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Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:47 am
by Downs
You guys keep bringing up a defense of "we all have RL obligations, so we can't do this"

It's not a good argument when you're trying to win people over on your side. I don't have a hatred for you guys, and haven't been to K^A town in some time, but if you really are asking for roads and don't have time to devote to the game to make your town not seem empty, then why should you get add-ons?

You can't say you deserve add ons and that you don't have time to take care of things in your town.

Town add-ons are a touchy subject with the community. Look at any request made. Questions are always asked.

A few things that you guys should consider with these proposals:
1. Let 1 or 2 people be the spokesperson for this request. The entire guild to write about how they love being in K^A does not help your request. You have to convince the community (not yourselves) that it will be of benefit to them.

2. Know what people are going to call you out for, and have a response that's better than "We feel we meet the requirements; I'm sorry we don't have time to take care of decorating/stocking vendors because I'm busy irl."

3. Don't get dragged into forum battles over personal stuff with ex-members in the request thread. Diffuse it in another place.

My opinion is still the same, as long as you guys haven't inherited the existing add ons at no cost, then you deserve what you have at this point. But the way you have handled yourselves in this thread after you answered my question and responded to some valid points BenBrawl brought up makes me question whether you guys have the devotion to be entitled to further add-ons. Empty vendors and houses do not make a player run town feel active, and "Sorry we have jobs and families" isn't an excuse. The requirements for these add-ons do not consist of working hard to place a lot of houses in the same area, and just living there.

Roads leading to empty houses and vendors does not help your case at all. Nor does several guild members coming here to post about the greatness of K^A. I don't doubt that you guys put a lot of work into running your guild, and you don't have to play UO full time to convince people that you deserve something, but IMO, this request has been handled wrong & could possibly be premature.

I'm not looking for an essay about how i'm wrong or a hater, I'm trying to help you guys out.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:08 am
by BenBrawl
I enjoy how you start a peronal attack, because you dont like me. My questions are not loaded one bit, it they werent truthful.

I have 1 question mr dren.

If guild "X" owned all of ice land, but realy only a handful of members owned the houses. 99% were empty and never used. And only 10 people outta the 1000 guild member list were active, would you say its 100% fine for town add ons?

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:13 am
by Landcaster
Downs from everything I read from you I would definately not consider you a "KA hater." You stated your opinion and I think it is a valid opinion to have. I may not think myself that a payment for old add ons is needed, but you do and someone else reading this may feel like you or me. Your stance is well founded and well stated. I think my mention of people voting no simply because they are KA haters came from the point you made about arguing with ex members. I have run into ex members I get along with very well and some that hate me simply because I am KA not knowing who I am at all. I was hoping to avoid the no votes simply because it is KA. This guild is more thn just the name KA, it is full of people with diferently personalities. I have fought for the roads, but to be honest the main reason is for the pople in the guild. The add ons to me are just add ons and will not effect my game at all. There are however people in the guild that take pride in them and have worked hard to earn them. It is those people for which I would like to see the add ons for. You mention game play and how we stress rl taking presidense also. I have to say that is one aspect I like about KA. I have a 19 month old daughter and to me she comes before uo, if she didn;t I would be a crappy dad. I play a bit still but my play time is sporadic. KA offers a home to those who do have busy irl issues. A place where they can feel welcomed and not obligated to devote every waking hour to the game. I feel this is a valuable commodity to the server also, it gives the casual player a home also. Again Downs thank you for your comments here, they have been stated very well and are something I feel we as a guild should also ask ourselves.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:26 am
by Greerb
I joined this shard back in August. I had never played UO in my life and I soon learned this is a very challenging game without a house and people to teach you the ways.

The first and only guild that I have been in is K^A. They took me in, even knowing that I was a complete noob. I was soon able to get a house in the K^A town and enjoyed using the training tower to build some characters. Map, Liquid and Vile took many hours of their time to teach me the ways of PvM and PvP.

