Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by Senses »

Faust. Why don't you take a couple days off or maybe just have a couple beers tonight. Its pretty clear to me that you take this game and your role in it too seriously and way too personally. I know you feel I have attacked you, but unfortunately, because you have declared yourself the Defender of all that is accurate in this game, you have created a situation where any attempt at change or complaint about the system, is somehow twisted into an attack on you.

I'm not better than you. I don't have any desire to spend time looking up cryptic patch notes. I don't want to run a UO server, work on a UO server, or spend any time turning my hobby into an unpaid job. What I do have, is insight into Ultima Online, like many many others here, and while I don't expect to be right all the time, I do expect to be treated like an adult when sharing this information on a forum for that subject.

So please, disconnect for awhile and take a big breather. The server will continue to putter on even if you take a night off.

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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by Faust »

If you have a complaint or change request back it up with something more than words. This shard is about accruac to the t2a era. This has been clearly stated on the front part of this web site and posted here multiple times. That is how it works here. Don't continue to post multiple threads about the same thing over and over and over... That does nothing but waste bandwidth in my opinion.

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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by Finesse »

shut up faust.

its as easy to misquote a patch note as quote it. this is a suggestion thread make your opinion heard then stfu and let others make there own.

its easy to say its era accurate but i think my memory of this era in uo is pretty accurate also i pvped alot and knew all the tricks of the trade.

if you can prove to me via a patch note that you couldent continuesly disturb with debuffs il shut up and say fair enough same goes for hally hits being so fast same goes for pretty much everything else thats not proven one way or another.

goodnight faust.

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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by Faust »

Was I talking to you Finesse? I have always said that debuffs disturbed continously... Don't know what the hell you're talking about.

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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by Finesse »

faust what ur saying is stupidity tho i dont see what your argueing

dexers blaitently were better than they are here

fast cast clearly worked on osi ect ect ect

i dont see what point your argueing

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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by Kraarug »

I don't know what kind of person you are Faust, but you'd find more success in your projects if you listen to the critisim of your work and allow it inform your opinions.

You may have a solid belief in your stance and feel that the evidence you have to back yourself up is water tight, but for some reason many people do not feel the implementaiton is correct. There is value in that, weather or not you think it's correct.

Maybe when you are out of school or have had a chance to lead a few real world projects you'll see what I'm talking about.

I do not think anyone is discounting your work or however while you serially discount all others that disagree with you it will be just a matter of time before people tune you out just as quickly.

How do these things end? I've seen this enough to tell you what happens in a majority of the cases...

You'll either end up with all the marbles and there will be no others worth much skill to play with or this will drag on and on with no one satisfied with the end result including yourself because what you are doing is not going to make people agree with you.

So, as much wiser people than I have professed, don't take these observations as an affront to your good work, try to learn from those that differ from you, and learn to make a weakness into a strength. You'll be much more successful and derive more enjoyment than the current path.

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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by Faust »

I have said it a HUNDRED times now. I am all open ears when someone shows me something to back up their claims. I don't care about words. Words are exactly that, words. Show me something to back up your words, and I will be glad to review it any time of the day. That is the problem here. I keep seeing words and nothing to back it up. I don't care if someone discusses something. However, if you make a comment about something that you think is wrong evidence will be prevented by myself to show you that it's correct. I am sorry if you don't like it, but that is the way that I go about with my business. This shard strives for ULTIMATE t2a ACCURACY, and that has been presented on the front part of the web site since the shard was created. I follow this guide line no different than a judge following the constitution.

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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by Jaster »

Faust's Quote
Faust wrote:This shard strives for ULTIMATE t2a ACCURACY, and that has been presented on the front part of the web site since the shard was created.

Quote from front page ...
We aim to replicate the T2A era as best we can and within technical limitations as a whole.
ultimate t2a accuracy and replicate the t2a era as best as "we" can are 2 different things ... I think you have gone a little overboard on that quote. Not everything is going to be 100% era accurate, but the best way to combine things together is to make them flow smoothly together with things we are sure about first, then meshing those that we are not 100% sure about in as best to our ability since we do not hold every bit of information about the era.

It is better to come close and make something work smoothly than have it incorrect, broken, and implemented because we don't EXACTLY know how to 100% accurately fix it.

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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by RoadKill »

So before I do any research, what validates a source? I would not consider anything from WTFMAN or UOPowerGamers a valid source.

Faust, why not share your sources with people here so they can research from the same "knowledge bank" that you are digging through, let others do the work, sit back and enjoy your government job instead of posting "uh I can't access the information because I'm at my government job where they block certain pages." - Give these men a fishing pole and let them fish.
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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by Faust »

Replicate means a replica of the t2a era... This means replicating the t2a era EXACTLY and ULTIMATELY the way that it was... This is through hard and extensive research to pin point specific features of this era.

Sure, anyone can say that this replica isn't the way they remember it... Your replica may not be the next persons replica and so on and so on... That is why the only LOGICAL solution is to replicate the features EXACTLY the way they worked. Not by how you or the next person remembers them.
We will especially not pull aspects of other eras into this one, even with an overwhelming demand of players.
Did you forget to read the rest of the mission statement?

You have been asking for a countless number of features that were out of era in the last couple days.
RoadKill wrote:So before I do any research, what validates a source? I would not consider anything from WTFMAN or UOPowerGamers a valid source.
Okay, so let's use what you just said shall we? There is a post on with an old post for a word phrase that has been changed over the years to a specfic skill. How about we say item identification for example? If we took your approach on the situation that picture isn't a source apparently for that screen shot.

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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by Jaster »

Faust wrote:
We will especially not pull aspects of other eras into this one, even with an overwhelming demand of players.
Did you forget to read the rest of the mission statement?

You have been asking for a countless number of features that were out of era in the last couple days.
Really? ... what out of era additions have I been asking for? I certainly don't recall posting anything of that sort ... perhaps you only interpret my suggestions as out of era because you don't agree with them ... but that doesn't make them from somewhere else

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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by Faust »

You have suggested that auto defend should be working like it did during the AOS era... That has been proven without a doubt to be working as intended. There is one out of era suggestion...

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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by BlackFoot »

one of the only memories i can distinctly remember and i onyl remember it cause it was the first time i ever saw it was on atlantic a guy attacked my guildmaster when we were duelign outfront of our guildhouse,
he cast harm and hit him with it, cast harm held it, hit with hally, dropped the harm on him to interupt his heal, cast harm again hit him with it, cast harm and held it, hit with hally and repeat
guildmaster spammed gheal the whole time and couldnt do anything
<IronfistMax> tell me where you are in game, and ill come thank you personally
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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP

Post by RoadKill »

Faust wrote:
RoadKill wrote:So before I do any research, what validates a source? I would not consider anything from WTFMAN or UOPowerGamers a valid source.
Okay, so let's use what you just said shall we? There is a post on with an old post for a word phrase that has been changed over the years to a specfic skill. How about we say item identification for example? If we took your approach on the situation that picture isn't a source apparently for that screen shot.
I think it's cute how you avoided half my comment directed at you, the more important half I'd say.

As for that, there is a difference between looking at a journal and saying "This is what happened' and a screenshot of a gump, system message, or over-head text. There are no "stories" attached to those. Also you can date an image pretty well by looking at it's properties.. date created. All my old SSs still hold their original creation dates, one could only assume pictures off websites would be the same.
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Re: Suggestion on the direction we should take for PvP


This is more like a flame Faust thread.

But really I agree with Faust posting words of how you feel, or how you believed it was is irrelevant.

Faust really already has posted all of his sources in other threads in order to validate his claims, and in order to change anything you would have to post your source to.

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