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Amakiir Family

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:53 pm
by Amakiir
From Vicky:
We are Amakiirs. Once a little family of a little village of Minoc. Our father was Jacob Amakiir and my beloved mother was Miranda Amakiir. I had three brothers, Rashune, Elric and Enialis, and one little sister Ashley. I, Vicky Amakiir am telling you this story to you to learn the real life far from your big city and shiny huge life.
When I was a little girl our big brother Rashune abandoned us. I can barely remember his face. Three years later we heard that he returned to Minoc. I went to the city too meet him with Enialis. Others didn't come with us. They were thinking he is a crazy adventurer young boy. But somehow I knew he was more.
When we went to Minoc we heard that he had already left. Bu we learned much about him. He became a great magician. He learned the art of magic at far countries and slaughtered mighty creatures. He was a hero in little towns of Jhelom. It was the last time I've ever heard something about him.
After fifteen years later the terrible events happened. In that fifteen years I've learned a lot of crafting arts. As you know in little villages every girl knows some crafting from different professions. Well after fifteen years our village attacked by trolls. We couldn't even call for help. There was a big fight, and as you can guess we lost.
Elric and I managed to escape. Elric told me to run to Minoc to call guards, then he returned to fight disgusting trolls. When I went to Minoc and returned to our village with a battallion of King's soldiers, it was already too late.
Our village was destroyed. I found my mother and father's corpses. Bu my brothers and sister's corpses wasn't there. Soldiers said maybe trolls kidnapped them but they never found them...
They gave me some money and some shelter for my loss. But I decided to find my big brother Rashune. I travelled through Britain and asked some people if they know him. Noone ever heard of him. Surprising for me...
So I decided to return to Minoc to become a big craftwoman, to manage to live and if one day I can find my brother I want him to be proud.
Well this is my story so far, I wonder where are my brothers and sister? But there is nothing I can do for now. If someday I will become rich I will hire some men to seek them. But my hope is fading day by day.

Re: Amakiir Family

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:06 pm
by Arkosh Kovasz
Sastimos Vicky! I am Arkosh Kovasz. I am sorry to hear of the tragedy that has befallen your family. I too am a citizen of Minoc, and would like to offer my assistance in finding your brothers and sisters. We should arrange a meeting to speak further of this.