WTF is that?
Inkognito●GM Provocation

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Re: C^V Town Add-Ons

Post by Light Shade »

Boomland Jenkins wrote:Comparing DG’s town to MYM’s arena is not a fair comparison. MYM’s arena (at the time especially) was / is used commonly by many players from many guilds. MYM’s town itself lost their roads and their in-house teleporter for the area was moved outside, ensuring it’s publicly accessible.
To say that the Library, CTF Towers, and the Dueling Tower and Meeting Hall were not being used actively by the players is contrary to the Number of visits that was increasing steadily on the buildings. It is also contrary to the events that were being ran. Just because members did not request the Staff's involvement in the activities and the Staff was out of touch with the activities that were going on does not mean that things were not going on. This brings me back to my previous comments to the effect that ANY attempt on the Staff members part to contact ANYONE in the guild would have probably cleared this up. Unfortunately, the staff did not make any attempt to contact the Guildmaster of the guild...let alone any of the guild members. Furthermore, to say that a public Rune Library was not used by members of many guilds is just foolish and 100% contrary to the facts.

I agree with you on 1 Point: "Comparing DG’s town to MYM’s arena is not a fair comparison." DG had more to offer than JUST a PvP Dueling Arena. It had an excellent rune library, A Dueling Arena, a CTF arena, and ACTUALLY had RECENT events hosted by a member of the guild ran in its town. MyM was no where's near as active and multi-faceted as the DG Guild in a recent time-frame. It is true that there was no comparison.
Boomland Jenkins wrote:DG lost their roads after being inactive as a guild for a good year+. DG's docks and pathway + bridge to the town (from the main road) remained in tact until LightShade (I'm assuming) re-deeded all the houses in the area after being upset that the main road and lamp posts were removed.
First off, DG simply was not inactive. Again, a mistake that could have simply been avoided if ANY Staff member had tried to contact ANY guild member. No attempts were actually made.

The statement that DG was inactive is contrary to the entire redecorating of the Guild Town that was done. It is contrary to the guild sponsored events that were ran. It is contrary to the updates that were done to the Library. It was contrary to the public nature of the buildings that allowed any guild to use them. It was also contrary to the aid that DG members gave to running events to other guilds/players out of their DG Town homes. It was further contrary to the new members added to the guild shortly before their removal and old players returning shortly before their removal. Again, the Staff was ignorant of the facts "on the ground" and was out of touch. Something that could have simply been rectified with any attempt to contact the Guildmaster or anyone in the guild. No attempt was made.

I did not make the decision to give up on the Staff and re-deed the houses. It was a group decision that I was actually against. We chose to not keep refreshing them and to drop them AFTER the staff did what they did and upset enough of the rest of the active members of DG to get them to stop caring. To the members of DG, the removal of the town add-ons was how the Staff responded to us redecorating the town and running events. It was a COMPLETE disconnect.
Boomland Jenkins wrote:Everything that was removed was decor of non-functionality which blocked landscape in areas where guilds were not active or even trying to show a presence of being a guild-town. Every town kept something from their previous state. No guild town was wiped off the map.
I'm not sure that this is accurate regarding DG Town's lined row of houses. They were all in a pretty neat line. There was clear access around all of the buildings. No different houses were allowed to be placed there than were already able to be placed there prior to their removal.
Boomland Jenkins wrote:Maybe I should have asked guilds before removing anything from their towns, or maybe these guilds should have stayed active and shown that their cluster of houses are actually a town and not a bunch of vacant or inactive player homes being refreshed. Removing roads opened up space for land and removed many awkward road placements that visually didn’t make sense because of house decay/house placements.
Again, this was not the case with DG's Town. Houses in neat little rows with the roads in front of them as they always were. The housing in DG town was pretty much the same as it always had been in relation to the roads. Numerous screenshots can and do back this up. Again, there was simply a disconnect with the Staff here when it came to DG town's activity. You can ATTEMPT to claim that it was a lack of activity on the guild's part, but the real problem here was a lack of Due Diligence on the Staff's part. Again, simply asking someone in the guild would have solved this problem. It would have alerted the Staff to what was going on all along. Perhaps it even would have lead to Staff involvement in the events that DG was running and would have increased player participation. Alas, no attempt was made.
Boomland Jenkins wrote:As far as I know, C^V is still up in it's old condition because at the time of decay, they were the only guild still out and about, using their "town" and actually appearing to have a presence and a sense of community.
This is the comment that cracks me up the most as I have been the most active member of C^V for years now. You had the "activity" of DG and C^V COMPLETELY backwards. I AM the Guildmaster of DG and I am on the Counsel of C^V. DG was FAR more active than C^V. Again, if ANY attempt had been made on the Staff's part to talk with members on the ground, MISTAKES like this would not have been made. I can only laugh at this comment as it truly shows me how out of touch the Staff was on this.
Boomland Jenkins wrote:I should also mention that it was at the partial request of Derrick, to clean up inactive areas. If you need to be reminded to be active, to maintain a "blessing", then you're being active for totally the wrong reasons.
Again, it wasn't a reminder to the members to be more active that was needed, it was a reminder to the Staff that the members were actively doing things for the shard that was needed. A situation that would have been remedied had any Staff member made any attempt at all to contact any member. Sadly, no attempt was made.
Boomland Jenkins wrote:For now, it sounds like we'll be drafting up some type of policy to dictate the future of both current and new "town add-ons" for guilds. Until then, nothing is being touched.
Good. Hopefully mistakes like this can be prevented in the future. Unfortunately, your mistakes upset the members of DG enough that they have no intention of returning. Hopefully everyone can learn something from this. Certainly the players should be more active "tooting their own horns" about their involvement in the shard just to make sure the staff isn't oblivious to their actions. The policy on Add-Ons certainly could use a LOT of clarifying and a LOT more attention provided to the passive services that are offered, such as Rune Libraries. It seems that most of the attention for perceived "activity" is solely directed towards dueling tournaments which are accessed quite infrequently by players, whereas Rune Libraries are something of constant use.

