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Looking to join DG

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:58 am
by Scrlked

Dresden here! I have been speaking with a couple of guys regarding joining the guild. I was pointed to post some information about my character here.

Name of Char: Dresden (Yes from the Dresden Files series)
Age: 30 (yes old eak).
Time Zone: CST
Playing time: Afternoons during the weekday and all day on weekend.

Quick Summary:
How do I know about UO? I played back in 1999 to around 2002. After that I went to play other games like Wow, LOTRO, Eve. After a while they all seemed to be missing something so I decided to give the good UO a try. I didnt think it would be worth paying so I was pointed to this place.

Character I like to join up:
Main Idea Behind the character: Tamer/bard

Current skills:
Provocation: GM
Peacemakign: GM
Music: GM
Hiding: 95 (will drop after i start making money and can raise magery)
Magery: 57
Animal Lore: 52
Animal Taming: 52
Resist Spells: 50

I am looking to do mainly PVE with this character. A friend and I would like to join together as we play together most of the time.

What am I looking from a guild?
Some people to hang out with and ask lots of questions :)



Re: Looking to join DG

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:58 pm
by Orrin
Hello dres, pop into our IRC channle and have a hcat with us :) #dg