Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

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Remove ALL Events?

Poll ended at Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:18 pm

Total votes: 36

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by Homie »

Im always wondering about the people demanding such things and never be seen ingame. It seems that they only live here and writing essays instead bringin their asses (forgive me) out for gameplay :roll:


ps: dumbest thread ever

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by Clyde- »

Homie wrote:Im always wondering about the people demanding such things and never be seen ingame. It seems that they only live here and writing essays instead bringin their asses (forgive me) out for gameplay :roll:


ps: dumbest thread ever
You're delusional, bro. In case you didn't notice Alatar and I are very active feild fighters (Deacon..Sivrik). If you don't know this then YOU are the one not seen in game. We spent the last two days pk'ing the shit out of ppl and fighting mainly outnumbered with the exception of a few mYm fights.

I wouldn't mind events if there werent gay hued item rewards for trophy points. And no i dont give two shits less about the rarity of an item. If i did i would spend time collecting them, but as it is i have only value in my pvp stock. I also wouldn't mind if the events had a risk factor. If you die, you're lootable. You can't honestly play CTF everyday and enjoy that crap over and over and over and over again...

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by Eulogy »

I think that peoples assumptions on others behavior, with or without events, is inaccurate.

Has anyone ever stopped to think that these events actually encourage newer players to have a way to ease into the field PvP?
Think about it.

The benefits from these events are twofold: they satiate the veterans hunger for PvP, and they ease in newer players to PvP.
Oh, and they're FUN.

While this shard is dedicated to T2A accuracy, it's freakin' 2009 folks. I don't think we're in OSI anymore, Toto.

What we have here are a lot of people that have been playing this game for YEARS, merged with some people that haven't played very long.
The learning curve is immense.

Simple fact is that these events draw more people in than they do force people away.

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by Tron »

This really is a stupid thread. Made just to "play that card too"?
This kind of attitude is childish.
And I think the "afkers ruin it" argument is tired, hemperor. The page button is there, do your part and report them. The afkers WERE not at bad as people make it out to be. It may have had it's moments, but it was not rampant and isn't something the players can't police themselves.



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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by Clyde- »

Eulogy wrote:Has anyone ever stopped to think that these events actually encourage newer players to have a way to ease into the field PvP?
Think about it.

The benefits from these events are twofold: they satiate the veterans hunger for PvP, and they ease in newer players to PvP.
Oh, and they're FUN.
Hm i might stop to think that if it were true. I was gone for over two months and just came back recently, and guess what? I saw NO new pvper's whatsoever, and the one's i do find run for the hills as soon as they get close to half hp.

Satiate the veterans hunger for pvp? Are you not listening? We are veterans and guess what? We HATEEE the events b/c they are boring. Vets dont want to log on to the same repetitive CTF, DD, LMS bs every day just to satisfy our pvp hunger. What on earth do we gain by that? Yeah, maybe if we could loot the people we killed or if there was any value in it at all. I find it pathetic that i see 50 people joining these events most of whom i've never heard of in my entire time on this shard. Then when i leave the event and go out looking for real pvp action...i find maybe, MAYBE, 2 of the people who were at that entire event.

All those events do is cater to the sissy's who are terrified of losing thier cheap, craphole loot bag anyways. And it shows b/c when they do step out on the feild they run asap b/c they are terrified of dying. So instead they resort to the comfort of the events. I mean honestly how much does your loot cost, 5k tops? Unless you have a magic wep.

I've said this before, but YOU WILL NEVER GET BETTER unless you stay and fight. Running a ctf flag back and forth avoiding getting ganked doesnt teach anyone how to pvp whatsoever. I died about a million times losing tons of loot before i learned the mechanics of it. If we're going to leave this in for the enjoyment of the game, i think we could all agree to remove attack last target spam since it too would be much more enjoyable. Oh but wait......that's not accurate, nvm my bad.

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by Hemperor »

Tron wrote:This really is a stupid thread. Made just to "play that card too"?
This kind of attitude is childish.
And I think the "afkers ruin it" argument is tired, hemperor. The page button is there, do your part and report them. The afkers WERE not at bad as people make it out to be. It may have had it's moments, but it was not rampant and isn't something the players can't police themselves.
i never mentioned afkers.

Eulogy does have a good point as well.

