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Leave the Urks alone!

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:34 pm
by Melryn Moonstone
Various DG have been attacking the urks quite regularly and this is not doing either side any good!

The Urks are there as roleplayers, not as easy targets to kill when you get bored. Anyone can kill a dismounted player. If we attack there too often it is meaningless!

Yes they attack us, yes there are cases of dry looting and you want revenge, but griefing their fort is not the answer.

So only attack the fort in a structured meaningful way, not just a "i'm bored so ill go kill a few unmounted orcs" kind of way.

As far as i know the dry looting rule no longer applies, so dont expect it. But dont grief a roleplay guild as a result.

If we need to get them back we will do a proper raid.


Re: Leave the Urks alone!

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:40 pm
by Orrin

Re: Leave the Urks alone!

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:52 pm
by Panthor the Hated
ee clomp eny dunjun gurds dat dun gib shinies

Re: Leave the Urks alone!

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:53 pm
by Populus
I'd like to see a proper DG vs URK clash!

Re: Leave the Urks alone!

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:14 pm
by Drunk Monk
Ummies wunt tuu fyte en da furt, ib ukie. Dey nub respekt da Bludchok-Hai, den maibe da Hai sneek ober tuu ummie huts und choom dem dumheds! NOOGGRRAAAHH!!!

Its cool to come by the fort and fight us, dry-looting and disrespect will happen sometimes. If it gets out of hand however, Urk would respond. Our stealth archers are getting fat, they need a good work out!! hohoho

Re: Leave the Urks alone!

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:37 am
by ZubDur
Hrm umies dink ub driluut ta mujh? HOHO DAT A GUG ISE! Nub, umies driluut hurdurned urk geer frum ub.

I'm amazed anyone thinks that we dry loot without reason. Only cases there tends to be drylooting is where we were reskilled, drylooted previously, or just plain mocked then we tend to dryloot. Humans 9/10 times I am drylooted after a good fight.

Another thing in this post is that anyone can kill dismounted players? Why is it our stealth archer squad wipes out humans like flies? The majority of the time in a fort fight EVERY orc is dismounted and we keep you all at bay for 20+ minutes. Even when we are outnumbered and outgeared, and out skilled this happens.

Skahen Hypocrites.

Re: Leave the Urks alone!

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:40 am
by Panthor the Hated