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Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:16 pm
by Downs
Boomland Jenkins wrote:
a swallow wrote:with the situation of somebody buying all of the high-end goods, couldn't you make it like the Santa? Meaning they can only buy one per account?
If we were to spend the time to create an acceptable gold sink, we wouldn't want to limit it to one per account because it wouldn't be effective.

How about if it was like a once a month thing? Like the vendor spawns once a month and you can buy one item per account or something?

Or have some staff events that require a buy in? survival with a 10k buy in or something. LEET pvp with a 100k buy in. Winner gets whatever kind of trophy that's appropriate to the buy in.

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:26 pm
by woekan
Kaivan wrote:While it is an interesting idea to combat the inherent inflation problem found in UO, we do not have any plans to introduce any gold for silver, or gold for item systems. The basic inflation of UO is an inherent "design problem", and like other design decisions that some may feel is a problem during T2A or in general, it's going to remain in effect here on UOSA. We cannot change or circumvent the design of T2A simply because we find it inconvenient.

I agree with you on the most part. The biggest 'era innacuracy' is that there is much fewer players and that new players feel overwhelmed by the UO system.
New joining players think that the game basics are about killing monsters and getting gold. They get demotivated by old guys sitting on brit bank roof, showing them their bank balance and all the rares they got and talking about how earlier times where better.

This ofcourse also happened in T2A era. However the dungeons were still full of people gathering gold and recourses. A gold sink is one way to make sure that everyone goes out the get some gold by hunting, trading or crafting. This will increase player run vendors, stimulate all facets of the economy. Will make it interesting to create a smith and repair/craft stuff on the spot. Much like T2A era used to be in my memory.

Ofcourse i dont want everyone to run around with neoncolored hair and items, ethereal mounts and stuff like that. I am just opening a topic of discussion and hopefully we can come up with a couple of creative ideas.

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:59 pm
by Soma
Boomland Jenkins wrote:
Soma wrote:One of the old GM's had special hair dye/beard dye on a vendor for 2mill a pop, there were about 15~ bottles gone in a day.

I wouldn't mind seeing something like that again.
There was a vendor who'd roam the map selling "exclusive goods" at one point - is this who you're referring to? We've had some of our own internal conversations about the idea of a vendor who sells "high end goods" and what they could be. The problem with offering neon hair dyes and other "silver rewards" on an NPC like this is that it opens the door for a near "unlimited" supply of such items that should be at least somewhat limited within era. If you charge too little, the items become too common. If you charge to much, the vendor's goal to burn off gold would be ineffective.
The vendor was a stationary NPC similar to player vendors with a limited stock of items.

This provided a limit to how many items could be bought, and presumably the gold on the vendor was removed from the economy when the "event" was over.

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:25 pm
by Robbbb
Boomland Jenkins wrote:
Downs wrote:
woekan wrote: Also unattended recourse gathering such as buying mass reagents should be made banneable.
If i'm not mistaken, Boomland just had some event that was a gold sink. I wasn't active during it, but someone will chime in im sure.
"Fall Festival" had a "bobbing for apples" barrel that cost 5K to play and you had a chance to receive a silver, special hue/named apples, and a few other goods. It was active for 3 days and burnt just over 10mil gold.

Damn had I known this I woulda sunk a ton into this!! How did I miss this?

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:55 pm
by inkognito
Think it was one of those things where you had to log into the game to participate. :shock:

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:09 pm
by dvs
Been reading alot on forums to catch up from being gone for a few years. I re-discovered recently that small towers were from UO:R. A sad day indeed, one of my favorite houses.

Perhaps if this rare vendor was re-instituted some of the UO:R house deeds could fetch large sums of gold? :)

I know it would give me a very high goal to get the house that I loved so much.

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:12 pm
by Soma
UO:R houses would be cool, especially to fill up those awkward land plots.

Unfortunately they are NEA.

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:09 am
by Happy Gilmore
Here some GREAT gold sink ideas:

1) 30 million for a "rage deed" this deed deletes any GF neon mask or sandals in game. I would drop 90 million by tomorrow to make some people cry.

2) 1 million for a neon temporary mask or sandals. This item was would show the delete date when clicked, and would auto delete a month after purchase.

3) 100 million for UO-R style house. Only one of each type would be sold, and only if it idoc's could that type be sold again.

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:23 am
by Malaikat
If the goal is to motivate newcomers, I say with absolute certainty that one-time hyperexpensive ultra unobtainable rares/dyes are not the answer.

