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Re: House prices

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:58 pm
by GuardianKnight
After UO:R they eventually added factions and vendors started charging more/less depending on stock. I can't give a link or anything but i know i didn't start browsing different shops for deeds until after UO:R.

Re: House prices

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:44 pm
by voodoo
I remember the wooden houses being cheaper (38k sounds familiar) on Lake Superior as well

Re: House prices

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:04 am
by Jill Stihl
IIRC Thatched roof was the cheapest house available at around 34 - 38k, rising to about 50k for the most expensive 7x7.

Thatched > Wooden > Wood and plaster > Stone and plaster.

I don't recall where the small brick or fieldstone fitted into that, but they were all priced according to the quality of the building materials used.

My first house deed purchase in UO was a thatched, not because I liked it (I don't) but because it was the cheapest. I haven't played any other shard besides Europa and here so this is fairly 'fresh' in my mind.

Buggered if I can find any actual evidence through Googling though :-/

Re: House prices

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:39 pm
by Fireball
I also remember house prices varying. I specifically remembering buying one house in Magincia tinker shop because it was significantly cheaper than elsewhere. This was on Atlantic. Also another of our houses we bought in Moonglow carpenter shop for the same reason. Like others, I don't have evidence, but with the evidence given already and other witness testimony, is this in already or will it be put in?