The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Faust »

Faust wrote:Here is a short and long version of the description for what is incorrect about weapon mechanics currently. I wrote the short version in another thread to explain it further. It doesn't add any proof with patches, research, etc... If you want all of that you will have to read the long version of the article. I'm adding the short version, because this entire process has been very complex for a lot of people to grasp or understand. I hope this helps for more understanding towards the problem and the solution for this.

Short Version:
RunUO timers are static for all weapons. We put in the instant hit refresh based on memories and documentation that back those memories up. This was the first phase where you could "speed" up your swing. I guess some people like to call this a "fast swing" on here. The problem with this was that it had a bug to where you could swing around 1.5 second instead of the 2.0 seconds that existed back in t2a. Also, the way it worked is kind of a mystery. We know it works but there is no hard code to duplicate the feature. The only logical explanation that we could come up with was basing it off of wrestling, since you unequip a weapon it converts the delay to 2 seconds etc... However, this was the incorrect approach after my later discoveries that is explained in the long version involving a similar unequip delay based off of an average delay of 2 seconds. This is where the new combat changes sprung up pretty much. There was still errors in the combat mechanics besides this though.

There has always been an equip delay when you equip a weapon. I will explain an example of this by using a halberd. A halberd has a swing delay of 4.5 seconds when you swing the weapon. Well on the Ultima Online demo if you equipped a weapon your delay would reset the swing delay. This means soon as you equipped a halberd your swing delay would be 4.5 seconds and you couldn't swing again until it ticked down to zero. This same equip delay exists in present UO and is in the RunUO default code as well.

All shards end up removing this delay because obviously you could not insta hit if a delay was reset everytime you equipped a weapon. Right? Well the problem is that this equip delay was still present in UO based on a patch note that describes it being tweaked in the UOR publish for archery. Well how it works is very simple. If you have an active combat delay the equip delay would be applied and if there is no active delay your swing would be ready for an insta hit. This is why hallies can seem "slower" if you think about it. If you mess up like I previously said while equipping your weapon you can reset your swing delay. This takes a lot more accuracy and precission skill wise to get your swings off correctly without screwing up your combat delay.

Long Version:
A few weeks back I found some pretty impressive information in regard to the way combat mechanics and refreshing your insta hit works. First, I want to tell you that this will probably be one of the longest posts that you will ever read, because there is such an enormous amount of information that will be presented in the post. Please try to bare with me for this very reason.

People need to remember that this shard is all about accuracy. I want to show everyone what I know and found to simply discuss in a civil manner and to get your opinions. This isn't a discussion to suggest other ideas or what might be better to do etc... It is a discussion to solve the major problems that I discovered with the way weapons function here that makes more sense if you follow all the precise information that I have found. Hopefully if there is a positive reaction we can fix some of the major problems with PVP right now. Please try to follow the information below the best you can.

We have officially confirmed that refreshing your swing was possible during the '99 era through relentless research that falls in line with the memories of many Ultima Online veterans that played the game then. Those that are not familiar with this discussion here is an article I wrote in regard to this previously.

Faust wrote:
More information dug up. This was obtained from an old JoV post that Nighthawk(an old friend and fellow guild member) from posted up many many years ago. The interesting part about this story is the real time involving the journal that is displayed in a picture on there.

Take a special look at the 5th line beside the picture...

Nighthawk wrote:
5> Hally, Ebolt, Hally, Ebolt (as he tries to heal)

Now let's think about this while including the journal log. Take a special notice to the 3 greater heals. It is quite obvious that the first two of them were disturbed since this guy died in a matter of a few seconds from that point. The hally interupts the first Greater Heal, and the ebolt is released to interupt his second Greater Heal attempt. Another ebolt is casted followed by a hally hit RIGHT after a hally hit just occurred. With a finishing ebolt for the kill. Here is yet more evident proof in a REAL LIFE time span clearly displayed on this journal that shows that you could "ebolt, hally, ebolt, hally". If you had to wait the 5 second delay on the hally there is abolutely no way you could have disturbed three greater heals in this manner without it overriding the delay when you casted a 6th circle spell not to mention even do an ebolt, hally, ebolt, hally this quickly...


