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Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:50 pm
by JoshuaLee
Here are some tips of you plan to take part in the AMPA.

1. Find a place for your homebase, preferably a small house located in the middle of nowhere. Lock down some greater explosion kegs and have a secure container to hold empty bottles and empty pouches in.

2. Have two clients running, one a mage that can use the gate spell. And another char that you can use that you don't care for. Even if you run out of blue chars don't worry you can still do this with red chars just as well, a little more difficulty but the challenge is rewarding. I even killed a couple people at West Brit Bank on a red with 20+ people around, haha took me many tries but I got it done.

3. If the bomber dies it's no problem, just go back to the house and res and wait to go back blue. You don't want to be grey in town because it will just attract more attention to you and distract you.

4. The best is when you have blue chars to do this.

a~ Throw gate up with mage
b~ walk through with bomber
c~ throw two exp pots
d~ walk back in gate right away
e~ hide on steps
f~ wait for gate to disappear
g~ repeat a-f

This method is the easiest to do, you can never be guardwacked if you do it properly. People will get mad and confused that guards will not work which makes it even more funny.

5. Now with a red bomber it becomes a lot more challenging. For one you need to be around 15 tiles away from any npc or guard (give or take some). If you have to buy some wooden boxes and get the npcs and guards as far away as possible. Also a good tactic is you can't get a guard to move is to attack him and he will teleport there, then box him in. Also with npcs you can just say "name move" and they will move in a random direction one tile.

Now with a red you don't have to go back in the gate, you can just sit there and throw pots until they die. If your going to get guardwacked it's going to happen either right away or sometimes not at all. You have nothing to lose anyway so just experiment around with it to find your methods.

6. Check all banks, always reveal as well. Also check all stables and even Moonglow Zoo. There are also other places as well but I will leave that up to you to find for yourselves.

7. It is a lot more fun when you have at least two people doing this. So grab a friend and go bomb away!!! But nevertheless you can just as easily do it on your own.

Maybe soon we can break the tide of afk macroers, and force them to become smart enough to avoid such bombings. If there is one thing I don't like it's ignorance, I have never afk macroed in town. There are other ways to macro skills and stats efficiently, if not better. Let's truly clean up the towns, the gods know this has gone on for far to long.

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:48 am
by moradin
lol..... I may try this one day when I am bored.... sounds like fun

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 2:01 pm
by Hicha
My experience, it usually goes like this:

1. Open gate
2. Step in gate
3. Throw 2-3 explosion pots
4. Jump back in gate
5. Wait 30 secs (gate closes)
6. Open gate
7. Step in gate
8. Get guard whacked

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:49 am
by Caswallon
Nice fail on me at Magincia last night, I was waiting for someone, not AFK, I even moved you spacker. Your lucky I thought your red was a ghost or *whack*. What an abortion of a person you are JL, stop trying to be chum, you fail at it.

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:02 am
by Duke Jones
Well, I guess player policing is better than crusading for policy change. Good luck with this.

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:34 am
by Caswallon
Duke this is nothing to due with "crusading" its to do with Joshua Lee being a twat. I used to respect you, for your playstyle choice, its becoming apparent however that you are no different from the majority of people here who dont respect other peoples playstyle's.

The macro policy is not going to chance, man up and play or leave, but I guess you have made that choice, the way to change things would be to try and spread your word ingame, not throw a strop and stop playing.

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:43 pm
by Zane
Chill out Cas.

Duke, he's not crusading. The same guy killing afk macroers afk macros himself. He did it for kicks. He did it to people in towns and such, but this does not give him the high ground you have. Something tells me if he could have attacked people macroing in non guard areas he would have killed them too (regardless of his own macroing).

In other words, don't drink the kool-aid lol.

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:04 pm
by Duke Jones
I'm sorry if I lost your respect. As a player who values honor and the respect of one's peers. I feel that perhaps I have been over-zealous. As you can see, as of late, my posts have been fairly scarce. My time playing has been even less frequent.

I'm trying to get back to the basics and try to go for quality of posts and not quantity. And when I do get back into the game, I'll try to simply enjoy what I can from it.

However, say what you want about josh, but there are times when i feel he means well, although execution may need a little polish. And my personal opinion of "live and let live" gameplay allowing other players to do whatever they want with the game system and policy, I just have this to say:

"No system, character, account, tactic, or method of income exists in a vacuum; One player's actions does effect the community as a whole to some degree."

I hope to get back into the swing of things soon.

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:19 pm
by Caswallon
Honestly, it just seem like the last month since ive been active again every post by you has a reference to macros or razor, that's all. I do truly admire your stance, and I agree with half your views but sometimes it seems like you dont appreciate other people's stance' on things you feel strongly about.

There are many, many ways to play UO, none of them are any more right than they are wrong, its down to personal choice.

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:35 pm
by platypus
The method posted above of TKing is the most difficult and wasteful way of TKing someone. JoshuaLee tried this on me for about 10 minutes while I was AFK. I returned to my computer to find 10 corpses of JoshuaLee and my character/pets at 100% hp. This method hardly ever works without using 100 G Explodes and wasting an hour of your time.

