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Re: Not coming back

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:33 am
by jekkis
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."

Oddly this pretty much sums up how I feel about Mikel quitting. Like a lot of other folks, I've never had the pleasure to bump into him in game (at least not to my knowledge), but still I feel we're all going to miss something when he's not around. :(

Best of luck in the future.

Re: Not coming back

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:57 am
by Pirul
I did have the fortune of bumping into Mikel more than once in game. Actually, I saw Kristen at every goddamned IDOC I seemed to go to. Good player, even better person. And jekkis, your StarWars quote pretty much sums up what many of us feel.

Re: Not coming back

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:54 am
by Hoots
Mikel123 wrote:Neon sandals, no. Other unique decorative items, yeah. In fact, the two things I never really got into during my time in UO were resources (boards/bricks/fishing) and rares. I wanted to try to get into rares for some decorating ideas (and I suppose wearing a polar bear mask would fit within the "decorating" category), but the amount of time spent to acquire that stuff just wasn't worth the payoff.

I ran around a lot on my dexer murderer with daemon bone armor, because every once in a while I'd res someone and they'd remark how cool it was to see it in the field. At the time, a set cost around a half-hour of farming. Nowadays it would cost, I dunno, 3 hours. Still definitely worth it to show people something new, and of course to put a nice incentive on people to kill me. Also would be cool to run around on my tamer in a polar bear mask, or have a few more cool gray-hued items in my "penance room". There was a guy selling three pieces of gray furniture, which would have been *perfect* for such a room... for 1.5mil. I think he certainly could have gotten a castle deed for them. But much as I'd love to put that in the room and show you all a screenshot... is it really worth, I dunno, 12-15 hours of farming? I just didn't think so.

In order of most playing time to least, my characters were:

Dalavar Wolfmage
Lord Britjsh

...and the rest were probably played infrequently enough to have never seen in your travels.
had some good trades with you and you always seemed to be an asset to the forums.

cant help but think the above list is extremely trivial in regards to the history of "I quit UO" threads.
my advice, take a couple weeks/month, refresh, come back.

is really sporting a polar bear mask and sitting in grey furniture your end game here???

good luck
- Hoots

Re: Not coming back

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:18 am
by eggmona
Your advice threads were amazing

I am not the most pro player, however I have been around the block and those posts were a great read even if you know a few things. Like everyone else said, you seemed to contribute a lot to the forums so it is sad to see you go! Although, its sad to see anyone go :)

thank you for all the input! also, if you have any of that daemon you wanna toss out send me a pm. :lol:

Re: Not coming back

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:47 pm
by Mikel123
Kristen was indeed built for IDOCs, though amusingly I think I only ever saw maybe 3 of them drop. The rest I just ran around revealing people, stealthing, etc.

Hoots, we're talking about my interests and goals in an online video game that's 12 years old. Tell me more about my reason for leaving being trivial :-)

Re: Not coming back

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:12 pm
by GuardianKnight
You could come back right now and beat arsen's leave and come back record.

Re: Not coming back

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:41 pm
by Mikel123
Now that is something I have not done yet!