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School And UO/IRC

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:06 pm
by Kryptonical
Hey guys, looks like recently my school has changed a few rules in regards to what ports are open, etc. I used to be able to use the school wifi for irc and uo. Recently I have not been able to connect to either, mirc just says:

[16:04] * Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)
[16:04] * Connect retry #5 (6667) (dns pool)

and razor loads up but the second I put my user name pass into the client it just stays at "Connecting"

Any thoughts? any way to utilize some sorta proxy to either of these issues? at least if I could irc troll it would be better than nothing :P

Re: School And UO/IRC

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:09 pm
by Kryptonical
Just as an fyi with more info, I was on the IRC (through on a school computer this morning. This afternoon when I tried to use the IRC (through on my laptop I get this:

[16:08:09] Security error! Make sure you have port 843 open (firewall). If you are the server administrator, read for information. This is most likely a server problem. You tried to connect to

Re: School And UO/IRC

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:43 pm
by Kryptonical

Re: School And UO/IRC

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:08 pm
by Derrick
Google "IRC Proxy"

You'll have to find a way to bypass the port or ip firewall :/

Also, maybe, try the Java Client, also linked on our homepage.

Re: School And UO/IRC

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:53 pm
by Chaos
From another Thread .. but think it applies here.
HollyW00d wrote:Hello,

Anyone having issues connecting to the WildIRC Network (IRC Server) are to contact our Security Department. We do not allow unauthorized connections to connect to the network (Usually proxy connections). However, we can add exceptions and offer tips on how to connect properly.

Please contact Security@WildIRC.Net for more information.

Hope this helps.

Sorry I missed this thread .. (think I saw it at work one day but forgot when I got home) again, Sorry for delay.