The major hurdle for implementing this system into UOSA, which we have already done was to come up with a logical reason for this feature to exist. What we concluded was that it had to be involved with the wrestling timer after you unequipped the weapon. However, I found some information a few weeks ago while researching that contradicts this entire theory that actually explains how it worked based on patches, articles, and other related Ultima Online information. Here is an article that I wrote that discusses this.

Faust wrote:
Here is the piece of information that I found that solves the mechanical functions of the insta hit refresh. I stumbled upon this information while doing research for a non-related issue. Here is the quote below from a person complaining on Stratics about the changes and upcoming changes in early February of '99.

Disarming Weapons: gives a 2 second delay. Ok, wonderful but this goes hand in hand with the hit being calculated at the beginning of each swing to cause further inbalances.

Reference: ... ocookies=1

This above was the last section on the article referring to the new changes. What this means is that when you disarm a weapon your combat delay was changed to 2 seconds. The reason this was implemented was to fix a bug where someone could significantly speed up a much slower weapon delay. This below will explain the fix that implemented this delay.

Mini-update with small fixes Feb 26 1999 11:25AM
An exploit for getting slow weapons to hit faster has been fixed.

Here is the explanation of this patch on the old Markee's Dragon web site.

Markee's Dragon - February 26, 1999

10) The disarm/arm exploit to get slow weapons to hit faster has been fixed. It will not be to your advantage to disarm/rearm a weapon. Please note one important omission!! There will be no current changes to Architect NPCs concerning better methods of buying back house deeds. Expect this to be added in the next major update though which is tentatively scheduled for around March 9th.


After doing all this research it completely clicked like a light was just turned on in my mind. I remember when this bug was fixed. What you could do is swing with a very slow weapon and arm a very fast weapon to convert your delay to that of a slower weapon. The reason this works is because of the same mechanic that is apparent in the UO Demo. When you equip a weapon with an active swing delay your swing delay would convert to the weapon delay of the weapon that you just equipped. For example, if you hit with a halberd that made your delay 4.5s you could equip a katana converting your delay to a little over 1 second. If you equipped the halberd after waiting out the katana delay you would have a hally swing ready to go. All you had to do was hally, katana, hally katana, and repeat this entire process using the katana as a buffer to speed up the process by converting the delay. A dexer abusing this bug would obviously be devestating one can imagine.

What OSI did to fix this solution was to add a 2 second delay described above when you unequip a weapon. If you did the same process with the halberd and katana your delay would always be two seconds after unequipping the weapon to prevent converting the swing delay to something so awfully low. If you would try to equip a hally after unequipping before waiting out the two second delay it would simply reset your swing delay upon equipping.

When OSI implemented this change it gave birth to the insta hit refreshes that I've talked about so much. If you unequipped a weapon your delay would convert to 2 seconds, which is roughly a little over a 6th circle spell or two second circle spells casted back to back. This process makes much more sense than the theory involving it around the wrestling timer.

I hope all this makes sense to those who read it and fully understand how it actually worked.

I posted a follow up article that explains the process above based on a timeline of events while including some more extra information. Here is that article below.

Faust wrote:

I made the comment about weapons resetting upon equip with an active delay one post up. What this means is that when you equip a weapon there is what you would call an "equip delay". This delay would be the current weapon's delay at that very moment when you equip the weapon. This is the same delay that is discussed in the UOR publish that tweaked the long equip delay for archery.

Here is the patch notes for the equip delay in '97.

12/16/97 - Combat
Equipping a weapon in combat will restart your weapon swing.

Now this mechanic is also present in the UO Demo and the last time I checked on OSI it was still very much alive there too. At least this is the case for all weapons besides bows for obvious reasons. There is no mention of the removal of the equip delay in any patch notes besides the one involving archery during the UOR publish. There is no reason this mechanic shouldn't be present since there is no evidence that suggests other wise.