I am now very comfortable with the game and thoroughly enjoying being part of K^A. In return for the generosity that K^A showed me when I first started, I have been placing small houses in our town and co-owning potential new members these house as they need them. I know that Map and Liquid also do this. The guild also puts together starter packages in these homes to help people get going (gold, regs, band-aids, fish steaks, armor, weapons, etc)

In the six months that I have been here the guild has created an armory, a gaming parlor (where some great jeopardy games are held), revitalized the marketplace, built a naval base with free use of boats to guildies, hosted a cool shard wide bar brawl, had weekly PvP training sessions, duels, dungeon crawls, PvM training sessions, and many more than I cannot think of right now.

I can't speak to the past history of K^A but for the 6 months that I have been playing, I could not ask for a better guild to be a part of. I am sure I would not be playing this game anymore if it were not for K^A.

I don't think asking for the last bit of dirt roads to be paved is asking for too much.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:04 pm
by BenBrawl
i agree Greerb, the last part of the road isnt a big deal. But also making the town look like its being lived in also isnt a big deal i wouldnt think. I mean, go to each of the town houses, and tell me what you see? almost everyone that the road would go to is empty?

Landcaster just wondering. beside twoton, who in K^A is active that "worked" for the add ons when K^A first got them 3+ years ago?

Im not saying K^A is a bad guild to be in. All im saying, is why ask for roads when your town looks like a ghost town? i think the dirt paths are more fitting

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:26 pm
by dren
dren wrote:Normally, K^A vendors are a well stocked high traffic area as I'm sure you're aware of since you're a former K^A member, and they will be again since there is a new person in charge of that now. We also have Britain Moongate vendors to stock, and Graveyard vendors to stock. K^A does the best it can to keep all the vendors stocked.
Downs, I appreciate your personal opinions and that you actually take the time to form a semi-rational argument. However, it seems to me that you're hanging on two points.

1. The interior decoration of peoples personal houses is moot. Neither TwoTon, myself, nor any other K^A members will go tell other members how to decorate their houses, that's simply ridiculous. That will not happen ever, so drop it. K^A isn't a dictatorship.

2. Just because our vendors aren't all FULLY stocked at this particular moment doesn't mean they aren't being stocked. Take a look at most of the vendor on this server and you'll find that many vendors are in much worse condition than ours. As stated previously, we do our best to keep the vendor stocked. We've been aware that our vendors keep going out of stock for some time and have been working on it together as a guild internally. We've recently made changes in leadership, and improvements as far stocking vendors there etc.

Maybe you don't feel our vendors are stocked enough for you at this moment. I'm sorry for that, and I encourage you to purchase goods somewhere there are items in stock. However, just because you feel that our vendors aren't well stocked enough for you doesn't mean that the guild is not active. If you are still not happy with our vendors current stock after reading this then maybe you should try to start your own vendors in 3 high traffic locations around Britannia, right after the holiday break, with a wife, and kids, a job, school, and sports and then see how fast you can get everything restocked when people regularly buy you out in 2 or 3 locations every day or two.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:49 pm
by dren
Greerb wrote: I am sure I would not be playing this game anymore if it were not for K^A.
Same, I have not seen a better more active group of people on this server yet.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:53 pm
by dren
BenBrawl wrote:I enjoy how you start a peronal attack, because you dont like me. My questions are not loaded one bit, it they werent truthful.
Hey man, I don't even know you. You need to take some of your own advice, stay on topic, and stop trolling.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:59 pm
by Mikel123
dren wrote:Take a look at most of the vendor on this server and you'll find that many vendors are in much worse condition than ours.
And you'll find those vendors don't ask for custom add-ons to their houses. I'm not sure you're actually making a point here.
dren wrote:If you are still not happy with our vendors current stock after reading this then maybe you should try to start your own vendors in 3 high traffic locations around Britannia, right after the holiday break, with a wife, and kids, a job, school, and sports and then see how fast you can get everything restocked when people regularly buy you out in 2 or 3 locations every day or two.
I'm confused. On the one hand, UOSA seems pretty unimportant to this guild. The guild forum is outside of the UOSA forum, limiting interaction with other non-guildedp layers. Frequently you guys mention all of your other commitments in life as reasons why you're not really committed to having an active guild, stocked vendors, etc. Which is completely fine, and obviously everyone here understands that. But on the other hand, topics like this come up, and it seems like getting a handout is extremely important to you.

