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Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:03 pm
by Psilo
Sandro, the reason I have so many counts is from killing blue alts of known pks or killing blues who are simply a part of a PK guild OR killing griefers OR looters and the list goes on.....

I guarantee you none of my murder counts are from killing someone without reason and good judgment.
Blue pk/grief guild eh????....LOL simply take a look at the uosecondage page....simply type ACE under guild search....count how many "murderers" we have....then mention "blue pk"...LOL i laugh at your claims rp boy
I know, most of ACE is red. Let me clarify something. Any blues in pk guilds are seen as the same as a red. We aren't stupid, a blue who is in ACE or RIP is probably just an alt or a friend who griefs and helps that guild. Obviously there are no innocents in these guilds, so that's why you'll see me attacking you on sight no matter what color you are if I know you're a part of ACE, RIp ect. or wear the tag.

Okay, have I made myself clear now? 8)

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:58 pm
by Mikel123
Murder is murder. Killing innocents is killing innocents. If you have 40+ kills, you're definitely not anti-PK. You're anti-whatever you feel like being anti. And you're a murderer of a different kind.

You're a hypocrite. If you truly killed every blue "alt", you'd be red by now. Which would invalidate your entire supposed purpose. But you don't. You kill blues when it is convenient to you, and that is when you're able to do so and stay below 5 counts and remain blue.

What if I kill looters and pk alts, like you... but I happen to kill 5 within one particularly nasty day? Now I'm red. Do you attack me on sight? You could, but you'd then be attacking someone with the same "virtue" or "morals" as yourself.

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:19 pm
by Psilo
Mikel123 wrote:Murder is murder. Killing innocents is killing innocents. If you have 40+ kills, you're definitely not anti-PK. You're anti-whatever you feel like being anti. And you're a murderer of a different kind.
If that's what you think, then whatever. Despite your outlook on my guild, whenever we go into dungeons people welcome us because they know we're there to protect adventurers and kill any reds lurking around.
You're a hypocrite. If you truly killed every blue "alt", you'd be red by now.
It's called macroing off counts.
But you don't. You kill blues when it is convenient to you, and that is when you're able to do so and stay below 5 counts and remain blue.
Obviously it's only convenient for me to kill a fake blue when I have a count to spare. Otherwise I'd go red, which I don't want...thanks for pointing out the obvious... :?
What if I kill looters and pk alts, like you... but I happen to kill 5 within one particularly nasty day? Now I'm red. Do you attack me on sight? You could, but you'd then be attacking someone with the same "virtue" or "morals" as yourself.
Listen. If you were ACTUALLY an anti pk and went red on accident then that's fine. If I see a red and they shout "WAIT, I went red on accident I am not a pk ." then I would spare that player, speak with them about their actions and then give them the benefit of the doubt usually.

Yes, Zsv operates under their own morals and own views of the world. We aren't upholders of Lord Brittish's laws or the virtues. We do what we think is for the better good, I'm sorry if you don't like the way we go about things. :shock:

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:21 pm
by Sir Vellucius
Under the thread topic to recruit Knights of true virtue, I must intervene, fellow adventurers.

Psilo, lad, ye need ta reconsider what yer sayin'. There is such a thing as mercy, and by the way of karma, a blue character, no matter how dastardly, still has been judged and is given a chance of salvation, but not by us; by the one God who comes to drive out the many gods. He still constitutes this soul worth saving until all hope is lost (player goes red)... Even you yourself are being given the chance of true salvation, murdering those who ye've not the right to judge (assuming ye are not a murderer already).

You must truly look into the virtues and what Lord British has asked of his loyal patrons; patrons as ye and myself. There is untempered rage behind yar words, me friend. If ye are to truly judge anothers soul, then ye must use Truth tempered by Love. They are the principles of the virtue Justice. Truth, being told by the characters "flag" and particular situation, and love to fairly judge those who deserve mercy, punishment or - forgiveness.

It is my duty as a Knight under the virtue of Valor to remind ye of your very own virtue, fellow knight. Forget not Compassion before ye judge those who ye've no right to.

As fer the rest of the political heresay that everyone is bickering about, let it be known to all here in the tavern that the Champions of the Ankh play no part in these trivial reputation disputes nor shall we be found lingering within the disturbing ring of social corruption.

Think of us more as an independant religion than one of these political parties that ye all seem to have created. We are founded on a strong system of faith, truth, love and courage that has been formulated by Lord British - the virtues. If anyone knew anything about the history of your very own lands, ye would find that spreading virtue to every citizen is the only way to set the realm of reality and time back in order... This bickering does nothing but slow down the actual quest that Lord British has given us (and so many say they fight for!).

Go back to your keeps, your castles, your gold and your horses, noblemen, lest ye have something worth adding or contributing to the real topic at hand - Knight recruitment.

*Sir Vellucius wedges a longsword into the wooden floor of the Tavern with might, freeing his hand to lift a mug of hot grog to his curled lips.*

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:23 pm
by Psilo
I appreciate what you do Sir Vellucius *grin*.

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:22 am
by Sir Vellucius
Psilo wrote:I appreciate what you do Sir Vellucius *grin*.
And I appreciate your contribution as well, friend. Your nobility surpasses your pride, good sir Knight... It is reassuring to know that virtue still resides in those beyond our own enclave of knights. There still may be hope for Lord British's quest yet.

