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Ol' Dirty Pirates [ODP] now recruitin'

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:34 pm
by Cpt Spaulding
By the powers of Lord British there naught been a soul darin' t' call themself 'pirate' in these lands for a long time. Rotters an' landlubbers alike have gone t' all lengths t' take the very name of piracy an' let it sink t' the depths along with any pirate dare be standin' in the way of Lord British an' his followers.

No longer!

Gone be the days of pirates fearin' the wretched pitiful stench of honor an' loyalty t' those who be representin' the royal flag. Britannia be fallin' in t' the grasp of weak lily-livered land rats that naught be carryin' the strength of Lord British an' his days of rule. We call out t' those willin' t' join ranks with our crew an' hoist the colors of the Ol' Dirty Pirates.


RP is required!!! If ye be joinin' our crew this be the first thing ye will be needin' t' learn mates. There be NO excuses for steppin' out of character! Repeated offenses will result in ye bein' kicked from the guild. If ye naught be serious bout RPin' don't bother wastin' our time!

RP naught be required when usin' Guild Chat, IRC, Second Age Forums or Ventrilo...

Never speak in anything but the present tense!
I am= I be
You are= Ye be
They are= They be
Does is always Do no matter how the sentence goes

Double up on all your adjectives
Pirates never speak of "a big ship", they call it a "great, grand ship!"

You= Ye
My= Me
Your= Ye'r
Yes= Aye
No= Nay
Not, Can't, Won't= Naught
For= Fer
Or= Er
Myself= Meself
Yourself= Ye'rself

Drop the TH
With= Wi'

Drop the V
Never= Ne'er
Ever= E'er
Over= O'er

Any word that ends with 'ing" you simply remove the G and replace it with '

Ahoy: Hey!
Avast: Stop! or Attention!
Booty: treasure
Go on the account: to embark on a piratical cruise
Landlubber: "Land-lover," someone not used to life onboard a ship
Lass: A woman
Lad: A man
Scallywag: A bad person. A scoundrel
Scurvy dog!: a fine insult!
Matey/Mate/Me Hearty: A shipmate or a friend
Lily-livered: faint o' heart
Loaded to the Gunwales: drunk
Gentlemen o' fortune: a slightly more positive term fer pirates!
Sprogs: raw, untrained recruits
Settin': Intending to do or preparing for ill deeds
Swashbucklin': fightin' and carousin' on the high seas!
Wench: a lady, although ye gents not be wantin' to use this around a lady who be stronger than ye.
Yo-ho-ho/Har har har: Pirate laughter

Now there naught be nay excuses t' be speakin' unlike the rest of ye'r pirate kin mates!

Y'er name must be somewhat of pirate origin.
There naught be alot of restrictions on names cause a pirate name naught be requirin' a set theme, but names like SirOwnsAlot an'
BigNastyNewb fer example will naught be excepted. Keep in mind this guild is a British RP Pirate guild, naught a Caribbean RP Pirate guild. Though this won't prevent ye from bein' able t' join, we prefer ye naught t' be usin' names such as Jack Sparrow, William Turner, etc.
Most names ye would come by could fit the name requirements, so try t' be original.

We do naught have specific colors fer our pirates t' be wearin' but we do have a somewhat of a "uniform" for ye t' be wearin'.
-Of course ye must always be wearin' either a skullcap, bandana, or tricorn hat unless ye be in the midst of combat.
-Bone armor (aside from skull helemt) an' platemail armor (aside from gorget) be a bit too landlubberish for the pirate look. No orc bone helmets!
-Ye must always be wearin' a tunic or body sash.
-Either ye can wear a kilt an' half apron or short pants an' half apron.
-Footwear is either sandals or boots.
-Skirt, tunic, an' thigh boots fer the wenches. Head wear be the same as the men.

Ye will be given ship rank when ye join our crew. Until ye earn ye'r place as a "real" pirate ye will remain low in rank. Ye can gain rank by recruitin' dedicated members t' our crew as well as participation within the guild. Participation is a big thing we will be lookin' fer! If ye be joinin' ye'r pirate with no intention of piratin' then save ye'rself an' us the time an' naught bother.

Captain of the crew.

