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Leprechaun revels in Sosaria, 2024

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:23 am
by Zabraxas

I shoulda wore some green, but then again, I did survive, with bits of broken glass still embedded in me..

I was minding my own business at a private establishment in the Fens of the Dead when I noticed a small red gentleman all in green, minding his own business, knee deep in a bog. As I walked past, I tipped my hat, "G'day to ye, little man.." Not a word from 'im. I could feel it getting a bit tense and proceeded to make my way past him. He grumbled under his breath, "Ye have a mouth that’d make an arse jealous, ya shitehawk," and proceeded to smash a bottle on the back of my head! I fell out of my saddle.. It was on!

We tumbled into the swamp and I was doused in flame! Then poisoned! Then electrocuted and punched in the face! This little bugger put all his weight behind his shoulder! I punched back, cursed him and made him chug a sulfur milkshake! He shook it off, laughed and kneed me. We clutched, he picked me up and dropped his weight and I went head first into the rushes, landing on my jaw, mashed my lip and teeth that just folded out of their sockets. I spun around dazed, spit my teeth out, shot a bolt of lightening at him and saw that it stung 'im.

He shouted curses at me in an unknown language, the words landed with a bite every time he tore at me,


This went on for five more minutes, run, heal, strike, parry, punch, choke, gouge, burn, heal, zap, burn, burn! BURN!

Finally, both of us bloodied and exhausted, I raised my blade over my head, he didn't look up but muttered something unintelligible, "Ha! Ficked mé do dheirfiúr le spúnóg leite, tú píosa cac...Éirinn go Brách!" Huh? "Oh yeah, well, say that again ten times quickly, ya frig!" I babbled and cut him down. This had been one of the toughest fights of my life.

After catching my breath, I looked over his ragged corpse. Nothing but a bottle of green ale incredibly unshattered after our donnybrook. I popped the cork, toasted his spirit, took a swig and poured the rest into the mud and blood beside his body. The bottle empty - it exploded in my hand! I heard disembodied laughter and his corpse disappeared.. A will o' the wisp uttered a tinny tinkle as it floated by...


The leprechauns actually mind their own business, won't attack first even though they're red, can occasionally put up a good fight and many only have one item on them after death, usually a bottle of some kind, like a potion or a bottle of green ale. Some have some gold, and a piece of Leprechaun clothing.

UPDATE: One of these wicked little spell-casters had a silver coin on 'im!

The enraged leprechauns chase you, always put up a decent fight and have all the trademark green Leprechaun clothing labelled as such, shorts, hat, cape as well as a green mug, green leprechaun jerky and +2700 gp. Not too shabby.

As you slide down the banister of life,
May the splinters never point the wrong way :mrgreen:
Best o' luck to ya!