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Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:26 am
by the bazookas
Excellent work. I'm a big fan :D

Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:57 am
by Vhyx
Slackers! Don't let this thread die. I swears, do I need to quit being on hiatus so I can keep this sucker rolling?????


Here, enjoy some tinker-box kills.


In this next one, should have let the guy farm a little longer before I placed the trap. Things got wild when I looted him. A red that was hiding in the fringes attacked me before I could pick the corpse clean. Got the dudes house key but not his rune. Oh well. Was fun nonetheless...


One of the guys in this little series made the comment "Huh, guess the harpies are spawning with trapped boxes on 'em". Image



"Look, a crate on a dragon! That's usual dragon loot amirite??!" Image



Poor Brit GY Noob, he had to flee from a lich. Being the upstanding individual I am offered my assistance. I killed the lich and told him "The loot is all yours". I failed to warn him about the explosive device I planted on the corpse. Oops. Image


Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:22 am
by Kander
Yea we have been slacking at sea. But me and scurvy have a shit ton of land kills. I just need the time to look at them all and edit them. I will try that this weekend. Plus I need to find a better place to host 100s of pics, photo bucket limits me.

Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:30 am
by the bazookas
Good stuff :)
Kander wrote:Yea we have been slacking at sea. But me and scurvy have a shit ton of land kills. I just need the time to look at them all and edit them. I will try that this weekend. Plus I need to find a better place to host 100s of pics, photo bucket limits me.
Just thought I'd share the following in case you'd like to try it:
I just use a free website from to host my image files on.
The tools for uploading (at least for this free website provider) are pretty clunky, but it gets the job done... And you have far more control over what happens with the images (I believe Facebook, for example, will forcibly reduce the image size on uploaded images).

I believe you need to create an "index.html" homepage in order to prevent it from e-mailing you saying it's going to close your website down because it doesn't appear to have anything resembling a website in it. I think the free hosting also limits uploads to 5MB.

Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:41 am
by Kander
Thanks I will take a look at it when I get home from work. :)

Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:53 pm
by Vhyx
Truth be told, I've had more fun screwing around on land than at sea. The laughs have been many. I've got a retarded amount of screenshots too, so I understand the daunting task of finding the best ones to share.

Soon I intend to head out with you guys for some shenanigans. Starting to feel the UO urge again.

Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:46 pm
by Kander
Aye the seas are dead now days. It looses its fun when you sail for 3 hours and don't find any one. But when on land you can find all kinds of ppl to stab to death, blow up, or let a cow / bull / or pig out and let it eat a poor bard alive.

Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:58 pm
by Vhyx
Yep, there is an I mean screenshot for that.


Nyuk nyuk.

Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:27 am
by Boondock_Saint
I've got hundreds of Screen shots of death.. I'll send them to you! Someone can work their nerd magic on them and create a cool slide show. Any takers?!

Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:11 pm
by Light Shade
Boondock_Saint wrote:I've got hundreds of Screen shots of death.. I'll send them to you! Someone can work their nerd magic on them and create a cool slide show. Any takers?!
I've thought about setting something like this up for people, but I don't have the time to manage it.


Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:09 pm
by Boondock_Saint
clearly you are not the nerd we need! I'm talking lives in moms basement extreme pvper type.

To apply contact your local PoD Representative.

Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 6:37 pm
by Kander
The winds have changed and the sound of gold coins ring in my ear. From the fiery depths I have came back to the lands to rid the world of AFK fishers and miners. The seas will turn red from our swords and arrows. Beware!!!!!!!

Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 4:17 am
by Jolly_Molly
Let this be a warnin to all ye afk fishermen, miners, and other layabouts, these waters belong to the Pirates of Dark Water, and we'll be collecting tribute, or we'll be collecting yer head.


Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 1:10 am
by AngelicaNHG
Well I sure am glad that I never AFK fish. I actually do it lick by click. Welcome back.

Re: Pirates at it again!

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 4:34 am
by Jolly_Molly
PoD has had another successful sailin' mission, protectin' our waters from th' vile AFK fishers that plague us.

We found the fisherking again, 'n were able t' commandeer th' galleon 'n use it t' find Big Fish. We were unable t' board that galleon, however, but we were able t' put a halt t' his illegal fishin' activities.



If ye be caught fishin' or minin' in our waters, we shall demand tribute, if ye do nah respond or decline, we shall collect th' blood tax instead.

'tis our duty 'n privilege t' board any vessels found t' be illegally operatin' in our waters, search them fer loot, 'n conduct them t' a safe area fer protection an/or jus' plain gettin' them out o' th' way.