Renaissance Publish Apr 28 2000 10:28AM CST - Archery
The long equip delay for all bows will be tweaked.

All of this plays an eccentric part in the insta hit refresh.

We have officially confirmed that insta hit refreshes did occur from all the research above that falls in line with many UO vets memories. This means that there HAS to be someway to be able to convert a halberd's delay to around a sixth circle and two second circle spell delays. A sixth circle delay is 1.75s and two harms back to back is 2.0 seconds.

We previously could only come up with one logical way for this to occur. This was the wrestling timer. Since you unequipped and the delay would convert to a wrestling delay of 2.5s, since wrestling was way too fast at the suggested 2.0 seconds. This has obviously been the incorrect approach. Wrestling for one looks to be between 3-4 seconds on the UO Demo. If you take the speed that RunUO suggests for wrestling at 25 stamina that would make it exactly 3.5 seconds. There is absolutely no way this can be suggested to be the culprit for refreshing swings.

Now lets get back on topic shall we. If you take into consideration that the equip delay resets the weapon on equip this brings up a very obvious issue if you think about it. What happens when I swing with a heavy weapon like a hally or bow, and than proceed to equip a katana to shorten the delay and swap back to the heavy weapon after that delay has passed? The obvious thing would happen. You would be able to swing your weapon because your swing would be considered ready after the shorter delay elapsed.

Now came the solution to fix this problem.

Patch February 1999
An exploit for getting slow weapons to hit faster has been fixed.

Markee's Dragon February 1999
10) The disarm/arm exploit to get slow weapons to hit faster has been fixed. It will not be to your advantage to disarm/rearm a weapon.

UO Stratics February 1999
Disarming Weapons: gives a 2 second delay. Ok, wonderful but this goes hand in hand with the hit being calculated at the beginning of each swing to cause further inbalances.

This is where the two second delay after disarming came into play and when insta hit refreshes were essentially born. The easy solution for this was to add an average delay after unequipping a weapon. Once you unequip that heavy weapon your delay would convert to 2 seconds. Also, make note that this delay ALWAYS happens unlike the equip delay. This means when you unequip a weapon you will have a 2 second delay no matter what. It doesn't matter if your swing delay is active or not.

So lets say you hit with a hally giving you a delay of 5 seconds(for ease of following). You unequip your hally converting your delay to 2 seconds, and you decide to equip a katana. This would convert your delay to that of a katana since you have an active delay. If you try the old bug where you wait out the katana it wouldn't be possible like it was previously. This is the case because when you unequip the katana a delay of 2 seconds is always added. So if you swapped to a hally before that delay elapsed than you will now have the hally's delay applied instead of the 2 seconds.
- My "lame" 4 sources.
- Your "lame" 0 sources.
- Your neglection to understand the simple concept that wrestling producing inconsistancies after punching to counter a refresh.
- Your neglection to the evidence that wrestling wasn't 50 speed.
- Your alterative motive to get this changed even for the sake of inaccuracy is to make your favorite template a "dexer" to be much better than it really was.

All that needs to be said.


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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Kraarug »

Faust wrote:
- My "lame" 4 sources.
- Your "lame" 0 sources.
- Your neglection to understand the simple concept that wrestling producing inconsistancies after punching to counter a refresh.
- Your neglection to the evidence that wrestling wasn't 50 speed.
- Your alterative motive to get this changed even for the sake of inaccuracy is to make your favorite template a "dexer" to be much better than it really was.

All that needs to be said.

I was going to let this go, because I'm certain that if one reads just a fraction of your posts they'd easily see how biased you are but I want to just point out the obvious that you fail to see.
- My "lame" 4 sources.
- Your "lame" 0 sources.
I use your same sources to point out the flaws in your case.
- Your neglection to understand the simple concept that wrestling producing inconsistancies after punching to counter a refresh.
The inconsistnacies after punching to counter a refresh is exactly what is intended. Get some skill to learn how to use it. If you can't win a fight with ebolt and a 2.4 second hally whack then I suggest you log off for good. It shouldn't be any easier than that for anyone.
- Your neglection to the evidence that wrestling wasn't 50 speed.
I got the 50+ speed by trying to using the proper formula to see, if the fast hally whack existed after 2.26.99, how it would have worked instead of just making a constant and building a case around it like you.

