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Iolos trip on sunday

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:22 am
by BlackFoot

Iolo and his horse Smith arrived at the Trinsic smith shop to pick up the last of their delivery.
The citizens of Britannia had already gathered in preparation of his journey.


We headed out through Trinsic gates en route to Iolo's first stop.


At least half of our group had already run ahead and were lost from our party before we were 20 yards from the gate.
Cant blame them for being eager.
As expected some brigands had set up camp in our path in an attempt to stop Iolo from supplying the guards.


After a lengthy battle the evil mages were dispatched along with a few disreputable citizens.


Iolo made his first delivery and we headed into the swamp for stop number two.

Nothing was going to be easy it woudl seem.
The graveyard and swamp monsters had multiplied in numbers in an attempt to slow us down.
They were no match however


We made Iolo's delivery to the Shadowmire Lich but were running a bit late already.
On our way back to the road and out of the swamp some mercenaries showed up to tangle with Iolo.
Fortunately for Iolo, Smith has been taking karate lessons.


It delayed us only so slightly before the wyrms were killed and looted and we were back on the road again.


We continued to make deliveries along the road and took a breather at the Britain moongate.


It looked liek the delays put on the convoy at the start were beginning to cost guards their lives.
We had to speed up. We had to cut some of the safer guard towers from our route to get equipment to those who needed it the most.



We came across the brigand camp responsible for many of the attacks on the guard outposts.
We had to do our duty and clear that place out.




We made it half way through our trek, almost back on schedule. We hadnt run into any more murderers since the first couple encounters.
Perhaps it was all of their fallen commrads but, they must have given up as they couldnt derail this train.
We stopped at a major guard outpost and took a head count as Iolo made his delivery.


We knew we were coming to dangerous territory known for its orc activity. The bridge had a blockade in place.
They knew we were coming



We came to the orc strong hold and were immediately attacked with arrows over the walls.


The battle was on.

Not only were we being attacked from the orc side but members of our own group seemed to become overcoem by greed
and proceeded to try and get iolo and smith killed.


Good things wyrms with no master are easy to handle.

After a difficult struggle we made our way into the fort, with only a handful of orcs to defend the task should have been easier.


One orc seemingly unstoppable managed to kill 5 or 6 of our convoy on his own.



After the orc fort was taken by our vastly greater numbers we continued along making stops to the guard outposts.
We were right back on schedule and took a minute at Minoc bank to get ready for the final push.


Our final delivery. Ascalon.
We made our way north only to find out the town had been completely over run by the evil mage cult.


The fight was on... right as it was going our way they pulled a father of the damned out of their back pocket.
That thing killed many of us... multiple times...


But as was shown continuously throughout the day, this group would not be swayed by death.
They battled on until the monster was beat.


Iolo and his horse Smith made their final delivery. As a thank you to the convoy he delivered a chest of all
of his best loot for everyone.



For those of you who never knew it, that is how the guards get their equipement.

Thanks for comin

Blackfoot - UoH

Re: Iolos trip on sunday

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:20 pm
by Damascus
Great event,
i did not know that chest spawned :(