Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THREAD!

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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by Menkaure »

armybyz wrote:i love how much azheman loves man butt in UOSA*.

*also irl.

I was going to use this, but, oh well.

Here goes:
I love the feeling of second age. I have my gripes, of course. But, nothing is better then remembering UO "the way it was." In almost its most purest form. This is before the game was ruined by trammel. It was before people were buying and selling accounts 24/7 online. But more importantly, it was before you could go to Trammel and not have any worry about hunting. This was the way the game was meant to be played. Nevermind the gms, nevermind the playerbase, what matters is this is the same feeling that you had back in 1999.
Catskills 1997-2002ish

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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by wickdawg »

Love living in the time of my IRL college days of wasting time playing UO instead of studying. This is how the game was when I played in the late 90s. Love it!

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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by Lambo »

Era Accurate mount fatigue and bandage cutting. Sorry couldn't pick just 1.
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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by Storx »

we've all played other shards, we've all seen others come and go... i think we can all agree UOSA is run by professional ppl who put integrity of the shard over lining their pockets. we all find reasons to bitch and complain about, but let's face it, this is an ancient game that we're lucky to be able to play in the era we all loved the most! now everyone go vote!!
[16:18] <jaygee> theres a nobs born every day storx

[09:50] <Gandalf[7thson]> if you guys can't handle that everyone who plays this game isn't a greasy nerd with a fat wife then I dont know what to tell you guys

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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by inkognito »

Derrick and staff (old and new). No contest.
Li Meiyang wrote:Banned for"trashtalking for no reason"
Inkognito was flamebaiting me with all the "no" stuff.WTF is that?
Inkognito●GM Provocation

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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by keelonzo »

Before playing here on UOSA, I played on OSI servers in 1999. I had "forgotten" about UO until I stumbled upon a post that talked about bank speech macros "vendor buy bank guards." It was all down hill from there - I searched for "free shards" and saw a bunch of crap that I wasn't familiar with. When I almost gave up I found the testimonial page on UOSA - it talked about the era that it reproduced - which was the exact time I was enamored with the original. This shard has not only provided a throwback to the nostalgia of the past, but has also allowed me to achieve many goals that I was unable to attain before I abandoned UO a short time after trammel was introduced. I've absolutely busted a gut while reading Tales of Adventure authored by the most brilliant comedic minds with intimate knowledge of UO - they even translated well outside of the world. This shard also provides a fantastic Adrenaline Rush - with close calls from PK's - or when you score a huge cache of pixels. Not to mention the insightful arguments/debates made regarding the rules and actions of residents of this shard. Sociology was always an interesting topic in college and this shard is an active microcosm of personalities, economics, interactions, trends, and movements. I ARE NEW and PK's TAK MY GLD will forever be in my lexicon, and I will never look at a chainmail tunic of defense the same way. Here's to the Inside Jokes of OUR Shard - UOSA! Thank you!

... the first time I re-logged into this world - to hear the sound of a cat meowing and running around for 15 minutes trying to remember where WBB was - then the sound of my bank opening for the first time in 20 years! I can't replicate that anywhere else.

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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by advanced1 »

I love uosa because Derrick + staff have worked real hard to keep this shard up and as close to it was when it originally came out way back when.
YewFriends wrote: Dont worry versair outside of evil people like Orni and Krypt theres alot of good in the game. Need anything hit me up.

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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by Gork »

I love UOSA because I became a legend and nobody even knows it is me ! *wink*

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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by pollycracker89 »

I love this shard because most of the players I have been playing with here for years and I guess I've kind of grown attached... :)

<chainsoar> pancakes you're the craziest person here

[14:48] <@Mammoth> You can trade in game warez for pumpkin pies

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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by GuardianKnight »

I love this server because it is my imaginary home away from home. I enjoy my friendly conversations with the people here and also the ones that aren't so friendly. The staff, even as it evolves, is still top notch. I don't see eye to eye on some things, but I never hold it against them. I appreciate the time they put into volunteering here.

I like fostering an environment where people can trade and sell things without threat of being cheated. Some would say that it has ruined the game for them, but that's just like...their opinion, man.

I really appreciate Derrick for keeping this place running even though he doesn't even like playing UO. That is commitment. I appreciate Boomland for helping bring back the UOSA dungeoncrawls. It was a very necessary thing to do for the playerbase.

I would also like to say that the server as a whole appreciates ashborn. You may not know this, but he is going through school and swamped with work. He is still trying to keep his events going. That takes a lot of commitment.

Also, we need Nevermore back; so he can start banning people for being too charming.
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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by vintirex »

i like the freedom.

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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by Capitalist »

I love the community on UOSA. Without them, I'd have no ability to pleasure myself with their grief.
Denis the Menace wrote:Vega for me you are just exploiting the uosa system with your vanq charged spellreflect recall invis pink boobi pvp trammel style which never existed on osi, so stfu.
Jakob wrote:Regardless of douchebag, fair player or Vega.

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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by Ohm »

I love UOSA because it gets me all hot and bothered
[22:31:51] <wintergate> Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by Capitalist »

I love Vega because he helps out the server so much with his antics.
Denis the Menace wrote:Vega for me you are just exploiting the uosa system with your vanq charged spellreflect recall invis pink boobi pvp trammel style which never existed on osi, so stfu.
Jakob wrote:Regardless of douchebag, fair player or Vega.

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Re: Raffle prizes available! + BONUS FOR REPLIES TO THIS THR

Post by MortiKi »

i must say, its gotta be the community as a whole ...
the drama, the hear say..
the helping of newbs, and yet on the other hand, all the slaughter..
not to mention amazing player run events, taking place for the lack of auto events..
<< (~);} >>



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