The fact that AOS is set to a speed of 50 was volunteered to me by a very valuable source. I think it's signficant and supports the wrestling timer. It's certainly stronger than your page long snow job.
- Your alterative motive to get this changed even for the sake of inaccuracy is to make your favorite template a "dexer" to be much better than it really was.
There is no alterative motive, I want an accurate T2A shard.

You seem to not have played a townie or dexxer on '99 OSI so you wouldn't know but anyone who played that character type knows that they are nerfed all the hell here and the current mechanic is not even close to T2A. I suspect that you have a lot to do with the slow pace of corrective actions.

Also, as someone who also played tank mages (both Macers and Swords) on '99 OSI I can tell you that it's all too easy to kill dexxers here. On OSI you needed to keep your distance if you wanted to keep your regs and pride. Here, even standing naked, you can just keep casting GH and live forever under a 120 stamina GM melee attack. That is false and fail in terms of anything T2A.

You claim you are a good PvPer but from what I gather you are a one-note-charlie and you're tyring all you can to keep things in your favor.

Maybe you require things to be dumbed down to keep the varibles low, but what you proport to be T2A is just one very biased and self serving view.

T2A wasn't a great time to PvP based on one spell combo and a mythical Hally Whack. People playing what you put forth, a 2 second hally whack are not playing anything like what T2A offered. People certainly playing a dexxer here are not playing anything that resembled T2A either.

In both of these cases a accurate T2A replica is fail. Getting it fixed is my only motivation because, apparantly like Derrick, I thought T2A was the best version of UO and I want it back. If I wanted a shard where only one PvP template is dominate then I'd join crapy player run shard or just quit UO all together.
Last edited by Kraarug on Mon May 04, 2009 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Faust »

Two second hally whacks could have been the so called "double hit exploit" for all anyone knows. The description of the exploit involved cycling a hally. This could very well be the same thing... However, wrestling had absolutely nothing to do with it for the reasons that has clearly been stated. My theory is solely based on the game mechanics put in place before and used after. A speed of 50 for wrestling was not the case during the t2a era as Kaivan made clear... If my theory is in fact invalid than there is another cause behind it besides wrestling. I am the only one that has introduced a theory to replicate the feature without radically changing the fundamentals of the game such as the wrestling delay. I would be glad to hear a theory that uses logic and standard game mechanics to reproduce this from anyone here..

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Mikel123 »

I'm a little confused on the mechanics here, but are we saying a Halberd can swing every 2.4 seconds with 25 stamina? Or instead, that somehow you can fool around with equipping, unequipping, wrestling, whatever else, to make it swing every 2.4 seconds?

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Mikel123 »

Also, two-second hally hits were NOT the double-hally-hit exploit. I'd guess the hits were 1/4 to 1/2 second apart... real fast, like the amount of time it took to play the hit sound twice consecutively. Some PvPer from the west coast (Pacfic/Sonoma) named Bob Marley taught me how to do it on Test Center one time. I wish I could remember how it was done... I don't remember a ton of arms and disarms; I didn't have any add-on programs at the time and armed/disarmed solely from the UO in-game macro system.

Anyways, I thought hally hits were 2.5 - 3 seconds between swings for 100 dex (though, again, if disarming/re-arming/etc has some way of "tricking" the system, I was unaware of that in the past). Katanas swung every 1.0 second or so. Maybe .8, maybe 1.2, I forget. Anyways, the speed formula on this shard seems off... according to the stratics formula in the Combat guide, a War Axe at 100 dex should swing once every 1.9 seconds... it seems like about half that in actuality (fighting Liches, at least).

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Faust »

Arming and disarming a weapon can alter your weapon delay. The equip delay was implemented in '97 and still exists to this very day. The way the equip delay worked during the t2a era was resetting your current weapon delay according to the weapon you just equipped. For example, equipping a hally while you have an active swing delay at 25 stamina will reset your swing delay based on a hally weapon speed.

