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Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:51 am
by Stargazer
I don't agree at all with you above mate. I think that if you build it, they will come. You need to make yourselves accessable to young players. Offer up armor that's extremely cheap so that the newbies aren't stuck with the bone AR they find in the GY.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:58 am
by Stargazer
Derrick wrote:Thanks for this topic. I'm feeling the same way about mechanics, and have been trying to focus more on content. Although little things to fix do still seem to come up a lot :)

Derrick, I want to address you directly here, as this conversation is quickly falling into stagnation. What do you think about the content versus era accuracy? Do you agree that certain things shouldn't be era accurate in effort to make a better server? Like the useless skills ot weapons for example. I was hoping you would respond to my post on page 1 regarding this so we in the community can get a feel for what your stance is on this. Is there even a point in having this conversation? Is there a possibility of starting a movement for new content instead of era accuracy? I think everyone agrees that the ruleset is perfect, so far as being Fel only, thieves, PKs, etc. I draw back to the recent vendor dressing changes as an example of something that should not have been changed for era accuracy, because that was the most recent change that I feel should not have been put in place.

Please don't feel that I'm calling you out in any way. I love this server. I am thankful that you've built this environment for us.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:11 am
by archaicsubrosa77
Alot of changes come from the players themselves, for good or for ill if they prove it accurate the change goes in as much as anyone would hate to see it altered in some cases.

In other cases the changes can be blessings in disguise or plain outright awesome.

Some people are just party crashers in my opinion, I agree with you on that. I dont see why you couldnt dress a vendor. Even now I think it had always been possible but because no one caught on they decided to make more user friendly menus for it back in the day.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:28 am
by Orsi
I believe we are missing an entire aspect of achieving T2A era accuracy, and that is enforcing, encouraging, replicating the policies and environment that was then. It isn't a matter of technology being better now, it is more about using the technology we have in the right way.

As pointed out in other threads, what is the point of having stat loss for reds? So that there is a huge penalty for dying and to encourage players to become order/chaos. Why is that not possible here? People have access to 3 accounts. They can have one to macro off their red in the background while they play on another separate account, totally undermining the sole reason why stat loss was even implemented.

We need to know the reasons why OSI implemented certain features and their effects on the era. If we have the same features, but not the same effects then why even implement them? We can also use this way of thinking to progress past just correcting discrepancies and more towards content creation.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:29 pm
by Derrick
For good or ill, the number one goal of this shard has been mechanical accuracy. Not accuracy so much in the sence of how many fire elementals spawned in Deciet, but accuracy of the completeness and correctness of in game systems; such as can we sail boats under bridges, how crappy are these crafting menus, and what can you chat with NPC's about. So changing skills to make them more useful is completely contrary to that sadly.

A secondary goal is World accuracy, this involves the number of fire elementals in Deciet, but since things like this may have varied from shard to shard there is some leniency available here.

Achieving social accuracy I believe is much akin to repeatedly bashing your head against a tree in terms of pleasure and reward. I think we do somewhat approach social accuracy, as when I read the threads in our forums, many of the complaints are the same as were posted in Usenet in era... Too many PK's, can't kill anyone, need more content, the economy sucks, even "all these 3rd party apps are unfair", etc. (OSI did a lot of bashing their heads into trees in 1999). However it was my initial concept that to have an in-game society that is anything like what it was during the time of T2A on OSI, the mechanics have to be complete, and this even i8ncludes the constant sound of scissors cutting cloth in town.

Those are my thoughts.

What I hope to see come of this thread is not a rehash of how many accounts and connections a person should have, there are already 5 other active threads on that issue. What I hope to learn is what kind of in-game content within the bounds of a T2A era feel will keep the shard alive and interesting.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:06 pm
by Duke Jones
Alot of accuracies in this game can only be achieved through the player community itself. That's the fundamental nature of MMOs.

Derrick and co. can only do so much on their side to replicate the social situation in T2A, the responsibility for that has to be with the players. However, the devs can certainly guide the community, though.

In short, one cannot force growth to happen; One can only allow growth.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:16 pm
by Derrick
I agree with this very much. A lot of the things that can best enhance the shard come from the players. We have a relatively large contingent of players who are very active in making things happen in the world with minimal or more ofter no help from staff, although we are usually very willing to help with well thought out and planned events.

