WmDVille Town additions

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by Darkest »

it would be a wonderfull ideal for some great add ons to be added to WmDville
they been working hard on there guild .Also it would be a great put down if the players say no.

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by Avo »

You have my support Angel, your town is coming along nicely I really like it. Hope you can get Derricks attention and have that stable placed soon. Good luck!

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by BlackFoot »

one problem i have with player ran stables is (im not sure if it still is this way)
you could stable a pet anywhere in the world and then pull it from the player stable and vice versa. Otherwise its just another stable... saves a gate and thats about it.
<IronfistMax> tell me where you are in game, and ill come thank you personally
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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by Pristiq »

BlackFoot wrote:one problem i have with player ran stables is (im not sure if it still is this way)
you could stable a pet anywhere in the world and then pull it from the player stable and vice versa. Otherwise its just another stable... saves a gate and thats about it.
It can also make the town feel like a real town, not a collection of houses out in the middle of nowhere with custom addons. Any playertown evolved enough could become as popular a hangout as WBB or Vesper bank.
chumbucket wrote:Everyone else, don't be a jerk to staff. Maahes cries enough already.

viewtopic.php?f=33&t=40810 - HOLY HELL AN AWESOME VENDOR?!

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by Thals »

Klark I find what you say simply laughable I was at the tower during that incident, and though you are quite opinionated towards the supposed events you were not.

Cisco was running around the tower naked for a good 5 or 10 minutes with orcs following him, actions which are very common to thieves, which unfortunately along with other harassers have become staples of WMD's guild life.

This was not an easy to get to tower for newbies either mind you it was in the middle of ice island far away from where any noob ventures. Again as you have stated we did not kill him, we simply ignored what appeared to be another thief, I should also state I have been told he is a member of irelands finest a thieves guild, and has been here over a month, and we did not take his precious belongings which i think consisted of some ham or something else ridiculous like that.

I would ask Klark that you please keep your slander to yourself as it adds nothing to this conversation other then Grief which is what Grievers like yourself flourish on giving to others.

I would also like to state that I have been here less then two weeks and angel and her guild of WMD have been nothing but helpful to me unlike I'm sure many of you have experienced, the less then helpful players who rob you at the bank as you start out, and the numerous pk's that hang out along britain graveyard as you try and venture out of town for the first time.

This is one of the few guilds, (and by this i mean no offense to the other helpful and compassionate guilds on this shard, as there are a few) that actually care about the players on this shard and tries to help the ones that aren't trying to rob and murder its members.

Even recently we moved to try to get away from some of this harassment but oh look our old friend from chaos have placed a house here trying to murder and steal from anyone they see and harass them in any way they can find.

But luckily if we pay them 265,000 they said they will stop the harassment and name calling, and murder, and theft and leave us alone so all is well i suppose...

As for the stable I would say one of the few guilds that actually care about this shard deserve it, and since they have already collected a great deal of material for it's construction should be allowed to have it.

I mean it's for everyone benefit to support the people who actually support this server isn't it?

~Thals The Savage of WMD

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by Clark_Kent »

Merely reporting upon what I was told, Citizen. No slander intended, I apologize if it came across as such--I only asked for a statement on the matter.

I'll have to look into this Orcish thieving method, can you reprot any further details on how this maneuver operates? Concerned citizens everywhere need to be prepared to combat this thief tactic.

I wasn't aware that he was in Ireland's Finest, I've heard they are are a force to be reckoned with and highly persistent.

You're being blackmailed by another guild--by the name of chaos, you say? The Daily Planet is interested in this story. Maybe the community can come to your aide in this matter. If you would like to speak further on this matter, or any other concerned Citizens would care to comment, please leave a memo with my secretary, Dembe, at the Daily Planet offices located outside of the Yew Gate.

Good day to you Citizen, and good luck in your adventures on Second Age!

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by CaptainObv »

Well, a few things. The first is is that the rune library is not public and the doors are locked more often than not. Second, we have boats in front of the WMD GH we use for developing fishermen. Until we move those, I don't see how it is feasible that they have docks.

Lastly, FS has a considerable number of homes on that island spread throughout their supposed city. Also, PKC has homes as well. I, for one, would not appreciate a stable master there.
<CaptainObv> Did you move my post ripping on felix?
<Blackfoot-> which
<Blackfoot-> he gets ripped on a lot

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by mrbojangles »

hold some events.