Hally Speed: 25
Weapon Formula: 15000 / (( Stam + 100 ) * Weapon Speed) = Delay

Under this game mechanic the weapon delay would be 4.8 seconds in this scenario. This means anytime you equip a hally at 25 stamina with an active weapon delay for any weapon it will reset your swing delay to 4.8 seconds EVERY time.

The other delay is called a disarm delay. This how you can "theoretically" cut your hally down in half as a tank mage. The way this game mechanic works is when you unequip a weapon your swing delay shifts to a wrestling delay. The wrestling speed sits at 50 meaning you can hit with a hally, unequip the hally shifting your weapon delay by altering it to the wrestling delay, and waiting out the wrestling delay to have another swing ready in a little over 2 seconds. However, if your stamina is low like around 0 or 1 this obviously means the wrestling delay will be slower requiring you to wait longer than if you were at max stamina.

That is the way the equip and unequip delays work.

Also, the double hit exploit is definitely not the same as the game mechanic described above. This was simply a theory and stopped there. I found a Japanese web site describing both of these game mechanics a few weeks back seperately and how to do them both. The double hit exploit involves manipulating the prep delay when equipping a weapon before you are allowed to swing which is 0.25 seconds before a weapon refreshes giving you two swings almost instantly.

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Mikel123 »

Faust wrote:Arming and disarming a weapon can alter your weapon delay. The equip delay was implemented in '97 and still exists to this very day. The way the equip delay worked during the t2a era was resetting your current weapon delay according to the weapon you just equipped. For example, equipping a hally while you have an active swing delay at 25 stamina will reset your swing delay based on a hally weapon speed.

Hally Speed: 25
Weapon Formula: 15000 / (( Stam + 100 ) * Weapon Speed) = Delay

Under this game mechanic the weapon delay would be 4.8 seconds in this scenario. This means anytime you equip a hally at 25 stamina with an active weapon delay for any weapon it will reset your swing delay to 4.8 seconds EVERY time.

The other delay is called a disarm delay. This how you can "theoretically" cut your hally down in half as a tank mage. The way this game mechanic works is when you unequip a weapon your swing delay shifts to a wrestling delay. The wrestling speed sits at 50 meaning you can hit with a hally, unequip the hally shifting your weapon delay by altering it to the wrestling delay, and waiting out the wrestling delay to have another swing ready in a little over 2 seconds. However, if your stamina is low like around 0 or 1 this obviously means the wrestling delay will be slower requiring you to wait longer than if you were at max stamina.

That is the way the equip and unequip delays work.

Also, the double hit exploit is definitely not the same as the game mechanic described above. This was simply a theory and stopped there. I found a Japanese web site describing both of these game mechanics a few weeks back seperately and how to do them both. The double hit exploit involves manipulating the prep delay when equipping a weapon before you are allowed to swing which is 0.25 seconds before a weapon refreshes giving you two swings almost instantly.
AHHHH, I see. So you have a hally in hand; delay is 4.8 sec per swing.

If you unequip it to bare hands, the wrestling timer starts up... which lasts about 2+ seconds.

In one case, you can re-equip the hally in less than 2 seconds, in which case the timer will reset to the hally schedule and cause you to wait 4.8 seconds from that moment to get a swing. OR, you can wait 2+ sec for the wrestling swing timer to finish, and once that timer completes, you can equip the hally and swing with it. Is this correct?

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Faust »

Yes, that is exactly how it works.

The major difference between holding your hally in hand and attempting a weapon cycle by unequipping to convert your timer to wrestling is that one is guarenteed and the other isn't. If you attempt to cycle your weapon by converting the delay to wrestling after unequipping you can throw a punch wasting precious time. This was the major counter technique against this old tactic. However, if you hold your hally in for the almost 5 seconds you will get a guarenteed hally swing regardless since you can't waste it by wrestling. Both tactics have their use in a fight in specific situations.