The best solutions to gameplay issues are always player solutions if possible.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:45 pm
by Duke Jones
I know it seems that I'm a hypocrite by saying what i just posted while campaigning for policy to restrict/remove automated gameplay. Believe me, the concept has NOT escaped me.

I only want what I personally believe is for the greater good of the community and game as a whole. It's not for some selfish ends. To be honest, i would gladly burn down my large 2-story, sink my boat, give away my measly possessions I call a fortune and delete my characters if it would be best for UOSA and the community.

But I'm only one player, so its frustrating sometimes knowing how limited I am in that sense.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:54 pm
by zzyzx
Duul al'Vath wrote:
Stargazer wrote: -The Blacksmith
I knew many players who were smiths. A L L they did was sit at the smithys, especially N.Britain, and repair people's shit for a fee and tips. Why isn't that here on UOSA? What can we do to make that a viable playstyle?
I was a frequent fixture on Chesapeake at the N. Brit forge and the Delucia forge. There aren't enough actual players (500 online accounts is a bit misleading) to require that kind of presence at the forges.
No, it is because everyone who wants/needs a blacksmith has one since they have FIFTEEN CHARACTERS at their disposal.

*Sorry Derrick, just saw your post above stating not to go there, but I feel this is a direct answer to the question of why we don't see a BS manning the forge and anvil in Brit.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:09 pm
by chumbucket
I'm curious what you mean by adding content, Derrick?

One thing that I seem to recall is GMs occasionally taking on the role of superpowered types and just randomly appearing at popular loctions. They would be Shadowlords, etc. I remember about 200 people outside Trisnic trying to take down a guy in really dark plate armor. I snagged a piece when he died. heh.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:26 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
Sentinel wrote:More random town invasions!
Totally, more town invasions possibly even dungeons that invade other dungeons too, or dungeons that invade dungeons forcing that dungeon spawn out of the dungeon's enterance that force the land creatures to invade or.... :lol:

Actually random spawns in quantity every once in awhile in places where they are naturalized would be a nice change. Like Whoah how are there (x) balrons etc. here? OMG why are they spawning so quickly?

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:15 pm
by Sentinel
I'm all for GMs randomly spawning as super powerful avatars that need at least 20 players or a small unit of dragons to take them down.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:11 am
by Mantis Atlantis
Duul al'Vath wrote:
Stargazer wrote: -The Blacksmith
I knew many players who were smiths. A L L they did was sit at the smithys, especially N.Britain, and repair people's shit for a fee and tips. Why isn't that here on UOSA? What can we do to make that a viable playstyle?
I was a frequent fixture on Chesapeake at the N. Brit forge and the Delucia forge. There aren't enough actual players (500 online accounts is a bit misleading) to require that kind of presence at the forges.
That's exactly right. It's just a big waste of time to sit at the forge hoping for business, so that makes it not a viable playstyle. But to Derrick's point...
Derrick wrote:A lot of the things that can best enhance the shard come from the players. We have a relatively large contingent of players who are very active in making things happen in the world with minimal or more ofter no help from staff...

...the best solutions to gameplay issues are always player solutions if possible.
Just because an item or playstyle isn't viable doesn't mean it doesn't mean it isn't valuable. All it takes is one person to fulfill that role and be the GM smithy working the field or that guy who seriously thinks his hammer pick is the best thing ever.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:15 pm
by Ooompa Loompa
Another vote for town invasions. I didn't start playing UO until late in 99, but I remember when I did start there was like a 4 month long thing going on where tons of creatures spawned in Britain every hafl hour or so, and guards did not kill them.

It would also be cool to see you add a few more quests added into the shard too. Perhaps some a little more involved, with more danger and the possibility of GREAT reward(quests that give trophy pionts as a reward a small percentage of the time maybe....I dunno, just tyring to think outside the box)

I'm fishing right now, and this just came to me.....maybe it's dumb, but could there be some soft of boat racing thing as an clue on the details, just sounded kind of entertaining.

Re: T2A Accuracy: Progress and Discussion

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:47 pm
by Ooompa Loompa
Also another suggestion for era accuracy would be to disable multi clienting. I'm not sure if this is something you can easily do, but it was very illegal in the days of OSI. I knew a couple people who got banned for it. If this has been suggested before and you have decided to leave it as is, then please disregard.