First Mate
Rank given t' a member of the crew appointed by the Captain. The First Mate be sharin' in the powers of the Captain an' will act in the Captain's place in his absense.

Rank given t' members of the crew who be selected by the Captain and the First Mate. Quartermasters be in charge of keepin' order within ranks of the crew an' in charge of judgement in any decisions t' be made.

*Keep in mind that participation an' loyalty t' the guild will determine whether or naught ye be considered fer the rank of Quartermaster. The Captain an' the First Mate upon agreement can overrule any decisions voted on by the Quartermasters!

Rank given t; members of the crew who be skilled in the arts of combat er magery. If ye wish t' advance in rank from a Deckhand to a Gunner, ye must be reasonably skilled enough t' defend y'erself in PvM an'/er PvP combat.

Ship Surgeon
Rank given t' members of the crew who be skilled in the arts of crafting. If ye wish t' advance in rank from a Deckhand to a Ship Surgeon, ye must be reasonably skilled in at least 2 of y'er crafting skills.

*Miners an' Lumberjacks can only obtain the Ship Surgeon rank if their skill be occompanied by at least 2 crafting skills fittin' the requirements fer the rank.

Rank given t' all members of the crew after their first 2 weeks of enlistment is complete. Any member of the crew that naught be fittin' the requirements t' obtain the ranks of a Ship Surgeon er Gunner will remain a Deckhand.

*Deckhands be advised t' help establish the presence of a Cabin Boy er Serving Wench if they be wishin' t' be considered fer the rank of a Quartermaster in the future!

Cabin Boy
Rank given t' all male members of the crew until their first 2 weeks of enlistment be complete.

Serving Wench
Rank given t' all female members of the crew until their first 2 weeks of enlistment be complete.


If ye have a fisherman it be a good idea t' join him/her t' our crew. Most of our members be owners of at least one vessel an' there be days where we will be gatherin' t' go out on the open sea an' fish us up some booty. The more fisherman be participatin', the more profitable the voyage be!
We like t' be the ones t' make sure the higher powers above naught be havin' t' work so hard chasin' down the land rats that be foolish enough t' be stealin' skill without effort, so of course we be also gatherin' in groups t' loot an' commandeer the ships of unattended fisherman. That naught mean that ye land rats who be payin' mind t' yer vessel be safe though...we will engage in sea warfare if ye be foolish enough naught t' sail the other direction away from our vessels.

All members will be trained t' enter the homes of these landlubbers an' ransack any an' all booty they be wishin' t' aquire.

We will be trainin' on various days in order t' get our members who are less experienced able t' hold their own in combat. This naught be a requirement t' all members, but it be recommended t' all able bodies willin' t' learn.

Sadly ransackin' an' lootin' naught always be providin' the booty many be demandin' these days, so we will be holding regular guild hunts for those in need of more than what the land rats be providin'
Party leader will be voted durin' each guild hunt an' he/she will be responsible fer splittin' the booty evenly with each member who participates. Any violations of the pirate codex durin' guild hunts will result in judgement by the Captain an' First Mate.

Any members that be found in violation of guild rules will be sentenced t' be judged by the Pirate Council made up of the Captain, the First Mate, an' the Quartermasters. Ye will be given a chance t' be heard an' a vote will take place on a proper punishment t' fit the crime. Any major violations such as intentional killin' of members outside of agreed combat, stealin' or scammin' members, or plottin' to do anythin' of the sort will result in immediate dismissal from the guild.

If ye be interested in joinin' our crew contact...

Cpt Spaulding


Re: Ol' Dirty Pirates [ODP] now recruitin'

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:34 pm
by Cpt Spaulding
We do naught subject our newer members t' technical wars. If in the future it be decided t' engage in Order/Chaos warfare we will create a seperate stone fer that purpose.

We shall show our enemies the same respect that they be showin' us. If ye dry loot an' choose t' res kill an'/or grief...expect the same in return!

Re: Ol' Dirty Pirates [ODP] now recruitin'

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:22 am
by Truksama
Ye be from grand ol' Atlantic, eh?

Re: Ol' Dirty Pirates [ODP] now recruitin'

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:10 pm
by Van Raily
Is this guild still around?