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account security

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 8:44 pm
by Cado
I have two accounts. My crafter is set up on my 2nd account and has been co-owner of my house. My house has been set to public for some time now.

Just so ya know...I believe this account was hacked into. I have no other co-owners assigned. Only one other account friended, and that is my 11 year old son who has not been on in several days :-)

I had not been on my 2nd account for several days. Today, while I was playing my main account, my dexxer we all know and love...I had been hunting and running to town on errands..yadda. I had been in and out of my house many times. Coming back from the bank, the doors were locked to my house and the sign changed. I understand that in order to do that you need to be at least a co-owner. I had not been gone that terribly long.

After initial shock and IRC chat with Mal...i booted my 2nd account off as co-owner, changed the locks and set to private. Then entered to inspect the house. All remained as it had been, as far as i could tell. I exhaled :-)

I pm'd Derrick and sent a "help" request in through the ingame help. Still waiting on a reply.

I'm having difficulty changing passwords ingame. For some reason it says that the "passwords don't match" when i type it in a second time using the format given.

Mal suggests that it's an ingame griefer...maybe someone I've upset. I don't know. If you can upset someone by letting them kill you, i guess then that could be it. But I don't pvp outside of our group hunts, I don't steal, I don't do much of anything with anyone else outside of guildies :-)

Fortunately, my crafter toon has almost nothing on him or in his bank, which was untouched as well...just a bit of gold and crafting stuff.

I'm currently waiting on help in game in order to change my account info. I can't get the in game system to work...suppose I'm doing something wrong, but that's unsettling. I have both accounts logged in and won't log them off until i can change account info!

My advise to you is to change your passwords regularly. I plan to start, if I can ever figure out how!

I'll update as soon as the issue has been resolved.

Re: account security

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 9:42 pm
by Populus
Maybe you took drugs, did all this and then simply did not remember it? :|

Re: account security

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 1:26 pm
by Cado

Derrick responded and passwords changed. He ran a check on the ip's and didn't think it had been hacked. No real answers as to how house privacy was changed as I'm certain i did not do it on either account. The sign thing is explainable, thanks to Mal visiting and running through some things pertaining to changing house style.

My thanks to Mal and Benny specifically for their help. Playing chess was fun while waiting on Derrick, though I lost :-) At least I learned that those chess boards, backgammon and dice are for more than just decorations lol.

Anyway with new passwords in hand and house/home intact, time to move on. Tis still only just a game after all ;-)

Re: account security

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:35 pm
by benny-
Rematch whenever you say Cado, love chess. :D