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How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:16 pm
by jbchen
Hi All,

Do anyone know how to get RS GM?

Could you tell me how to do that?


Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:22 pm
by DarkWing
you can do it with Flame Strike .. but it will take forever and cost alot

most do it by joining a Resist Session

keep checking the forums for the next Session

Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:00 am
by hannibal1974
I dont know what a resist session is but If it helps raise resisit I'm in let me know if your gonna join a session

Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:26 pm
by Lothain
Resist sessions generally proceed along the following lines:

Host: Guy who wants to raise resist/magery or both on separate characters provides regs, bandages, and a house (Large brick, L shaped, whatever).

Casters: Casters stand separate, all casting on on spot of an interior wall in said house.

Gainers: No more than two tiles away from side wall, ideally on the other side, gainers sit on a single tile and heal one another.

The result: Damage is spread out so that each Meteor swarm, divided among 15 individuals or w/e, is insignificant (1-2hp). Gains are faster because with anywhere between 4-14 casters, you get chances to resist so much more often than flamestriking yourself. The cost is usually free to all except the host.

You can easily get GM this way in 3-4 good sessions.

Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:43 pm
by Mikel123
Here is a better way I've seen.

Align yourselves as such:

C_C_ C

C is a Caster position. _ is empty. X is the spot where players that only resist will stand. Each caster should target someone on that spot.

H is where healers stand. They should have a bow in hand and 0 arrows. They get hit by the casters, but will not fight back since they cannot (with the bow).

Casters can gain resist as well, in this setup, and be healed by the healers at spots named H. Of course, if you have a caster that you don't want to hit, you can have them move to a space outside this 5x5 matrix, but still cast on someone in the "X".

Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:12 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
Both are seventh level spells, it's acually more convenient to solo doing it with another healer(s)/caster(s)/both then trying to get a resist session organized. If you have two casters and at least one GM healer with 2 flamestrikes being cast within 25 second intervals you'll do okay (taking for granted the one gaining resist either casts or heals). You can do it with one caster too if it sounds scary... :)

Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:42 pm
by Yohsiph
I have an idea that I want to experiment with soon. I would like to know your thoughts on it.

It is similar to hiring mages to cast on you outside the guard zone, while you stand inside the zone and thus take one point of damage for each spell, with the exception of poison.

Instead of doing it that way, and running the risk of being griefed by a person who decides they like wooden boxes, another good strategy might be to use enticing to corral a hostile caster inside your house, trap it, have the character you want to gain resist aggro it, and then have other chars macroing healing on the character taking magic damage.

One creature that comes to mind are wisps, as they cast powerful spells often but do not initiate aggression (and so they will not change targets).

Obviously, this could easily take much longer than a resist session. I just like to try new things, and who knows, it might work out.


Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:47 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
Actually that has been done before.

You can entice normal mages the same way and just attack them too inside your house instead of paying them.

Or you can use a dragon...make sure you have a GM healer though.

Just die once to record your macro choosing to be raised by your healer, just in case.

Imps might work too, I see them cast Flamestrikes every so often.

Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:32 pm
by Mikel123
Using pets is not a good idea. They can cast high level spells (White Wyrms, Imps), but they have such a limited mana pool. What happens is, they exhaust their mana, and since they don't have meditation it raises pretty slowly. And before they can get up to 20 or 40 mana and have even a chance of ebolting or flamestriking, their script has caused them to cast a spell already, depleting their mana again. Ultimately, I've never succeeded at getting hit by anything more than lightning from a pet or monster after a certain amount of time.

Of course, a way around this is to avoid being cast upon for a bit of time. So perhaps you can work casting Invisibility into your macro every few minutes, to let the monster/pet regain mana while it doesn't see you.

Better than this would be to cast a level 8 spell to summon an air, water, or fire elemental, or a daemon. I believe you can box yourself in your house behind locked down tables to ensure they cannot melee you. They'll cast spells for a while, and when they're out of mana they'll disappear shortly anyways. This has the added bonus of working your magery at level 80.1+ as well.

The best solo way, though, to go from 85 to GM is to simply flamestrike yourself over and over, with a second character (or yourself if you have the healing skill) using bandages on you.

Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:25 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
or macro in an all stay wait a bit then an attack command, probably would raise the creatures magic as well being it wouldn't be casting all low level spells.

Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:11 am
by Mithras
On osi i used to get a boat and let guildies summon a shitload of deamons. Anyone tried this here?

Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:28 pm
by pyrolee
Mithras wrote:On osi i used to get a boat and let guildies summon a shitload of deamons. Anyone tried this here?
Did this as well on house here on UOSA is right next to a perfect stream so people/daemons can be on both sides of the boat.

Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:21 pm
by thejavabuddha
Since someone already An Corped this thread, I don't feel bad about adding to it. :)

So, how many good flame strikes will a summoned demon hit you with before he disappears? I'm asking because I want to see what would be the most cost effective way of GMing resist. With GM magery, I can cast FS 85% of the time, and demons 50% of the time. BUT, if I can get multiple FS out of a demon, it might be more bang for my buck, depending on how many they cast and how many regs it costs to cast one vs the other.

Any thoughts? If not, I'll see if I can do some research tonight.

Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:55 pm
by Patek
thejavabuddha wrote:Since someone already An Corped this thread, I don't feel bad about adding to it. :)

So, how many good flame strikes will a summoned demon hit you with before he disappears? I'm asking because I want to see what would be the most cost effective way of GMing resist. With GM magery, I can cast FS 85% of the time, and demons 50% of the time. BUT, if I can get multiple FS out of a demon, it might be more bang for my buck, depending on how many they cast and how many regs it costs to cast one vs the other.

Any thoughts? If not, I'll see if I can do some research tonight.
Honestly it'd be easiest and cheapest to just FS yourself and have a second char healing. I've GM'ed all my chars by FS'ing myself with the main, FS'ing my main with a 0 eval mule and healing my main with a healer mule.

Summon daemon is:
BM, MR, SA and SS costing 14gp per cast, so 28gp per success if 50%.

Flamestrike is:
SA and SS costing 6gp per cast, so 6.9gp per success if 85%.

You can cast 4 flamestrikes for the cost of one summon daemon. Daemon's aren't going to dump 4 FS every time (not to mention the annoyance of dealing with poison), so go with FS'ing yourself :)

Re: How to get Resisting Spell from 85 to GM?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:10 am
by morgan1109
See Raefon's post in the "price check" section of the trade forums. using a cr@p ton of wyrms outside the city, while you are in the city works great.

You can do something similar by yourself by hiring mages and boxing them in just outside city limits, but I believe the wyrm technique to be superior. Those things must have an insane mana pool. They don't seem to ever need to rest like the hired mages do.