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Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:47 pm
by Pirul
This madness is getting out of hand!!! We are calling all good citizens of Brittania to come aid New Windmere...and Vesper!!

The following images might be disturbing for some people. As you will see these criminals have been growing in numbers and courage. Where will this lawlessness stop?!?!?
Not only that, but now they apparently even have GM's assisting them!!
I was shocked and appaled to find they had enough courage to even venture onto the bridge leading to Vesper.
The last straw came when I saw them at the bank.
Where are they coming from?? What do they want??

Please heed this plea!! Help New Windmere and Vesper be a safe place again!!

The only thing needed for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. Do not let this happen to our beloved city!!

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:25 pm
by morganm
The Dungeon Guards have patrolled this area lately. Many brigands were brought to justice before their maker by the tip of a sword or flash of magic. The source of this trouble must be found and neutralized; we are just fending off the symptoms here...


Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:33 pm
by Panthor the Hated
Crow T. Robot?

I always knew Braden was a low down dirty player killing brigand! Thanks to C^V for bringing him to justice!

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:38 pm
by Wise

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:05 pm
by Pirul
The seas were eerily quiet while we sailed on a comandeered large dragon ship, as always patroling the ocean in search of clues regarding the Dredgion and the Vendetta.

Suddenly we happened upon a group of pirates congregated on a small secluded island. Noticing the ships belonged to the Company of the Vigilant, we knew immediately what had to be done.
Fighting went on for quite some time, as their numbers didn't seem to dwindle.
Their numbers were incredible. As soon as we killed one, another would be coming out form the hull of the ships. After a long, hard fought battle, all remaining pirates were stranded on the small island, as we hurried to prepare the ships for sailing.
It will be months before the blood is washed from our decks, but we have managed to rescue our boats.
I am unsure as to what the survivors might be planning next, but surely they are planning some mieschief.

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:09 am
by Cattie B
It is well that we found our boats, besides the stench of human remains, the blood soaked deck and the awful smell of stale ale. It was quite a battle to save our beloved boats, but I fear the battle is not yet over... what ever could they have in store for our land I wonder...

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:14 pm
by Pirul
Murderous brigands have invaded Vesper!!!

We call upon all the brave warriors in this great land to help us rid Vesper of these vermin!!!

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:58 pm
by Pirul
The numbers!!!

Oh my God, the numbers!!

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:32 pm
by Huzke
Lord Pirul's call was heard by the young bard Huzke Truthseeker. His guildmaster tasked him with lending aid to the young warriors combating the brigands along the Vesper country side, so Huzke set off...
The first warrior he ran into was a young snagga urk. In light of the urk also fighting against the invaders Huzke decided the enemy of his enemy was his friend so he blessed the snagga with various spells and begun to turn the brigands against one another while the mighty urk pummeled them.
Never one to pass up an oppurtunity to show his flair for the dramatic, Huzke even beat one about the head with his spellbook, insulting the brigands inferior combat skills while more warriors come to lend a hand.
The Vesper countryside was scattered with bodies as these warriors pressed on to push the brigands from their footholds and forced them to fall back further away from Vesper.
As the young warriors seek to increase their fortunes they strip the dead brigands of all their wealth, leaving their naked corpses to rot.
Huzke's blessings and acts of subterfuge against these brigands helped the young warriors fell scores of brigands but there are still countless foes to defeat and always a young warrior in need of Huzke's help. Admiring the job well done he dashes off to find others that need his help against the wrong doers along the Vesper countryside.

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:17 pm
by Pirul
Job well done, Huzke, we shall prevail!!

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:23 pm
by Atraxi
As Gallifrean rode into town, he looked around curiously. The smell of sawdust mixed with the familiar scent of blood, telling him that something big was in the works.

Hmm, he thought to himself, I go away for a couple of weeks and everything changes.

He had only just entered New Windmere, which seemed to extend much further than he remembered, but all he could see were bodies, some clothed, some stripped of all belongings.

He tied his weary Ostard to a nearby tree. The poor thing looked so tired after their long ride, he knew it needed a rest. Gallifrean stooped down to look at the body in front of him. If he had to guess, looking at the burns and cuts on the body, this poor soul was killed by multiple fighting styles. A team. One wielding a sword, the other using the arts of the mages.

The body was still dressed, but his pack was empty. He moved on to the next corpse, this one stripped completely naked. Considering the lack of magery-related wounds, this one must have died to a lone swordsman. A relatively unskilled one, at that, as the cuts on this body were much less clean than the other.

Stepping over that body, he walked over to the two-story house closest to him. The sign bore the mark of the Company of the Vigilant, his guild. The door was locked, so he peeked through the window.


Apparently, much more had changed than Gallifrean had originally realized.

After walking across the street to the adjacent 2-story house, he found himself with more questions than answers. This building also bore the mark of C^V, yet this door was also locked.

Suddenly he heard a sound. It almost sounded like hammering. Looking through this house's window, he saw a familiar face. Bregan D'aerthe was inside the house. Galli knocked on the window, but she did not hear him. She appeared to be working on some sort of shelving. She also appeared to be wearing the same guild colors as he was. When did she go from Ally to Guildie?

He decided, since she looked busy, he would just come back later.

Walking back to his Ostard, Galli wondered what other changes were in store for him.

A twig snapped.

Gallifrean stopped.

Turning around, he ducked just in time to see his reflection in the shine of a sword as it shortened the hairs in his beard.

"AN EX POR!" Our hero yelled, freezing the assailant in his tracks.

Reagents, never leave home without them, Galli thought as he mounted his Ostard.

After blasting the brigand with a couple of Corp Pors, he looted the criminal's gold, no doubt stolen from another unsuspecting victim.

Gallifrean wanted to check out the rest of the town. Unfortunately, the fight had attracted some unwanted attention. Out of the trees came more strangers, weapons drawn. Looking around, Galli could see that he was completely surrounded.

"I guess you guys aren't here to say hello"

As the circle closed in around him, it looked like our brave adventurer was in trouble. Luckily, he had one more trick up his sleeve.

"Kal Ort Por," he chanted, vanishing right as an arrow pierced the air where his head had just been.

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:59 pm
by Pirul
Finally the efforts of so many valiant men and women are showing some signs of succeding. The number of brigands spotted in New Windmere and Vesper has reduced considerably. However, I fear we cannot let our guard down. These rufians can overrun us if left unchecked.

Lord British has sent two of his most trusted scholars to investigate where they come from, and what can be done to stop them. We hope their findings help us return to our peaceful ways.

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:57 pm
by Pirul
The scholars have provided their first findings. Apparently the criminals roaming New Windmere have been emerging from the hole in the floor of the abandoned building. As of right now, we do not know exactly what lies on the other side, however it emmanates a strong mystical power that controls these criminals.

There must be something important on the other side.

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:15 pm
by Pirul
This is an outrage!!

Lord British's scholars have been slain by the murderous brigands!!
Scholars.jpg (106.19 KiB) Viewed 3147 times
Thankfully we have managed to salvage part of their journal, which relates an eerie tale.
Book.jpg (148.34 KiB) Viewed 3147 times

Re: A call to arms!!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:22 pm
by xevec
Let us put together an expedition, and see where it goes!