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by Homie »

Clyde- wrote: Hm i might stop to think that if it were true. I was gone for over two months and just came back recently, and guess what? I saw NO new pvper's whatsoever, and the one's i do find run for the hills as soon as they get close to half hp.

Satiate the veterans hunger for pvp? Are you not listening? We are veterans and guess what? We HATEEE the events b/c they are boring. Vets dont want to log on to the same repetitive CTF, DD, LMS bs every day just to satisfy our pvp hunger. What on earth do we gain by that? Yeah, maybe if we could loot the people we killed or if there was any value in it at all. I find it pathetic that i see 50 people joining these events most of whom i've never heard of in my entire time on this shard. Then when i leave the event and go out looking for real pvp action...i find maybe, MAYBE, 2 of the people who were at that entire event.

All those events do is cater to the sissy's who are terrified of losing thier cheap, craphole loot bag anyways. And it shows b/c when they do step out on the feild they run asap b/c they are terrified of dying. So instead they resort to the comfort of the events. I mean honestly how much does your loot cost, 5k tops? Unless you have a magic wep.

I've said this before, but YOU WILL NEVER GET BETTER unless you stay and fight. Running a ctf flag back and forth avoiding getting ganked doesnt teach anyone how to pvp whatsoever. I died about a million times losing tons of loot before i learned the mechanics of it. If we're going to leave this in for the enjoyment of the game, i think we could all agree to remove attack last target spam since it too would be much more enjoyable. Oh but wait......that's not accurate, nvm my bad.
Not everything here is about the pvp. You guys considered that there are many other ways of playing this game?

Events are a nice alternative to the things your currently doing ingame. They helped gathering people and if only two players out of 50 join the pvp after an event you could be glad because without events there will be zero gathering and people continue to macro their 10th GM thief on and on. Be grateful for that two guys who probably join the post pvp.

Just a question.. were you already arguing against events before deacon got his blessed true black sandals?

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by ClowN »

i agree that events should be removed. yes i realize not everything in UO revolves around PVP, but events are taking people away from actually playing the game as it was meant to be. there were never events every 24-48 hours on OSI. in fact most events on the production shards were player run, not staff run. and those events would usually get griefed by PKs, which kept them exciting.

UO was meant to be played in the UO world. not in a seperate mini game with nerfed combat rules and objectives that have nothing to do with UO at all (CTF).

Staff, please consider removing all automated events (yes even the PVP events), and encouraging the players to host their own events the way it was back in the day. it will definatly add to the t2a feel this shard is looking to emulate. the only time i think staff should host events is during holiday times like OSI did. it would be badass if you could bring back Santas Slay and Abyss during the appropriate times of the year :D maybe on the test server or something.

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by Faust »

I would prefer that all events in their current state except tourney's be removed since those are completely different and actually require prevention measures from outside interference. If there are events they should be merged into the real world environment to remove this "instance" based event system.

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by MatronDeWinter »

I say remove them until a suitable replacement (if any) can be put in. (This includes the leet-pvp tourneys). They are not accurate (argue that there "OMG TOTALLY WERE PVP TOURNEYS ON OSI) all you want, there were not scheduled weekly tourneys (or even monthly for that matter). I do enjoy CTF, DD, Survival, and the Tourneys, but things like resetting the flag(ctf), farming newbie characters for points (DD), Tucking against a wall and healing(survival) make these unsuitable, and unfair (and before you say it, no I don't lose at these events very much). The tourneys on the other hand seem completely fair, as there is a magics and redpotonly version, so it seems balanced out. The problem is that they only cater to the pvp community, and the reward is too high to single out towards one particular playstyle.

Remove them, open a discussion of reasonable replacement ideas, and work from there. The only opposition to this comes from a select few pvpers, whos argument will obviously be "omg your not good enough to compete", and quite frankly, I dont really care. There are a few extremely good PvP'ers (mYm for example) who will dominate in these events, and I find that completely fair, I just dont remember this community being soley rewarded oddly-colored masks and bless deeds (that should have been available through cub last year).

