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Funbox Disruption: Project Vesper Brigands [Entry #1]

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:40 pm
by Foefoucheaux
One night in the town of Tortuga, I overheard a pirate plot to besiege the city of Vesper and overtake the countryside with brigands. I laughed loudly as I listened to their boastings of how they would overtake the city. At the sound of my cackling, one pirate bounded up and threw my table across the bar. Calmly, I walked up to their table and introduced myself.
“O-Ren Ichii is my name. You will need disruptions inside the city as well if your plan is to succeed.”
One snarly toothed bucko snorted “Yar, and who should do that fer us lil lassi? You?”
“Yes I can provide this service to you noble gentlemen.” And to the pirate who spoke up, I offered a present, but told him to wait to open it till he was alone later because it was private.
At night, on the third day of the brigand invasion of Vesper, I began terrorizing the populace.


Brave adventurers flocked to hear of the pirate quest.


And once the brave adventurers asked about the chest, I gave it to them.


After working the square and narrowly escaping the guards, I went outside the law’s reach for some larger fish.


Once outside the range of the town guards, I found more brave adventures. But due to some additional casualties going on in town, thanks to my care-packages, I quickly became identified as a criminal. It was not long before a group of warrior mages, led by one named Amabo, the Warlord of Nothing, assaulted me. Revenge would later be mine.


Another job well done.


Re: Funbox Disruption: Project Vesper Brigands

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:21 am
by MatronDeWinter
lol, use a seperate tinkerer!

Re: Funbox Disruption: Project Vesper Brigands

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:27 am
by Panthor the Hated
I like this guys gumpshun

Re: Funbox Disruption: Project Vesper Brigands

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:49 am
by chumbucket
I'm moving this to the proper forum for entries, i.e., the cA forum.

Re: Funbox Disruption: Project Vesper Brigands [Entry #1]

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:54 pm
by Panthor the Hated
sounds like a scam

Re: Funbox Disruption: Project Vesper Brigands [Entry #1]

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:24 pm
by Foefoucheaux

One of the funniest parts about this story is that after hide-dodging a guard whack, the guard that missed flipped out and stood in one spot screaming 'Reveal!' 'Reveal!' over and over.

I stealthed around to the back of the bank to restock on boxes and came out of stealth once my criminal timer was up. Here comes the guard out of nowhere and kills me despite my blue status.

This caused the guard to flag grey and some nearby players began attacking the guard without recourse. I had never seen that happen. The players were all like "Woah PK guard." "That guard just killed that blue NPC, wierd".

I know chumbucket is waiting for 10 entries, but to quote Homer Simpson....."The two sweetest words in the english language. De fault! De fault!"