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Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:06 pm
by iamantitype
Are there are any guilds that are focused on roleplaying here? I love this shard and have been here a week.
Just looking for any sort of roleplaying community to get started with.

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:39 pm
by iamantitype
and if not...would anyone be interested in getting one started? I see there is an orc community, so there are people to interact with. If a group of people got it together enough to start an evil-leaning rp guild and a good-leaning rp guild then it would start up the interaction and help new players gain interest. Open to suggestions and would be willing to start something with a few interested players. PM me.

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:19 am
by uofuntime
Hi there. Yes, there are!

Check out Champions of the Ankh:

I think PoV (protectors of virtue) is sort of RP, but as you can tell by their guild member names, it's not the case for everyone.

As of now I am working on a RP guild! Creating a site as we speak!

I'm not sure which RP guilds are still active but in my case, I joined this RP guild of brigands (leaning to evil) but no one has been on for weeks. Enjoyed good fun the first few days of joining but after that... they disappeared. Anyway, looking at guild forum is a good place to start! =)

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:52 am
by chumbucket
I would suggest you give up on this RP idea entirely and focus on griefing CoA.

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:38 pm
by Sir Vellucius
Meh heh...

*takes in a deep breath through his nostrils and releases with a sigh... A grin begins to leak across his face.*

Good ta see another of our kind around here, m'friend. As uofuntime pointed out in our website, we, the Champions of the Ankh are indeed a RP guild. Casual; not as strict as the formal style seen in "OSI days"... These are new days, I say unto thee, of the end.

(OOC: From my experiences, not been playing on OSI for some time, have seen many free-shards come and go simply because of population. Good steady shards die because nobody plays them. This means only one thing: the UO pop is diying - the game is nearing it's end in a lot of these small communities. However, there are a few beacons of hope that I think a lot of the old players from these shards are gravitating towards; like this one. It's got a good strong player population, maintenance and style. T2A, you can't beat it. So now this brings me to my main point. If we are gonna be realistic here and give UO itself a lifespan, it's gotta be nearing it's end *I could be wrong, that'd be awesome, who knows*. But it comes down to going out with a bang. For once, I want to see a different kind of RP that still involves fast paced UO fun, and realize I have to create it on my own to see it - everyone seems to want to emulate OSI's style of RP - it seems a bit slow to me and out of the players control with so many rules and regulations. So if you'd like to have loose fun with RP, check us out. This may be the last chance to bring back the game if all other freeshards keep going down as I've seen. We're gonna play the game how it was meant to be played, RP style with all these "griefers". Heh... gotta love 'em.)

Thanks again uofuntime for the reference.

An' to ye, sire chumbucket. I offer ye my other cheek should ye strike the first. Be well, my friend.

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:06 am
by archaicsubrosa77
Never turn thine cheek to the enemy, it exposes thy throat to 'is blade. Wouldst thou embrace the serpent that bit thee? Most certainly not, or a fool would ye be.

This foulest begger without skill takes his delight in having 'is way with the sheep of the flocks of Britannia and casts illusions before the eyes of newfarers who would empty every cent out of their pouches for him just to be close to their darling dear chum...not knowing the vain persuits he has only for their loots and to cause them grief. Yea, not knowing the true villany that sings in his heart for their sufference do they these things. Nay they let it be done unaware of this vagrants mind for mischief.

Not even the most upstanding 'ere have been exposed to such ettiquette...and here you are casting your pearls before swine!

If ye' see this man Chumbucket out of his scope of security, make swift end to him whenever you may. If not thy tears will shine upon other's faces in his tale of thy undoing. Thine scowling shall turn into the roar of laughter at thy expense.

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:58 am
by Sir Vellucius
Fear not the flesh of man, my friend, and love thy enemies; for the wicked may only strip what is not yours in the first place. He too is a sheep, of our flock, needing tended to, thus he shall recieve the pearl. Should a good shepherd tend only to the sheep in the herd, and not his field? They that are whole with virtue, need not a physician of faith, but they that are sick with vice. We come not in the name of virtue to call the righteous, but to call the murderers, thieves, and scoundrels to repentence. Judge not and show mercy, lest ye be shown not mercy in thy moment of judgement, my good man. Let not your humility be seized by fear.

Should ye wish to understand further, I shall show thee...

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:05 am
by archaicsubrosa77
The sheperd would not fall to wolves without a fight to take the place of his sheep for he knows the appetite of the wolves would not be satisfied. Indeed they would go amongst the flock and drive them every which way and devour the stragglers making his sacrifice come to nought.

The man who covets the nothing in his hand and grasps all he has in an empty fist, who fights for his daily bread against those who steal it away when he would have given to them their portion, that man is no thief or murderer but in fact the law and that law being nature herself.