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by Faust »

Faust wrote:Arguing about events when it comes to era accuracy isn't possible. The events that happened on original shards varied from shard to shard. This argument is no different than trying to argue macroing and policy decisions. The events is not a game mechanic(what is being replicated here based on accuracy) not the different policies from one shard to the next that isn't possible to replicate. This is like trying to argue the Iron Oak invassion(the unique Iron reaper in Brit GY on the Baja shard) isn't accurate since it didn't happen on another shard. The events may in fact be automated but this is simply an improvement to the policy based on very few staff. Again, still not a game mechanic change but a policy change sinc events were UNIQUE. The events here are simply unique to this shard no different than the unique quality that other shards have, nothing more.

Now trying to argue bandages cutting towards policy change isn't feesible. Bandages cutting one by one HAPPENED on ALL shards unlike the unique events that happened from one shard to the next... This is the difference between game mechanic replication that is this server's main goal and policy decision replication which isn't the goal of this shard due to the fact it's not even possible. Trying to argue both topics into one isn't possible unless one shard had existed in the OSI shard list which obviously was never the case. You cannot replicate policy no different than trying to replicate your/mine/anyone's personal or social experience that they had during the t2a era. It just isn't possible unless you figured out how to build a time machine.
This is not an accuracy issue Matron... The matter at hand is that the events "take away" people from the actual world and place them in an "instance" like environment. That is the only problem with the events in all honesty. You cannot argue the accuracy position since they are a policy issue instead of game mechanic.

The main reason tourney's are different is quite simple. A tournament is designated in one centralized location no matter if it's hosted by a staff, script, or player. All these tournaments are "tradtionally" held in restricted environments. For example, even if a player hosts a tourney the majority of them are based on top of a tower for environmental control. If the staff decides to run a "tourney" policy for their event it can be designed through any means that are appropriate to them.

Tournaments would function no differently if it was held by a staff member or script making them different in my opinion. The location of the arena's could very well be merged into the real world possibly. However, if the staff chooses to remove all the events, all events except tourney's, or leave them it's their decision since it's based on a policy decision. I just think it would be more beneficial if the events were not based on an "instance" based system and should be merged into the world even if it means a change or removal of a particular event. Tournaments on the other hand would function no different and would be the easiest to "merge" for obvious reasons.

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by alatar »

Homie wrote:Just a question.. were you already arguing against events before deacon got his blessed true black sandals?
I've had those since back in 2008..
#1 PK Guild on T2A
ironfistmax wrote:Alatar is one of the best PvPers I have known. I have played UO since 1998 and every free shard known to man. It's not questionable whether he is good or not.
Hemperor wrote:Alatar is a douche bag but at least he and cr3w would fight everyone.

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by Hoots »

alatar wrote:
Homie wrote:Just a question.. were you already arguing against events before deacon got his blessed true black sandals?
I've had those since back in 2008..
No, he is trying to argue that your motivation for removing events is bc you already have the l33t3st gear available from them (he did the same to blackfoot in the ctf-dd trophies thread)...

And no, he did not read the part about you being fine with turning in your blessed pixels.

Alatar, anyone who wants events stopped or trophies limited is bc they are uber rich with billions of pixel rewards and dont want anyone else to reach their l333tn3ss. I thought you knew that by now!

It could never have anything to do with Era accuracy, changing of game mechanics or what is best for the shard. Silly..

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by Eulogy »

I'm a veteran too, Clyde. I like the events.
You can't say that every veteran dislikes the events.
Also, I was speaking about the PvP after the events are done with as well.

Oh, and people run like that cause they are either new, not used to the server, or are pussies.
IMO, events help to cure all three.

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Re: Removal of Events (Era-Accuracy)

Post by MatronDeWinter »

Faust wrote:
Tournaments would function no differently if it was held by a staff member or script making them different in my opinion. The location of the arena's could very well be merged into the real world possibly. However, if the staff chooses to remove all the events, all events except tourney's, or leave them it's their decision since it's based on a policy decision. I just think it would be more beneficial if the events were not based on an "instance" based system and should be merged into the world even if it means a change or removal of a particular event. Tournaments on the other hand would function no different and would be the easiest to "merge" for obvious reasons.
I was about to argue that they would be different if not hosted in a scripted environment, but I see that you mentioned merging them into the "real world" which makes sense. I am all for moving as many "safe" events as possible into the real world where certain player-templates may participate in the event or on the sidelines (yes I am talking about stealing/looting ect). I'm not insisting that events be removed.

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