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RAZOR - Arm/Dress problems

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:43 pm
by SirLanceAlittle
I am having a small issue with the "Arm/Dress" option of Razor. I've had this problem since I started in Feb. I set up an "Arm/Dress Selection" for my main toon, put on only the items (armor, shield, and boots) that I wanted included in what I labeled "Battle Gear" and then clicked the "Add Current" button followed by the "Change Undress Bag" button and targeted the desired bag within my backpack. All items appear on the list and are not out of range, except on the rare occasion when I grab the wrong armor bag. :oops:

My problem is when I use the "Dress" and "Undress" options, only a portion of the items are activated (either put on or taken off). I have to click the "Dress" or "Undress" buttons two, three, or even four times to finally have all items activated. :(

I only have a max. of eight (8) iems in my Selection as I have my armor and clothing split into separate Selections. I even tried splitting the "Battle Gear" into "Battle Gear A" and "Battle Gear B" and still had to click the "Dress" or "Undress" options more than once. :cry:

I now have "Arm/Dress Selections" for three toons on the same acct. and I have the same problem with all three. My system is running with Razor Version: Anyone have any ideas? :?


Re: RAZOR - Arm/Dress problems

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:51 pm
by BobDobbs
Try increasing the delay between actions, it is in the options menu of Razor.

Re: RAZOR - Arm/Dress problems

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:16 pm
by SirLanceAlittle
BobDobbs, you're a genius. I changed the delay from 600 ms (the default) to 1000 ms and the Arm/Dress Dress and Undress buttons now do the whole job smoothly and completely. Thank you so much.
BobDobbs wrote:Try increasing the delay between actions, it is in the options menu of Razor.
Note: The "Object Delay," in ms., is under the More Options TAB rather than Options TAB. But BobDobbs is still a genius in my book and is now my hero for the week.

Thanks again. :)