Essentially, you're admitting to the fact that you really haven't put in a lot of time into the shard, but you're still asking for handouts. And again, the basis seems to be that you have a lot of people on your guildstone that happen to own houses near each other. There's really nothing that K^A provides UOSA beyond having a large guildstone that lets almost anyone join.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:01 pm
by dren
Mikel123 your argument is completely colored and slanted with false statements and half truths.

I don't see any reason to argue about something that isn't true to begin with... the facts have already been addressed and outlined in the forums posting as required. If anyone has any real legitimate arguments such a Downs, I'm willing to address them...

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:08 pm
by BenBrawl
dren do you just pull stuff out of thin air?

Who owns the K^A armor shop, mage shop, stable, market place? im not talking about player housing at all. Your correct in thats in the players court.. Im talking about the main part of your town. The part that these roads go to. The part that the mass of the server is going to see. Shine new paved roads, leading to mostly just empty houses? I dont see any true pride in K^A for the most part. Id be all for decorating Black Gate (WL) if we were asking for big add ons. And to show that they were going to be put to good use for the whole server. Not just for K^A to go from training tower to locked castle

Also fully stocked vendors to me and prob alot more shows activity. I mean you have to play to restock the vendors. By seeing loads of vendors empty, shows someone hasnt been playing to restock, which means inactive. Heck while i was just at K^A i got to loot the bag off your armor shop npc, that decided he could find more pay else were, and left.

i have also ran 3 vendors,also im currently down to 2(yew gate, Black Gate) and my vendors are always stocked. I know with WL we have rules for our merchants, as so we dont empty vendors.

I think your too emotional over these paved roads. You need to look at the other side of the fence. Im sorry you dont like my opinion, but it is what it is. ive tried looking at yours, and while i agree theres a few deserving ppl in K^A, it doesnt change the fact that K^A for the most part is a ghost town of empty houses and inactive accounts.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:12 pm
by BenBrawl
Im just wondering dren, you cant you address everyone elses concerns? Its it because me and Mikel are asking the tough questions? The ones K^A doesnt want to answer.

Mikel raised some good points if you ask me. K^A for the most part is very private. As he said with never using the forum thread they have, but using a outside one. With leaving the used buildings in K^A locked. as for no unguilded eyes to see.

K^A for the most part goes in cycles. Few months of GREAT activity, then a few months were everyone leaves. Builds fall, vendors die off. Then back to the active months, there they mass recruit. Give it a few weeks, and we wont see K^A around for a while.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:18 pm
by Downs
Re read what I wrote and get off the defense. I have not been there to see these things, as I stated. I'm offering input in how you guys should go about requesting this.

You're dead wrong about roads to empty houses. You need community approval and no one not in KA has said roads to empty houses are cool. If you want everyone to drop that, you may as well drop your request.

As for the vendors, I have a yew gate vendor house, so I know what that's like. It's understandable.

I'm hanging on legitimate points that the majority
of the community agrees with. Decorate the houses associated with the roads. Give them some sort if function. He'll a bunch of crates in KA storage house is better than a bare house. If you don't wanna force ppl to use the houses, move them somewhere not on the road.

Again, your request seems premature and really only one or two KA members should be making posts here imo. You can't act like our opinions don't matter when you need community backing dren

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:38 pm
by dren
self deleted.

Re: Finishing The Roads Of Ascalon K^A // A-V

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:43 pm
by noxmonk
So, in terms of potential shard contribution given your relative size and strength, when can we see K^A fulfilling a portion of this potential? As it stands you've done less for the shard as a whole than most. When do you foresee K^A approaching an even 1:1 split or even a .5:1 split? How do you plan on achieving this?