We need change, for the sake of the server.

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by tekai »

And so this is how it ends? with spittle flying from Keivan's mouth as he defends his core goal with everything he has against everyone.

Hey Keivan, can I have all kill please? we all know it was era accurate, even without proof.


I think the best thing to do for more population is simply to wipe the server, but theres another thread for that too..
[broken image]

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by Soma »

Server wipe would be interesting... wonder if the population would drop, or increase?
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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by Elph »

Really a server wipe would be the last step towards era accuracy. With everything made era-accurate, if everything were deleted that was involved in the time when things were less than era accurate, it would be complete.

And also there would probably be no more players.

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by Budner »

I would leave. Then again I rarely play, so what would be the harm?

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by Bicchus Dicchus »

Wiping UOSA once all accuracies are met would be absolutely neccessary for a revival.
There are too many things grandfathered in from times when things weren't era-accurate.

Wiping the shard now, before the goal is reached, is not going to happen.

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by HardCore »

^^agreed^^ If you haven't been researching what could be missing in regards to our era accurate T2A shard, get crackin landlubbers! We all use to be great at submitting our evidence which led to updates. It's been awhile....

About Second Age. What are we all doing here?
Since inception, the goal, vision and rationale of even creating this accurate T2A era shard has been very simple but unique:

We aim to replicate the T2A era as best we can and within technical limitations as a whole.
We do not intend to ever change any aspect of normal game play to particularly favor any play style or to protect or further expose any players to the in-game risk that was a large part of this era.
We will especially not pull aspects of other eras into this one, even with an overwhelming demand of players.
We believe that "proper" game play can only be achieved by taking the era as a whole and accept it for what it was. Tampering with the era in hope of achieving balance is not something that we will do, nor do we believe is achievable across all play styles. Diversity of players and play styles is a necessity of a healthy shard. Every type of play depends on another, and this is why UO is absolutely the greatest MMORPG ever crafted.

With that said, we do still continue to strive to become more correct and true to the era. Player feedback and research is a big part of this process. We don't claim to have everything perfect yet, but we do continue to actively work towards that goal.

We recommend client version, but all client versions above are supported. If you do not have your UO installation CDs, you can download a modern client from the downloads section, here. We have a guide on the forum, here, to assist you with downloading, installing, and connecting to Second Age.
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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by Onslaught- »

There are actually a couple things notably that stand out to me about era accuracy. There are two things I played on OSI that I know some things about. One being a dexxer, and the other being a tamer. The "all kill" command worked exactly how it states. It commanded all your pets to attack your target. It was not how it is now on secondage but they claim it was. The other would be the bladespirit/magic resist exploit which i know existed but they have refused to integrate into the server.

As someone who has well over 7 years of history on this server, I would welcome a server wipe.

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by Loathed »

here's a good change that all could do (including myself) LOG IN! BAN those that need to be banned- including corrupt seer/gm Yes thanx. /rant off.

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by Smackage »

I agree with server wipe. No one to play with at the moment when I run around. I am from the UK but before there were a lot of people on when I played and now there just is nothing to do bar farm gold.

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by Smackage »

I agree with server wipe. No one to play with at the moment when I run around. I am from the UK but before there were a lot of people on when I played and now there just is nothing to do bar farm gold.

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by inkognito »

Winter is coming... :wink:
Li Meiyang wrote:Banned for"trashtalking for no reason"
Inkognito was flamebaiting me with all the "no" stuff.WTF is that?
Inkognito●GM Provocation

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by Anarcho »

tekai wrote:Hey Keivan, can I have all kill please? we all know it was era accurate, even without proof.
I'm not sure if this is sarcastic or not, but I'm addressing this as I've heard this many times recently from different people.

There are few things that are more conclusively researched and backed by evidence (and countless player posts from the era in newsgroups) than the "all" prefix on targetable pet commands. I am 100% confident that it did not operate as some suggest (all pets responding) and it's really just beating a dead horse at this point.

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by tekai »

It was sarcasm due to me being the main reason it was so well researched. Look you can't take patch notes as gospel. All of the main tamers, as in people who were GM tamers in T2A have come and said it worked. Your "evidence" and "research of news groups" doesn't prove anything, you were probably not a tamer. Dead horse or not, you are wrong and every real tamer has said so over the last 8 years. Unfortunately short of a time machine we will never know, and I realize that you won't be changing it, for your own reasons.

I was just putting in an elbow because I like harassing Kevian and his unbend-able ways. He likes to debate and show how smart he is, and I like to make him put in effort to make people believe his way of thinking. The server is dead because it is no longer fun, and its no longer fun because of Keivan's end server goal.

I put a LOT of effort into making this server T2A accurate, most of my posts are from the era accurate forum, and I myself spent 100s of hours on patch notes and news group research.

Just because you guys are admins, and maybe pay the bills to the server doesn't make you any more important then us players who worked towards making this server great. You guys are now dressing up like Kings and saying "MY WORD IS LAW" to the detriment of the server. Sorry but that deserves to be mocked, the only thing you guys haven't done is make favorites with certain members, otherwise we would have a metropolis situation all over again to the laughs of the community. You are still not making changes that the community wants based on personal beliefs and we have every right to complain about that.

Mechanical accuracy doesn't mean that you can't use the more enjoyable parts of runUO.
[broken image]

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by azheman »

*Azheman begins taming a dead horse*

"Here dead horse"

"I've always wanted a pet like you"

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Re: We need change, for the sake of the server.

Post by Anarcho »

tekai wrote:Just because you guys are admins, and maybe pay the bills to the server doesn't make you any more important then us players who worked towards making this server great. You guys are now dressing up like Kings and saying "MY WORD IS LAW" to the detriment of the server. Sorry but that deserves to be mocked, the only thing you guys haven't done is make favorites with certain members, otherwise we would have a metropolis situation all over again to the laughs of the community. You are still not making changes that the community wants based on personal beliefs and we have every right to complain about that.

Mechanical accuracy doesn't mean that you can't use the more enjoyable parts of runUO.
I am sorry you feel that way, but no staff have ever expressed such sentiments.

You may recall that there was a very long debate on the forums to correct the "all" prefix on pet commands in the first place. This is not something Kaivan, Derrick or anyone just enacted off the top of their head.

If you feel you have evidence to the contrary not contained within that thread, or others, feel free to bring the information to our attenion; we have a forum dedicated to such matters.
