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Re: How did your UO Jorney Begin?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:42 am
by Mikel123
My first character was a lumberjack/bowyer/archer, so I started him in Yew as per the suggestion of the UO instruction booklet. I got so lost in that "town" that I couldn't find my way back to the bank or the archer shop to sell my finely-crafted bows.

So I decided to start a new character, and I placed him in Britain. Much better. Again, I went with a lumberajack/bowyer/archer (33/33/34 of course!), figuring I could make my own bows and arrows. I started my character with 10 STR, 35 DEX, 10 INT, figuring I'd be shooting some rapid-fire arrows. After running through my initial batch of arrows killing a rabbit or two in North Britain (running the whole time to avoid being hit), I attacked a cat. I pulled out my trusty newbie dagger and tried to slay the cat, but 10 STR and 0 Fencing proved to be my downfall, and I died to a cat just North of Britain.

Re: How did your UO Jorney Begin?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:25 am
by Anabolic

Those god damn cats! They'll get ya every time :)

Re: How did your UO Jorney Begin?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:59 pm
by Panthor the Hated
We sure do

Re: How did your UO Jorney Begin?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:26 am
by Lucifuge
Believe it or not, I was actually an Ultima junkie before UO was even a whisper at Origin. :shock:

I played Ultima VII/VIII to the point of obsession and it was easily my favorite gaming franchise as a kid. I know exactly where I heard about UO, it was from that old article which came out like a year before the beta, I printed it off and read it 1000 times. ( I think it was this: ) It drove me insane, I wanted to play it so bad. My friends and I had created a guild before the game was even released and hung out in 'Andrew's Chatroom' which was a popular UO chat back in the day before the game was even out. (Holy crap! Look what I just found: Anyone here familiar with that chatroom? Good memories, good people.) I was around 15 or so when the beta FINALLY came out which my buddy had ordered (2 dollars for the public beta disc I think?)

Beta closes, Lord British was murdered (or was that Alpha?). Played Diablo to tie me over until the game was finally officially released. To be frank, it was kind of unceremonious after all the hype. It was just kinda like "Oh..UO is out now. Let's go get it. Ok....I'm going home, see you online in an hour. Cool...this is fun. Well I'm going to bed." Played for like a year or so, off and on then stopped playing once stat loss was introduced and I kind of felt the game was going in a lame direction. Plus I had dial-up so the lag was horrendous.

My friend kept playing long after I quit, he was part of the Bloodrock Clan WAAAYY back (99-2000) (EDIT: It was the Shadowclan Orc's, my mistake) which was pretty bad ass. Then in January 2011, one of my old UO buddies tells me about a great, free old school UO shard. It had been so long since I played UO that I forgot you had to type 'bank' or 'vendor sell'. It slowly came back, I felt like super-noob for a day or two. I even started with a poorly planned character that got killed 5 times in the wilderness until I gave in and started mining near Britain.

So here I am, and I'm honestly enjoying the game more now than I did back then. I have more respect for it now. I don't know why that is.


Re: How did your UO Jorney Begin?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:16 am
by Galm(kB)
i saw my older brother raging about dieing in gz 98, than i logged on and become a arms lore, eval, swords, magery,miner,anatomy,healing (actual skills)

Re: How did your UO Jorney Begin?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:14 am
by Alebrije
I remember I started playing back in '97. My younger brother bought a copy of the original Ultima Online and came home with several friends to install it in our computer. Being a family of 4 brothers we had to do 2 hr. turns to play!!
I played in GL and my first char. was a smith/warrior. He held his own pretty well soloing the Orc Fort near Cove and even handled the ocassional single PK.

Then came my crafter that was pretty handy with pots and trapped chests...had a blast seeing aspiring thieves get blown to pieces or running screaming for cure because they got DP'd.

My favorite char. and almost indestructible one was definetly my Peace/Tamer. I could solo every thing in the game...including Paragon Creatures! The Mare - Rune Beetle combo was way overpowered back in the days!

Re: How did your UO Jorney Begin?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:01 pm
by Downs
I was in middle school and my friend told me about it before it came out, and we started planning out our adventures.

Then i died a few times and became scared to leave town, so i did escorts all the time.

Re: How did your UO Jorney Begin?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:21 pm
by Malaikat
Some of my first UO memories are of my archer thief. I used to stand around empty handed, steal from people in the brit gy or elsewhere, and then when they attacked I'd throw a bow on and own. Can't tell you how many noobs I'd one hit kill with gm archery/tact and a bow of power. Kinda lame now that I look back, but everyone was lame back in 97-98. It was crazy fun to watch people throw a crap fit after being wtfbbq'd by a deathrobe wearing thief.

Another great time was gating powerful mobs into crowded areas and then collecting the silly amounts of loot. Poison Ele + Brit Gy = 20 dead newbies and much hilarity guaranteed. Lich Lord was good too because a lot of people would just mistake it for a regular lich.