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Re: Gating Multiple Players

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:19 am
by Menkaure
Robbb is 100000% right on this. I totally remember this, and I remember it well. There was nothing more annoying then when my slow brother would walk through a gate first and take forever to move. I thought they did fix this problem in 1999, but it appears it was still there, thats crazy. Just in the past month, this has been founded and so has the black pearl being priced wrong.

Re: Gating Multiple Players

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:52 am
by Peetrik
Menkaure wrote:Robbb is 100000% right on this. I totally remember this, and I remember it well. There was nothing more annoying then when my slow brother would walk through a gate first and take forever to move. I thought they did fix this problem in 1999, but it appears it was still there, thats crazy. Just in the past month, this has been founded and so has the black pearl being priced wrong.
Or how about someone goes through gate and crashes!! UGH

This brings back bad memories!!! Don't make this happen, (old thread and may already be implemented but I can't gate yet to experience)

Re: Gating Multiple Players

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:44 am
by Menkaure
Peetrik wrote:
Menkaure wrote:Robbb is 100000% right on this. I totally remember this, and I remember it well. There was nothing more annoying then when my slow brother would walk through a gate first and take forever to move. I thought they did fix this problem in 1999, but it appears it was still there, thats crazy. Just in the past month, this has been founded and so has the black pearl being priced wrong.
Or how about someone goes through gate and crashes!! UGH

This brings back bad memories!!! Don't make this happen, (old thread and may already be implemented but I can't gate yet to experience)
Ahhh, I almost forgot aobut that. I remember my PK dying because I went through a gate and crashed. I remembre soon as I crashed I thought "Its ok, your friend gated you, he will make sure no one messes with you" Then I log back in and Im a ghost, and had over 240 counts. I raged so hard, and just left my house for the day. Man do I miss those days.

Re: Gating Multiple Players

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:38 pm
by Kaivan
The problem with this is that we aren't clear whether this is a client side or server side issue. As of now, we don't know, so we can't determine whether it is possible to replicate this or not. Had the investigation revealed that destination moongates were simply blocked if someone stood on the destination location, then a fix would have been easy to do.

Re: Gating Multiple Players

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:06 pm
by AceOfSpades
This may be supported by proof etc but if this is implemented it will be yet another ERROR accuracy put into the game that doesn't need it.

We all hate 10 pks / oranges hopping out of a gate with FS scrolls pre-casted but it happens. The only thing this will do is change gate pks into recall pks. It would essentially flood the market with even MORE GOLD than there already is in the game because everyone will be able to farm without issues. Right now, you run in with 10 pks to a dragon turret and they shit themselves - if only one pk comes through at a time it is very easy to gate your dragons out and suffer no loss what so ever.

Call me whatever you'd like but I do not support this being implemented in any way. It makes no sense. Its pretty much like saying " I remember a bug that you could 1 shot somebody with a dagger if done properly " - It's just pointless to put into the game.

Re: Gating Multiple Players

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:58 pm
by Pac
If this is proven to be era-accurate then it goes in the game, period. This isn't subjective.

Re: Gating Multiple Players

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:52 am
by Robbbb
Kaivan wrote:Update on this...

I've done some further testing on the demo and I've found that what I encountered the first time when testing whether a gate was blocked or not wasn't actually due to not being able to pass through the gate, but was due to uneven ground. Apparently, the demo had poor detection when walking onto a moongate that was placed on uneven ground, preventing me from walking through the gate from certain tiles.

A more thorough test conducted tonight revealed that on even ground, it was possible to walk through a moongate without any difficulty, despite someone else standing on the destination's end. This is obviously an error on my part, and we'll need some more information to understand exactly what caused the player reports. No patch notes mention any major changes to moongates, short of the changes preventing monsters from being transported via moongate. I'll look at the demo scripts themselves to try and understand the issue more thoroughly.

So if the demo blocks this on uneven ground then it must be era accurate to block it on uneven ground correct?? I believe there have been a few changes that have been implemented because the demo deemed them so with ZERO proof other than the demo. This should be all we need to change the gating system.

Because, as you know, the DEMO is excellent proof!!

Re: Gating Multiple Players

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:22 am
by Kaivan
Again, we don't know why it's happening. If it an artifact of the client, then there is nothing for us to do, and if it an artifact of the server, we don't know what conditions prevent a player from entering a moongate, and can't implement it without information on exactly what causes it. Either way, we certainly can't implement it now, and throwing the demo back in our face doesn't invalidate this point, regardless of anyone's opinion on it.

Re: Gating Multiple Players

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:17 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
What this sounds like is as soon as the gate appears they surround it and dispel it attacking everyone that comes through as soon as they appear. I don't see any indication that it will keep several from gating simultaneously in fact it says that they do. They are looking at it in the angle of it takes time for several players to gate in even if it is in seconds. If you ever house killed anyone you gated in you know that's all it takes.