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:25 am
by Capitalist
I would pay double the value of masks or neons just for the lulz of ruining some people's internet lives.

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 1:38 pm
by SirEricKain
Neon Dyes/CBD's and the sort would definitely be a good sink, the cost should be based off the current economy some how.

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:09 pm
by nubnub
SirEricKain wrote:...the cost should be based off the current economy some how.
Continue... state the algorithm required to make this work for both vets and newbs. What are the attributes that are important to produce the NCD/Neon price result and how often should this solution derive the 'current economy some how' result?

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:41 pm
by Soma
Continue... state the algorithm required to make this work for both vets and newbs. What are the attributes that are important to produce the NCD/Neon price result and how often should this solution derive the 'current economy some how' result?
You don't really need an algorithm if this is sporadic enough which is what one or two people have suggested, currently the player price for a CBD is around 700-800k, and neon hair/beard dyes go for 3-4m. Placing the items up for around that value seems more than reasonable for both newbs/vets.

If a vendor is set up like the one in Dupre's old event, you can restrict the amount of dyes that go into the population and apply a set price, the ones below didn't even sell out


Just a few things to note with Dupre's Barber Shop:

• The other items on the vendor were NCD's for 400k and a tub (furny?) which I have no idea on the price
• Neon dyes sold for 1.9m and people complained about it 'devaluing' the item, they are now easily worth 3+ mill, if anything prices are inflated as fuck and a little reduction wouldn't hurt... hell I think neon hair dyes were selling for 200-300k after CUB.
• That vendor was selling 15~ neon dyes while the population was near its peak (2012 had 500-600 players) and still did not sell out. I doubt it will happen this time considering the population is less than half of that.

By selling a few at a time, GM's could monitor how much they change in value over the next X months, if the price drops to an unreasonable amount (e.g. below silver cost) then hike up the cost of neon dyes. If the price is increasing, you can sell more.

Having the vendor spawn infrequently, and unannounced with event-tie ins would be a great way promote shard activity. By that I would hope players need to find him walking along a set path in T2A or something, and the vendor have a limited time to actually buy the stock (24-48hr despawn) so the only way to hear about it really is being active. This means that some rich inactive vet with 100+mill in the bank isn't going to be able to camp the spawn and hoard them just to grief players.

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:33 pm
by Millerisfuntoplay
I liked the Xmas gifts we had like 2 years ago i think it was where you got lottery tickets. What if there was a lottery ticket vendor where the scratch off tickets costed 100k per ticket and gave out random rewards or just big old fat fails? I'd literally probably spend all my gold just cause I'd become addicted to gambling in game. It's a gold sink and you could control the win/lose odds. 1 in 100 odd of a neon dye or something else random? It would get people in the doungens and pks would then start to come out and play too. My other thought is OSI's t2a era lasted a short time as compared to our forever t2a era we stay in, so making little changes to keep players intrested in playing isn't a horrible sounding idea to me. They made changes in the game to keep people playing with expansions and such. See I'm not saying to change our era but adding a function like this where you have control of what's given out to the community is reason for people to and wanna do things like farm pk or craft. It's just a random idea which I think would help spike the population.

Re: Exchange gold for usuables to deflate the economy

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:06 am
by Boomland Jenkins
I personally think the best ideas I've heard in the last year are:

1) A limited time, wandering salesman or "pop up shop" that you have to discover (through travel, clues, dumb luck, or word of mouth). This could be as simple as a vendor who has a limited amount of silver to sell each month, or specialty items that exist already (CBD, NCD, Neon, non-silver system, but rare sandal hues, etc)

2) An on-going "slot machine" - similar to the bobbing for Apples mini-game last Fall which burnt 10mil gold in 3 days and produced a handful of special apples, a couple of silver coins, and some magic weapons.

3) Sponsored events (PvP, BagBall, Bash, etc). This heavily relies on Staff presence currently (and I feel it would be necessary to keep it this way to prevent over usage or abuse). Basically the player or guild would be in charge of running and organizing the whole event but Staff (me) would be running the magical switches that make the arenas function as necessary.

4) Gold Sacrifice - a simple "bulletin board" that you can burn gold at to simply be the top player. It sounds crazy, but gamers climb ladders and if you made a board that displayed people's sacrifice of gold, I guarantee you that a handful of people would jump on it for the bragging rights.