*Salutes you with honor*

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:18 am
by Dionysus0
MatronDeWinter wrote:
Dionysus0 wrote:I would like to think that Zsv is more of postmodern anti-grief guild, not heavy handed or formalistic with duties and rank. We have a preference against griefing and commit to stop or at least abstain from griefing, but won't say there is an absolute moral right or wrong (such as your guild), just differing perspectives. Without guilds like Zsv, UO would be overrun with grieffers, and make the shard a lot less diverse and enjoyable.
Are you kidding me?
A fitting response for your question: No.

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:20 am
by Dionysus0
Sir Vellucius wrote:
Dionysus0 wrote:I would like to think that Zsv is more of postmodern anti-grief guild, not heavy handed or formalistic with duties and rank. We have a preference against griefing and commit to stop or at least abstain from griefing, but won't say there is an absolute moral right or wrong (such as your guild), just differing perspectives. Without guilds like Zsv, UO would be overrun with grieffers, and make the shard a lot less diverse and enjoyable.
I believe the fine line of difference here in which ye speak is the Roleplay factor, my friend. I'm nay too familiar with the roles of other guilds, nor will I probably become very involved in their affairs either, but I can tell ye that in a community there is diversity. What we both offer players is similar, but not the same. Casual gameplay and roleplay are two entirely different experiences of the same instance. You offer one, we offer the other. Aye?
Concurred. I was thinking of Nietzsche and the evolution of Western Philosophy when I was writing this.

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:38 pm
by KydVicious
Sir Vellucius wrote:Under the thread topic to recruit Knights of true virtue, I must intervene, fellow adventurers.

Psilo, lad, ye need ta reconsider what yer sayin'. There is such a thing as mercy, and by the way of karma, a blue character, no matter how dastardly, still has been judged and is given a chance of salvation, but not by us; by the one God who comes to drive out the many gods. He still constitutes this soul worth saving until all hope is lost (player goes red)... Even you yourself are being given the chance of true salvation, murdering those who ye've not the right to judge (assuming ye are not a murderer already).

You must truly look into the virtues and what Lord British has asked of his loyal patrons; patrons as ye and myself. There is untempered rage behind yar words, me friend. If ye are to truly judge anothers soul, then ye must use Truth tempered by Love. They are the principles of the virtue Justice. Truth, being told by the characters "flag" and particular situation, and love to fairly judge those who deserve mercy, punishment or - forgiveness.

It is my duty as a Knight under the virtue of Valor to remind ye of your very own virtue, fellow knight. Forget not Compassion before ye judge those who ye've no right to.

As fer the rest of the political heresay that everyone is bickering about, let it be known to all here in the tavern that the Champions of the Ankh play no part in these trivial reputation disputes nor shall we be found lingering within the disturbing ring of social corruption.

Think of us more as an independant religion than one of these political parties that ye all seem to have created. We are founded on a strong system of faith, truth, love and courage that has been formulated by Lord British - the virtues. If anyone knew anything about the history of your very own lands, ye would find that spreading virtue to every citizen is the only way to set the realm of reality and time back in order... This bickering does nothing but slow down the actual quest that Lord British has given us (and so many say they fight for!).

Go back to your keeps, your castles, your gold and your horses, noblemen, lest ye have something worth adding or contributing to the real topic at hand - Knight recruitment.

*Sir Vellucius wedges a longsword into the wooden floor of the Tavern with might, freeing his hand to lift a mug of hot grog to his curled lips.*
I believe that is why they are Zealots......Psilo I feel you are owed a debt of gratitude as you do as you say you do. You take out the trash which is essentially as you believe PK's and their alts to be. Keep up the good work. I think there is great potential here as the Champions get their guild going and ZsV keeps up their version of what they feel needs to be done. FoW is creating a nice PvM guild and PoV is offering people a little RP without a heavy commitment to staying "in character at all times". I hope all these guilds grow and are able to make alliances so we can really get some great stories rolling whether they be RP heavy or lite it's all GREAT for UO and is what keeps this game fresh.

The PK's here serve a role as well, they are foils to these guilds which need "bad guys" in order to give their guilds purpose. So see everybody on the field, let the fights begin 8)

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:38 am
by Sir Vellucius

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:46 pm
by Kryptokuddlelite
lol...yeah u guys will be seeing us pks..:) in black n white of course...make sure to click yes to the murder count :)

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:44 pm
by Sir Vellucius
Ma har har! Is that not why we are here, defiler of truth!?

You know your actions and accuse yourself. However, ye do not possess the courage to follow through with this perversion of justice and turn thy blade on thyself! Therefore, my blade shall set your path right and release your spirit to the only one who can offer your soul salvation after ye have served thy penance... The one God who comes to drive out the many gods.

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:22 am
by uofuntime
How's the guild so far, Sir Vellucius?

I see you've gotten quite a few new members. Best of luck to you!

Re: The Rumors are True...

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:49 pm
by Sir Vellucius
Doin' great, me friend, thank'ee!

We've established our Barracks, Guild Hall, website and most of the basic guild functions (hunts, events, quests, guild progression, etc). We are now trainin some noble adventurers as ye've seen indeed... Some who jest might be cut out ta be Knights after all! Har har har!.. How about yarself m'friend?

(OOC: I hear your startin another RP guild! Very exciting, I wish the best of luck to you as well!)