Just my .02.

Flame on!


...and to the Memories!

The C^V / DG Chronicles of Adventures

A simple reality check here is that you had people that were interested in helping the shard, that had a LONG history of helping the shard, and were actively working on helping the shard...and you just discouraged them from it.

This shard needs built up. Stop tearing it down. The area is now dead.

At the end of the day, no good came of these actions.

[20:08] <@Kaivan> We have a ridable Maahes in Green Acres.
[10:00] <TheBreadman> leeds did a takeover on secondage
[10:00] <@Derrick> hax

Tom: Get bad bro

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Re: C^V Town Add-Ons

Post by Soma »

How long did you spend writing that, and how many tears fell in the process?
Please choose a more appropriate signature.

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Re: C^V Town Add-Ons

Post by Jay »

Light Shade wrote:At the end of the day, no good came of these actions.
not true that was pretty funny. +1 to staff for owning DG

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Re: C^V Town Add-Ons

Post by Wychethyl »

Well, for what it's worth - I used to rune library extensively and was surprised and dismayed to see it go along with the town. I bumped into it with my first char very soon after I started playing. Most of my characters had a rune for it, and though I found other libraries I preferred the DG set. Plus, I would regularly encounter other players there - which was a nice bonus.

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Re: C^V Town Add-Ons

Post by Light Shade »

Jay wrote:
Light Shade wrote:At the end of the day, no good came of these actions.
not true that was pretty funny. +1 to staff for owning DG
Its kinda sad that you would find it amusing given all the help that this guild gave to the shard over the years.

You, Sir, are part of the problem with this server.

I refer you to this thread: Harsh Comments
[20:08] <@Kaivan> We have a ridable Maahes in Green Acres.
[10:00] <TheBreadman> leeds did a takeover on secondage
[10:00] <@Derrick> hax

Tom: Get bad bro

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Re: C^V Town Add-Ons

Post by Jay »

and I refer you to this video.

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Re: C^V Town Add-Ons

Post by Light Shade »

Wychethyl wrote:Well, for what it's worth - I used to rune library extensively and was surprised and dismayed to see it go along with the town. I bumped into it with my first char very soon after I started playing. Most of my characters had a rune for it, and though I found other libraries I preferred the DG set. Plus, I would regularly encounter other players there - which was a nice bonus.
Thank you for saying this.
[20:08] <@Kaivan> We have a ridable Maahes in Green Acres.
[10:00] <TheBreadman> leeds did a takeover on secondage
[10:00] <@Derrick> hax

Tom: Get bad bro

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Re: C^V Town Add-Ons

Post by farnk »

i had sex in the dg rune lib back in 09

oh the memories...

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Re: C^V Town Add-Ons

Post by MatronDeWinter »

Why is this even an argument? I mean really.. If you don't play and you have a bunch of stuff, you should sell it and bank the loot, or let it fall. Nobody cares how "historical" your rune library, guild house, duel pit, or whatever is. When 1 rune library falls, another quickly takes it's place. This is doubly so, for GM placed stuff.

Preserve your history through your actions on the shard, and forum posts detailing your actions. This creates content for the site as well as a name for yourself. If you aren't playing, let your crap decay so new players can have a chance at some prime real-estate, and so if you start playing again, you have new goals, and stop being a bitter prude over e-stuff. I've let at least 5 huge properties decay with almost everything I own except gold over the past many years. Every time I start playing again, I have a new Castle or whatever I need in a week or two, your life will go on long after your e-castle drops.

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