Here is a method of TKing that works much much better:
(requires a character with enough magery to cast explosion and a melee skill/weapon)
1. Cast Explosion
2. Target the AFK person or NPC
3. This is the tricky part. You have to be out of EVERY NPCs line of sight when the damage from the spell hits. In order to be out of their line of sight (from my experience), you must be at least 10 tiles away from the NPC or around a corner/behind a wall WITHOUT windows on it. This gives you 2 seconds to book it away from the victim and run around a corner. This can be done in MOST locations, even if multiple NPCs are present.
4. Equip your weapon after the "Guards can now be called on you" message appears and simply walk next to the victim. You will begin attacking them automatically, even if you were tabbed out when you targeted with the spell. DO NOT tab twice after the spell damage hits and DO NOT double click the victim to attack them.

Tips: If you are killing an NPC with this method, they will continue to call guards after you begin hitting them with your weapon. However, you will NOT get guard whacked unless a player calls guards during the "Guards can be called on you" time period. I've also noticed that if you wait too long between swings (i.e. the NPC walks a few tiles away from you and 30 seconds later you walk next to them and swing again) you WILL get guard whacked. So as soon as you start swinging, make sure you stay next to the victim until they die. This method is rather tricky to learn at first, but once you try it out a few times you will have a foolproof way to kill any AFKer or NPC with minimal effort and by only using 2 regs. I also assume that this method would work if you targeted explosion and then went through a gate before the damage hits/come back through the gate as soon as you get the 'guards' message. This would make it possible in any location, even one with NPCs around every corner.

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:46 pm
by dexter4321
platypus wrote:The method posted above of TKing is the most difficult and wasteful way of TKing someone. JoshuaLee tried this on me for about 10 minutes while I was AFK. I returned to my computer to find 10 corpses of JoshuaLee and my character/pets at 100% hp. This method hardly ever works without using 100 G Explodes and wasting an hour of your time.

Here is a method of TKing that works much much better:
(requires a character with enough magery to cast explosion and a melee skill/weapon)
1. Cast Explosion
2. Target the AFK person or NPC
3. This is the tricky part. You have to be out of EVERY NPCs line of sight when the damage from the spell hits. In order to be out of their line of sight (from my experience), you must be at least 10 tiles away from the NPC or around a corner/behind a wall WITHOUT windows on it. This gives you 2 seconds to book it away from the victim and run around a corner. This can me done in MOST locations, even if multiple NPCs are present.
4. Equip your weapon after the "Guards can now be called on you" message appears and simply walk next to the victim. You will begin attacking them automatically, even if you were tabbed out when you targeted with the spell. DO NOT tab twice after the spell damage hits and DO NOT double click the victim to attack them.

Tips: If you are killing an NPC with this method, they will continue to call guards after you begin hitting them with your weapon. However, you will NOT get guard whacked unless a player calls guards during the "Guards can be called on you" time period. I've also noticed that if you wait too long between swings (i.e. the NPC walks a few tiles away from you and 30 seconds later you walk next to them and swing again) you WILL get guard whacked. So as soon as you start swinging, make sure you stay next to the victim until they die. This method is rather tricky to learn at first, but once you try it out a few times you will have a foolproof way to kill any AFKer or NPC with minimal effort and by only using 2 regs. I also assume that this method would work if you targeted explosion and then went through a gate before the damage hits/come back through the gate as soon as you get the 'guards' message. This would make it possible in any location, even one with NPCs around every corner.
Yeah it was pretty funny when you went through my gate and I trapped your two dragons in my house. The reason why it took so long was because someone had a macro calling guards and it was fast and couldn't break it. Also there were NPCs in the line of sight that I couldn't get to move. It only takes me ten seconds to res my bomber anyways, so I laugh when people think they got me because they got me guardwacked. I just res him back and move on to the next town. I have mastered this procedure and when I am not in the field pvping I do this because it can be a lot of fun, and sometimes the loot is actually pretty good. I've gotten maybe 20+ full runebooks so far, and a few mares.

Don't be mad I outsmarted you platypus and got your dragons while you ran around raging trying to gate animals from inside a house for like four minutes.

It can be hard sometimes to gate in a red character in the middle of a bank and try and kill people but I think I've been doing a good job of it, sometimes it can be a challenge which is pretty cool.

Also I think I am offering a pretty good service here. Maybe people will be smart enough not to go afk in town anymore. I don't think I have ever been killed in town afk because I never do it. If I am going to go afk I simply recall to my house and chill until I get back. So maybe when someone is on a mare and has a couple runebooks and they decide to go afk in town, they will think twice about it and instead recall to safety where they can't be TK'ed. So all in all I am just making the players of uosa that much smarter. And if they don't learn then hey, more kills for me.

Also another flaw in your little system you got going on there, you can only be blue for so long. Once you are red doesn't matter who calls guards you go down.

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:21 pm
by ODB
you're all pussies
its hilarious and that is why you should do it
stop taking a couple barrels and some potions so seriously. You don't need to stand at the goddamn bank all day.

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:41 am
by DarkWing
another death for Joshua Lee ... nice try in Skara tonight ... actually it was a pathetic try...

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:03 pm
by strut
Caswallon wrote:There are many, many ways to play UO, none of them are any more right than they are wrong, its down to personal choice.
And one potential choice is going around killing afk macroers, no?

The diff between old UO and every other game is the absence of a nazi thought police strangling freedom. *clenched fist* *plays RATM riff with air guitar* ... *sits down*

Re: Guide: Townkilling AFK Macroers

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 6:53 am
by dexter4321
Mack shadowed me earlier and I taught him how it's done. If anyone would like to shadow me and learn how a pro does it, just hit me up. We must put an end to afk macroing in towns.