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Re: Water Barrels

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:06 pm
by Van Raily
I remember post-SE, the water barrels could only store 5 pitchers of water each. That's why we actually stacked two or three water barrels on top of one another (not literally vertically, but on the same location), so that if barrel thieves came and took one or two, there was still another in its place and they would become deterred to continue.

Re: Water Barrels

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:28 pm
by Derrick
I just want to add that I am serious about getting this fixed. It's almost a running gag that every time something else cirtical comes up, that it's at a time when I was going to be working on these damn water barrels.

Thanks much for all the detailed information in this thread.

Re: Water Barrels

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:14 am
by BlackFoot
so after these 'npc shop' barrels (containers) are filled with water and then drained you an pick them up, but they lose their 'container' status? So they become decorative barrels but not functional?

Also, on osi the spawning barrel with the lid attached (where lidless container barrels spawn now). Was it a container? or just a decorative barrle?

Re: Water Barrels

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:53 pm
by Kaivan
BlackFoot wrote:so after these 'npc shop' barrels (containers) are filled with water and then drained you an pick them up, but they lose their 'container' status? So they become decorative barrels but not functional?

Also, on osi the spawning barrel with the lid attached (where lidless container barrels spawn now). Was it a container? or just a decorative barrle?
It was a usable item and it couldn't be filled with water either.

Re: Water Barrels

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:02 pm
by MatronDeWinter
Just curious if this is under consideration to be implimented?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:35 pm
by Ox Demetari
Uus Corp

I need to construct the great wall of HolyBallsThatsALottaBarrels. Whats the dealio here? 5 threads on water barrels; I think its about time its implemented.

I got a fevah.. and the only prescription.. is adding these water barrels

Re: Water Barrels

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:11 pm
by Hicha
Bump, any chance of this getting implemented soon?

Re: Water Barrels

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:58 pm
by FishinPro
Hicha wrote:Bump, any chance of this getting implemented soon?

LOL...there is a LONG list of stuff still to do. Nobody is doing anything about it. Nobody!

Re: Water Barrels

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 12:44 am
by Hicha
Bump in hopes of implementation (Anarcho!)

Re: Water Barrels

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 4:29 am
by Grimoric
Kaivan wrote:According to the demo, here are the functions of water barrels:
  • Water barrels can be made out of container barrels, provided the barrel is empty.
  • Water barrels are passable.
  • Water barrels cannot be highlighted.
  • Water barrels can be filled by a theoretically infinite number of water pitchers (23 were successfully placed in a barrel on the demo)
  • Water barrels stack under other items (this may be different depending on the specific item)
  • When emptied, water barrels that were originally capable of holding items became barrels that could not hold items (once the item count was placed on items this became apparent with a single click of the barrel).
This all lines up very well with live OSI servers in terms of functionality.
Same thing for empty "tubs" the stables like in north Minoc.

OSI played around with the house placment rules and some periodes they could be placed over and some they was handled as a tree rule wise and under that time they was used in IDOC camping to delaying placing of a new homes. You needed a pitcher and a axe with you and it was real horrible time and I hated it. If you going to implemet then you also have the addons that never dissaper in a IDOC like water through, large forge and so one with needed the axe to be smashed and removed.

If we goes into this a bit deeper, a barrel or tube on top of a large tower was not blocking a small house under it after a IDOC, the check was made on every floor level that the new building was useing. So if you wanted to place a large tower and it had a tube on the wing then you needed to call a GM to remove it you could not smatch it from ground and build a tower on the spot was not possible untill it was removed.

To make this work the house placing code will need to be rewriten RunUO only have a check on the ground tiles in a standard release. I never got Demo+ to work, but this have to be included in it, if the full server code in the normal Demo?


Re: Water Barrels

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 10:23 pm
by Hicha
BUMP, need some decor!

Re: Water Barrels

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:39 pm
by TI_Smithy ... hp3?id=194

"Well everyone knows how to get waterbarrels with the water pitcher trick. People though forget to realize that they still can be taken even when you lock them down in your home witht he same trick. I know this isnt much but with the amount of water barrels i get from this idea it is clear to me that people are just clueless. hehehe one person even locked them down as a barricade to the rest of his house. Lets just say he wasnt a happy camper after my thief was done. I hope this helps cause my thief loves going shopping to all the vendor houses and see things like this. hehehehe"

Re: Water Barrels

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:11 am
by Drunk'n Disorder
Would love to see this implemented!