Guilds shouldn't receive ANYTHING if they don't interact with the community. Simply recruiting people en mass doesn't warrant a town.
Omar Little(irc) / Mr Bojangles / Bowie / Snake Plisken / Martin Van Buren / Dirty Ore

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by kayla22 »

No it doesnt. But helping newbs train. Giving 10k at a time to new players ( not new members of the guild) and helping save ppls butts when being pkd does warrant special add ons and such. This is due to the fact that we are helping the community members, whether in our guild or not.

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by kayla22 »

CaptainObv wrote:Well, a few things. The first is is that the rune library is not public and the doors are locked more often than not. Second, we have boats in front of the WMD GH we use for developing fishermen. Until we move those, I don't see how it is feasible that they have docks.

Lastly, FS has a considerable number of homes on that island spread throughout their supposed city. Also, PKC has homes as well. I, for one, would not appreciate a stable master there.

To this i can only say the following. We have 12 homes to your 3. Our library is locked at times but that is because we train our new members there and we always get attacked while training. So we lock them to ensure the safety of new recruits. And what you want doesn't affect what we want for our guild city. The homes you have there have been baught from ppl you have strong armed. So they give in to you so that they will be safe. Atleast our guild doesnt work the way yours does. We are honest and loyal ppl.

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by Jynxy »

Actually Angel is moving the rune library to one of the smaller building which will be open to the public at all times. I am not sure it may be done by now since she was working on it yesterday.

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by iamreallysquall »

Denied. coward guild bias towards certain members, kicks members bassed on heresay. has members inside the guild (ireland) that pks members and nothing is done or even atempted to be done about it when this first happend over a month Angel sits ontop his tower Refusing to fight me And house hides they hold no events claims the island is all his he demands rent from the other people on the island this is blasphmy This guild wont Even go to war with 60 memembers Against my 3 toons in a solo guild big bunch of noobs / cowards
<mistercherry> i bet ide beat yer asss in scrabble
<Atraxi> as soon as i find the noobs i stole from
<Jamison> lelouche your taunts will be your downfall

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by corr »

kayla22 wrote:
CaptainObv wrote:Well, a few things. The first is is that the rune library is not public and the doors are locked more often than not. Second, we have boats in front of the WMD GH we use for developing fishermen. Until we move those, I don't see how it is feasible that they have docks.

Lastly, FS has a considerable number of homes on that island spread throughout their supposed city. Also, PKC has homes as well. I, for one, would not appreciate a stable master there.

To this i can only say the following. We have 12 homes to your 3. Our library is locked at times but that is because we train our new members there and we always get attacked while training. So we lock them to ensure the safety of new recruits. And what you want doesn't affect what we want for our guild city. The homes you have there have been baught from ppl you have strong armed. So they give in to you so that they will be safe. Atleast our guild doesnt work the way yours does. We are honest and loyal ppl.

Strong armed? WmD is completely guilty of trying to project power. Along with the following picture, I was spammed with "fag" and "sucks balls" using the horse dismount message trick. Also I only count seven placed houses to FS!'s three; not including FS!'s five large ships along the coast.
wmd.JPG (112.1 KiB) Viewed 1684 times

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by kayla22 »

Ok. you took screenie of everyone standing around. No rude comments at all. We wont fight because we want peace. We don't want other guild members coming to our town and killing our players so much that they cant enjoy the game. Being harasses is being strong armed. And it is totally uncalled for. BTW, they were standing outside your house waiting for you to come out. But you wouldn't. They were trying to defend what is theirs.

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Re: WmDVille Town additions

Post by Senses »

Sorry to cut in here WmD, but this "harrassment" you speak of, is really part of building a town. When you set up a guild town you are basically erecting a huge sign that say "COME FUCK WITH US, WE'RE ALL RIGHT HERE." For alot of people this really sucks. Towns aren't for them. Use the "harassment" to build your guild numbers because nothing makes for a solid guild like the presence of an enemy. The very idea that you guys picked up your entire operation and moved it because of FS is the most obvious indication you aren't ready for town developments.

My advice to you is to stop worrying about stablemasters and pretty docks. Continue to increase membership in your guild, continue to increase the size of your town, then most importantly, give your town a theme. If all that theme ever becomes is protecting your citizens against all those who want to harass you, well even that's something.

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