Some people will try to tab out by avoiding to waste their swing with wrestling most of the time. When people attempt this their opponent will simply re-attack them making them auto defend so that they must wrestle. Most of the battles comes down to who can better tab/attack last in a fight defensively and offensively. You will hear a lot of the top pvper's complaining about "spamming attack last" if you haven't already.

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Kraarug »

Mikel123 wrote:
AHHHH, I see. So you have a hally in hand; delay is 4.8 sec per swing.

If you unequip it to bare hands, the wrestling timer starts up... which lasts about 2+ seconds.

In one case, you can re-equip the hally in less than 2 seconds, in which case the timer will reset to the hally schedule and cause you to wait 4.8 seconds from that moment to get a swing. OR, you can wait 2+ sec for the wrestling swing timer to finish, and once that timer completes, you can equip the hally and swing with it. Is this correct?
Mike, this is perhaps the most efficient explanation of this mechanic I've ever read. GJ.

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Mikel123 »

OK cool, thanks Faust, you proactively answered the next couple questions I was going to have as well (the AttackLast stuff I kept reading about)!

Thanks Kraarug, I appreciate it. I'm just trying to keep it simple so my head doesn't explode. Joining the shard a few weeks ago, I'm sifting through 2 years of posts about mechanics changes... trying to keep it all straight!

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Hiram »

This isn't proof, I'm aware, as it comes directly from my own recollection, but the double hally hit was not the fast hally hit you are talking about here - I was able to do the double hally hit, and it we would use it something like this (dont remember exactly)

1) paralyze a target and keep a small distance

2) tab out of combat

3-5, the order of these is unremembered by me)

double click to restart combat

wait a certain amount of time

equip hally

6) run up and get 2 hits back to back (as Mike said, a little faster than the sound of the hally hitting, the second hally hit would just barely interrupt the first)

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Faust »

Faust wrote:Also, the double hit exploit is definitely not the same as the game mechanic described above. This was simply a theory and stopped there. I found a Japanese web site describing both of these game mechanics a few weeks back seperately and how to do them both. The double hit exploit involves manipulating the prep delay( the delay when equipping a weapon before you are allowed to swing which is 0.25 seconds ) before a weapon refreshes giving you two swings almost instantly.

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Hiram »

Sorry, I should have been more clear, I wasn't really trying to oppose a specific point but just to re-affirm Mike's point and offer my own recollection of the mechanic.

I didn't doubt that you already knew that they weren't the same Faust, I had seen the posts with the confusing Japanese site descriptions earlier ;)

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Faust »

Well most of these posts earlier on in this thread are several months back in May with the thread being resurrected by Mike today. The concept behind the double hit exploit had multiple theories from one player to the next back then. However, this has changed since that thread that you just mentioned involving the Japanese description that put a little more light onto that specific topic. My reply to you was mainly pointing out this fact which wasn't very clear at all either in that response. :wink:

Oh, btw... That same Japanese article describes the "weapon cycle", "hally refresh", "fast swing", or whatever other million names people give it that allows you to get a 2-2.5 second reset on your delay by manipulating the wrestling delay. It is called the "Zero Delay" technique according to the Japanese on there.

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Re: The E-bolt and Halberd Theory

Post by Hiram »

Faust wrote:Well most of these posts earlier on in this thread are several months back in May with the thread being resurrected by Mike today. The concept behind the double hit exploit had multiple theories from one player to the next back then. However, this has changed since that thread that you just mentioned involving the Japanese description that put a little more light onto that specific topic. My reply to you was mainly pointing out this fact which wasn't very clear at all either in that response. :wink:

Oh, btw... That same Japanese article describes the "weapon cycle", "hally refresh", "fast swing", or whatever other million names people give it that allows you to get a 2-2.5 second reset on your delay by manipulating the wrestling delay. It is called the "Zero Delay" technique according to the Japanese on there.
I see, maybe I'll try to read the poorly translated versions again ;) I don't remember the "Zero Delay" being very easy to use in any realistic situation -- was it taken out within our target timeframe and there are therefore no plans to add it, or is it still up in the air?

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