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Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:57 pm
by joshowens636
Hello everyone, i am new to this razor thing, actually the last time i played UO they didnt have anything to macro with lol...My ? is does anyone have a good script for macroing stealing? And also how do i enter code into razor?


Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:12 pm
by Ifrit
To answer your first question: Do a simple search for 'stealing' on this board and I believe you will find more than enough info as far as what works best at each level.
To answer your second question. Inside your razor folder you will have a macros subfolder that houses all of your macros in razor. an example file would be:
To enter the actual code for macros that people post, you want to make a notepad file, enter whatever text for the macro you found, and save it as a .macro file in that folder. Next time you load up razor it will be there