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[PoV] Order PvP and Anti PK - Now Recruiting!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:31 am
by Maleus
Protectors of the Virtues

We are now recruiting able bodied men and women to fight for our cause!

What is PoV?
We are an O/C, War, PvP guild with a primary objective to protect the citizens of Britannia from murderers, thieves, and those who are out to grief others. We pride ourselves on being a group of mature, fun-loving players who enjoy building and defending the UOSA community.

Structure and Responsibilities:
PoV is focused on quality over quantity, therefore, our size is limited to 11 highly active and skilled players. This includes the three Lords of the guild and the 8 protectors, each one representing a unique virtue. This limit is crucial to ensuring that the guild stays focused on it's primary goals. Our dedication is entirely to the cause. This means that PoV members spend as much of their play time as possible hunting down criminals and helping others as opposed to selfishly farming for gold, treasure, or rares. All PvM, fishing, crafting, and other time consuming activities should be kept to a minimum, only being used to support PvP and guild related needs. While we are not a hardcore "role playing" guild, we do ask that our members adhere to our general code of ethics.

In order to join, you must:
- Have a completed PvP character
- Be established enough to supply your own PvP activities
- Have Ventrillo with a working mic
- Have/be active on IRC
- Have some PvP experience (You don't have to be the top pvper in the world, but you must at least know how to sync, xheal, and have the desire to get better.)
- Not be afraid to die and possibly lose a few items

We do not accept:
- Players with bad attitudes
- New players with no prior experience (although we are always willing to help someone get started)

How to Join:
Currently, there are 5 spots available. Due to the size and nature of the guild, we will not be recruiting full time once the initial 11 spots have been filled. After that, we only add a new member if an existing spot has been vacated due to inactivity or some other reason.

If you have questions or wish to inquire about joining, please post in this thred, private message me on these forums, or contact Maleus on IRC. Feel free to look over our guild structure or hop onto our IRC channel #pov.

Fight chaos. Fight reds. Fight grief. Fight wannabe blue PKs. Fight wtf-pwnsor-1337ness. Fight with PoV.

Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:27 am
by Avo
Hail potential recruits, My name is Arkos, Defender of the Virtues!

I've been in PoV for a few months now and can honestly say this is a solid group of dedicated players and friends. I joined up as a newbie and didn't know what to expect from PoV. But the veteran members of PoV took me under their wing and helped me get setup so I could train and improve my skills. I have completed my training and am currently working towards becoming a Protector. Now it has become my turn to return the favor and help our young members get on their feet and start adventuring through the lands. I haven't had to hunt alone in a long time because there are usually players on from the afternoon to the off peak hours past midnight. I also enjoy RPing a noble warrior, and even though this isn't an RP group they respect my play style and sometimes play along, just in case any RPers out there were wondering. All in all I highly recommend checking PoV out if you like taking the good guy stance against murderers and theives! Looking forward to seeing some new faces in the guild.

Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:20 am
by Smelly Ira
As a new player who is not interested in slaughtering miners or stealing people's housekeys (yeah that's right, actually new to UO!) I can't endorse this guild strongly enough, these guys have pretty much never failed to answer a question i've had about the game so far (and I have a ton of them, believe me), they are extremely detailed with advice, and will generally help you get the gist of whatever it is you are trying to figure out in game.

I went from one Char with one GM skill to two (both templates with magery and resist btw)one of which is a mage totally complete minus 3.3 resist, and the other with 3 gm'd skills in a very short frame of time. As a newb it would've taken me forever to figure out things like hiring and smacking on an NPC hireling to gm weapon skills and tactics. I'm now self-sufficient, I know the ins and outs of macroing up a large number of skills,I understand how to make money better, I even know the basics of mage pvp (though I'm really not too good yet).

That's all the result of the folks in PoV. If not for these guys, i'd probably still be running around randomly meleeing gargoyles and farming the harpy room for small amounts of cash! Having a guild full of patient, knowledgeable players and vets makes the steep learning curve of UO alot easier to handle.

Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:34 pm
by benny-
I played in PoV for about a month, and I can attest to the wont find a better group of guys on Secondage. While I eventually left to form a guild of my own, I had a lot of good times with PoV and got a lot of experience and help with field pvp. This is definitely a guild worth looking into if you're into anti-pk...wanting to learn how to pvp, or just wanting a group of decent players to hang out with.

Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:22 pm
by Chance
If you're looking to fight for a greater cause than just the next bag of loot or waving your epeen, to fight for an actual cause , PoV is the place to be.

Great group of players willing to help each other out. If you're a vet and don't need 'help' then it's a great place to extend a helping hand to others (both in guild & out) and give back to the shard as a whole in a positive manner. For those who have become disenchanted with the day-to-day grind of SecondAge, perhaps you'd like to take on a challenge you may have never tasked yourself with in the world of Ultima Online: the role of an Anti-PK.

Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:54 pm
by robz
Hey guys im looking to join - just started on this shard, but played OSI and UOG:Hybrid for a total of 8 years or so.
I think im an above average pvper - solo and in groups.
Just looking for a helping hand to get rolling and a good group of people to hunt with.

AIM: dyckle3434

Looking forward to getting back to UO


Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:59 am
by Psilo
I highly recommend looking into joining PoV for any player who enjoys a true Ultima Online guild with mature, fun and cool players. These guys remind me of some the warriors and magicians with dignity that I remember from years ago on OSI around 1998 when UO was at its peak.

PoV is awesome and I am glad to have them as my allies.

Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:50 pm
by Endecent
Thank you for the PM Jandor, I am very interested in joining with my friend daniel. We are macroing Resist as of right now, should be good to join and start participating today or tomorrow- How do I go about finding guild members for possible recruitment times?

Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:20 am
by jimmy page
Jimmy Page

Tank Mage (swordsmanship)

still kinda newbied but my stats are 100/25/100...

Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:27 am
by Morxeton

I played UO back in Jan '99 and have quit/returned so many times until around 2004 when I couldn't take it anymore of how badly they butchered such a wonderful game. I'm looking to get back into UO and have fun. I am a PvPer, granted I haven't PvPed on UO in years, but I've always played the protector of the innocents and hunted PKs. This guild sounds like a great guild to be in.

I just created this char last night but I am looking to either do tank mage or scribe/hide mage.


Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:14 am
by Manendil

After a break from UO lasting a decade, I decided to pick up playing again. Usually I'm mostly a PvM kinda guy, so I was outside Britain taming whatever I could get my hands on. Ok all well and fair, until I face-planted on a murderers Halberd. That's when I ran into John Henry of PoV and asked how to become a member.
I've been a member for three weeks since then, nothing but mature and friendly co-players all round.
Need anything? Just ask.

Sir Michael of Europa, now on The Second Age shard.

Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:03 am
by Malaki
Hey guys :>

I'm Dentyne in game, a provo bard. This is my first character on the server and I'm looking for a guild to hunt with/ect :)

PKs have gotten me one to many times in destard, and I could use some safety in numbers protection :>

Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:25 pm
by Clyde-
Guys, dont sit here and claim to be an anti-pk guild (protect the innocent) bs and then have a member of YOUR GUILD follow my tamer though a gate and try to pk me. Come on now..

Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:42 am
by Maleus
Clyde- wrote:Guys, dont sit here and claim to be an anti-pk guild (protect the innocent) bs and then have a member of YOUR GUILD follow my tamer though a gate and try to pk me. Come on now..

I believe the reputation of PoV can stand on it's own. We don't attack anyone without provocation unless they have committed a crime. If you have a legitimate concern about the actions of a specific member of PoV, please contact a ranking member. They can usually be found on IRC in channel #pov. We take such accusations very seriously if they are legitimate. Otherwise, if you must try to unjustly disenfranchise our reputation for whatever reason, do it on the trash talk forums where that sort of garbage belongs. I'm sure you are familiar with this area of the forums as over 70% of your 1200 posts reside there. Please keep this thread open for constructive conversation regarding recruitment.

Re: Join the cause and protect the innocent! (PoV) Anti-PK

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:53 am
by lownslowneon
I've been a member of POV for about a week now and honestly I've really enjoyed it...

We have a good bunch of people who are always willing to help members of the guild...even non members.

Resist sessions, pvp sessions, pk hunts, dungeon crawls.... I <3 it.
