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Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:48 pm
by Cado
started my fisherman the other day. Should be in a boat before too long and hopefully fishing up goodies. Anyway, was wondering about lockpicking as a skill to get. I understand that with SoS's and MIB's you can fish up chests so it seemed to make sense.

Hope to be a Pirate hunting fisherman explorer!

Fisherman build: GM Fishing, Magery, Eval Int, Med, Resist, Wrestling then Hiding or Lockpicking.

Not sure if hiding is really useful on a boat. Lock picking might also make this guy useful for dungeon crawls and a little more diverse.

Re: Fishing

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:01 pm
by Astinus
Suggestion: How about dropping Eval Int and then making the last two skills Lockpicking and Cartography to make the character a fisher/t-hunter? Lockpicking just doesn't seem as beneficial by itself, and though that is a pain, I don't think cartography is too difficult to macro. You might be able to get away with dropping wrestling instead of Eval, but being able to recall uninterrupted is probably more useful than dealing greater damage.

Re: Fishing

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:39 pm
by Cado
I like the idea and it adds to the adventurer spirit of the toon with cartography and lockpicking to go with fishing and Magery stuff. I do want to be able to kill spawns from fishing and defend against Pirates while on my boat. I'd probably be more willing to drop wrestling to pick up the cartography as there's no real melee (from what I understand) on boats and I could kite land mobs. Plus it's nice to have a lockpicker and heal/dps support for dungeon crawls.

I like the idea of being able to adventure land and sea that good stuff :-)

So: Fishing, Cartography, Lockpicking, Magery, Eval Int, Med, Resist.

Definitely not cookie cutter!

Re: Fishing

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:49 pm
by Pirul
Hehe...excellent build, I like it!!! It'll be nice to have someone else dying from t-chest spawn for a changed. :P

benny and me had previously had discussions about MiB's, so I had started a fisherman. Then came the t-map and MiB nerf patch so I just dropped it. I'm really excited to see what you fish up. Let me know if you need tinkered locked boxes, I still got the ones that got me to 95 LP. Also have a ton of lockpicks, so you're covered in that department too.

Re: Fishing

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:04 pm
by Cado
Nerf to MiB's????? lol Oh well. I guess it doesn't hurt if you don't know what it was like before :-)

I think it will be fun to do different stuff in game so fishing, mib's, t-maps, foraging dungeon chests....could be fun. With our guild hunts I'm thinking i would have enough group utility for dungeon crawls as well...heals/rezz (not that anyone dies on our hunts!!!!), buffs, EV's, and support dps :-)

I am wondering about boat to boat pvp. With the above build I'm hoping to be able to at least hold my own against pirates at sea. I'm guessing land pvp is a different story against the hally mage hordes...but I'm hoping at sea I can stand a chance. Any thoughts?

The lock picking stuff would be awesome! Thanks :-)

Re: Fishing

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:57 pm
by Pirul
I've never done boat to boat PvP. I'm guessing you could probably have no probs vs. most mobs, but I don't think you'll be able to drop someone with just one mana dump. Most pirate templates I see involve archery and tactics. Also, I've never faced deep sea serps, but I'm guessing they could take some time just dumping. Then again, what do I know, I'm a landlubber and have never really done any sailing.

Re: Fishing

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:34 pm
by Cado
For some odd reason I didn't put archery together with pirates...but it makes a ton of sense. Thanks Pirul, that's definitely something to think about and account for.