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Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:19 pm
by Clark_Kent
Late to the party, but I want to chime in with my two cents on Detect Hidden.

It's been one of Clark Kent's most profitable tricks of the trade. You wouldn't believe how many people AFK with expensive/fun things in their pack and simply click "hide" and go on their merry way assuming their character is safe from thieves.

And, as stated, it's a wonderful grief ability.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:26 pm
by Mikel123
If someone is hidden, I just reveal them with Reveal spell 90% of the time.

The biggest use of Detect Hidden for me is to pre-cast Invisbility, run up next to them and invis so a big scary monster doesn't get me, then Detect Hidden to reveal them while I am hidden and safe. Otherwise, if I precast Reveal and run up to them to reveal, the big scary monster has some time while I follow up with Invisibility for which to beat on me.

It's also fun with Stealth for IDOCs. Beyond that though, I find it ludicrous that DH is inferior to Reveal (at GM magery) in terms of chance of revealing and range of reveal.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:34 pm
by Clark_Kent
Mikel123 wrote: It's also fun with Stealth for IDOCs. Beyond that though, I find it ludicrous that DH is inferior to Reveal (at GM magery) in terms of chance of revealing and range of reveal.
See, that's the biggest perk to DH over reveal--you can use it while hidden/stealthed yourself without giving yourself away. Granted, if the player is intelligent they will realize they were revealed and do a reveal themselves--but it doesn't happen as often as you'd think.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:19 am
by Arkon
I have 3 thief/stealther types and one thing I've found is once you get comfortable and create your own way of how you like to do things, nearly any template is viable.

Also, like someone else mentioned, being a thief can be extremely profitable. You'd be amazed at how many people don't understand the house-security mechanics here. I've made 3 400k+ scores in the past 2 weeks via house looting and have stolen numerous semi-expensive items just from roaming around looking for targets.

Good luck to you.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:37 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
I am not in cA, but I lurk here from time to time (please don't DarkWing me :lol: )
This is the temp I am working on now


Macing for charged items, maybe stam damage to keep someone pinned which leads me to the question on whether or not to raise dex a bit or not. Not a house looter or anything just a highway man who isn't bent on killing anyone.

Now for a house looter...
Detect Hidden
Remove Trap
Stealth 80
Magery 90
Tracking 30

That's what I would use anyway, last thing you want is to open a chest that has been tinker trapped.
Anybody who has something worth stealing would have their belongings locked in a chest possibly tinker trapped. Remove trap allows you to check for traps and remove them if found without coming out of hiding.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:42 pm
by chumbucket
House looters should have GM meditation.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:51 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
I think mostly you need to pull off a recall before the ban.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:04 pm
by MatronDeWinter

Mace and no tact? Charge items arent worth 100 pts. Dex is definitely a bad idea, and you won't be killing anyone like this.

Now for a house looter...
Detect Hidden
Remove Trap
Stealth 80
Magery 90
Tracking 30

Not enough track, too little stealth, lockpicking (while almost pointless) only needs to be at the level to pick GM made tinker boxes, need meditation to quickly gate multiple times, Detect hidden only tells marks that you are present.

If you can recall out with the loot, or get banned while attempting it, you pretty much fail at house looting.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:56 pm
by chumbucket
House Looter (a pointless character template as any mage with hiding, stealth and med will do fine):

Magery GM (slightly less if you carry gate travel scrolls with you at all times)
Meditation GM (to gate as many times as possible in a given period of time)
Hiding GM (obvious)
Stealth GM (obvious)
Lockpicking (to level needed to pick GM made locks, never come up even once for me)
Tracking GM (helps keep track of people, finds people in houses - these are rarely useful)
Wrestling GM (in case you need to make an escape against someone with a kryss etc)
Some misc skills at less than GM

100 str, 100 int, 25 dex

Honestly, I wouldn't waste a character slot on this type of character when a standard med-stealth-mage will do just as well in 99% of the house loots you'll ever encounter.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:09 am
by archaicsubrosa77
MatronDeWinter wrote:Steal
Mace and no tact? Charge items arent worth 100 pts. Dex is definitely a bad idea, and you won't be killing anyone like this..
The whole point is not to kill anybody with this. All the damage I really want is stamina, and to heal without interrupt. When I meant raise dex I didn't mean by alot, just maybe 5-10 points.
MatronDeWinter wrote: Not enough track, too little stealth, lockpicking (while almost pointless) only needs to be at the level to pick GM made tinker boxes, need meditation to quickly gate multiple times, Detect hidden only tells marks that you are present.
If you can recall out with the loot, or get banned while attempting it, you pretty much fail at house looting.
I had tinker trapped and locked boxes kept inside some of my residences I am sure you edited at least a few tales where you went boom, if not people need to secure things better. Detect Hidden is needed for remove trap...not for revealing house hiders. This is the keymaster not the gatekeeper Gozer, If you know what I mean. 30 track is just to home in on your compatriot before you begin. No stepping on toes here and once you got the lock if you both stay close you keep the position near indefinately while you scope things out/lay in wait.

You cannot remove locked down items, you can the objects inside. Instead of eating "coconuts" etc you could have gotten your grubby hands on more grub aye? More veteren players have keyrings and lock their belongings in locked down containers. Don't you Thief guildmistress? :wink:

If the GM tracker finds no one is inside, he lets the looter in and detect hidden can be used to cut time to find which boxes bite. Make a mental note hide again to not draw attention ,each starts to do their thing, throwing everything in containers (you yourself brought) that you want to keep then drag and drop them through a gate. Ta-da.

One of the most ingenius names I seen was "a chair". Which would show up as grey inside a house as "a chair". Props to you "a chair".