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Re: Boat / key question

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:07 am
by iamreallysquall
DarkWing wrote:
WiseOne wrote:I am sure I refreshed my boat this week but this morning I came to find both my fisherman on a random island and recalling from the key gives me "I cannot recall from that object". Like I said I am fairly certain that the boat was refreshed this week so I am wondering is there anything else that could be causing this?
your boat either Decayed, (this would strand your fishers on the nearest Island)
it was stolen due to an unlocked Plank, (this would strand your fishers on the nearest Island)

if the key was in the hold .. your boat is lost!

if the Key was not left on the boat, i would take my key to the Lost Lands and see if the Thieves stashed the boat There!
i had my boat for many years have never had the master keys on me never even double click the copy i use to refresh i flick the plank wait for message the plank shuts i do one or two things i recall of the boat i do this every friday my boat vanished 7 days later since last refresh. something else is going on here :P boats don't decay in 7 days and no way someone got on my boat

Re: Boat / key question

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:43 am
by chainsoar
Yeah, one of my boats is gone. No way it decayed, it was on the same timer as two others, both of which were 'fairly worn' when I refreshed them. It was in the middle of the ocean, the planks are never unlocked and the only keys have never left my possession. Trust one can steal a boat from me.

Re: Boat / key question

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:50 pm
by Jill Stihl
Having read this thread I just logged in to check my boat. After refreshing it on Sunday (open plank, receive message, click tillerman to make sure it says 'like new') it said 'greatly worn' today (Tues).

Checked a couple of the houses that I refreshed at the same time and they're the expected 'slightly worn'.

Could something have changed that's making the boat decay timer run too fast?

Edit - I've been keeping an eye on the boat and the decay isn't speeding through the stages as yet. It is possible I messed up my refresh, but it'd be the first time in the 18 months or so that the boat has been parked there.

Re: Boat / key question

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:16 pm
by the bazookas
Yikes... you should set up a Telamon boat watching macro and see what the decay time is doing :P