Taking only that which it requires, and giving back it's fair due. But there are some that are greedy, even unto death. Like flies that rub their hands at the sight before them, at all that which shall decay all that is laid waste. Indeed such pests should be swatted by the hands of dark heaven if not by man himself. Verily they are the spoilers of all that is good.

Who could despise the thief when he is hungry? Yea, but who would not make feast of the fattened calf?

The poor which oppress the poor are like dogs that fight over their own bones that their master's throw them, wherewith they cannot get up from all fours and stand like men because of their groveling.

Wouldst thou feed their sickness in falling prey to their doings without retribution or reprimand? Would you become catalyst and messenger of death and plague by carrying it upon your back in your labour infecting all as they feast upon your flesh, making all subservent to the evils of man nay, not in sacrifice but in submission to the reign of evil? Yes and thereby giving it the power to reign forever should you choose not to rise up.

Look upon this oh you are in the shadow of another. Victims of the tyranny that you have allowed to take dominion, the plague which you pass unto your children as you take up your cross and give up your lives.

Why do ye another man's labour and no that which you were commanded to do?
"Feed my sheep."

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:36 pm
by KydVicious
Archaic I'd like to see a RP guild with you in it, LOL you're a keen wit here I'd really like to see that put to use on the shard in the form of RP. :D

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:02 pm
by Sir_Cyric_of_Yew
iamantitype wrote:Are there are any guilds that are focused on roleplaying here? I love this shard and have been here a week.
Just looking for any sort of roleplaying community to get started with.
Well if you happen to seek a virtuous career as a knight then the Champions of the Ankh may very well have a place for you. I have yet to meet a more just and valiant organization in these lands. Ride with us if you seek adventure, the company of good friends and a warm chair by a pub fireplace from which your tales of bravery will fall upon eager ears and the ale will flow freely.

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:08 am
by Sir Vellucius
It is not the labour of any man, my friend, but something beyond men; something that lasts longer than a man's life, but in his actions during his tiny lifespan as a grain of sand in an hourglass, he can make this thing remembered forever.

A man should give as much as he takes, and if we are to begin taking lives, howso shall we give them? It is through this purging of the wicked through a vengeful hand that ye seek retribution of the land. And in the book of life, it is indeed written of those who shall suffer and those who shall wane from the tides of torment. However, what ye seem to be forgetting, my dear friend, is that ye've yet to give life unto those of whom ye've so rightously judged and taken from... It is not for us as men to decide who, in the end, shall eat of the fattened calf and who shall go hungry. It is up to each man himself to eat if he so chooses to take up his daily bread. This is what is offered to us, beyond man and his ways. It is truth. Free will... Salvation.

Wraith alone will never dispose of the wickedness in these lands. However, it is necessary still, but must be tempered with love and truth if ye should judge anothers life, and with sacrifice offer thine own to save the one ye have taken; ye must take up the responsibilities ye've claimed in judging another mans life. A murderer is never executed - he too is murdered, thus he should be given the chance to again have life from thee - should he find salvation from thy blade of judgement...

And let what has been taken of you already be gone, for you are still whole without it. Take not back from those who have taken what ye should already have given. One must first give in order to have rights to take. Ye were given a life to give life; not to simply take it and un-balance this thing ye would call "nature herself".

Thy words are strong, meaningful and passionate. However, my friend, I fear they lack humility. It is this that separates man from his spirit when forgotten; as was it so in the murderers, my good man, and I am sure that ye are not of their kind. Rave and make war amongst men not, but fight for peace brought by the virtues. The true bloodshed should be left for the abominations and monstrous creatures of these lands. Love that which is capable of love. Vanquish that which is not.

And I say unto thee, sway not the people of the light from their ways and liberate thyself from the chains of mortality. Should ye not give, and feed his sheep, lest ye be found victim to man's greatest sin; greed? Protect not thy riches, but thine heart from thy riches.

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:12 pm
by iamantitype
Great to know. I'd prefer to just seek both CoA and \+/ out in-gameand start up a dialogue there.
Where do these guilds frequent?

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:25 pm
by Van Raily
Also depends on what kind of RP you're looking for.

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:39 pm
by Vishakt
Vish nub kare ib uu arrr pee ur nub, juzt shuw ub su Vish kan smash en uu's hed wiff Vishuz buut.

Re: Looking For RP Guild

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:51 am
by Sir Vellucius
Vishakt wrote:Vish nub kare ib uu arrr pee ur nub, juzt shuw ub su Vish kan smash en uu's hed wiff Vishuz buut.
Hahaha! Ask your comrade Ne'rull what RP is about... And the mercy we showed him to take back to your tribe! Huzzah! We are here to spread peace and virtue amongst the good people of Britannia, Orc. If you should change your ways and create peace amongst your people, their blood will spill no more and virtue will be offered to them as well; should it be allowed by the nature of good and evil. We leave the choice to you, as it should be yours.