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PVP/PK/ Thieving Guild.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:38 pm
by Charlatan
Looking to form up a guild of people who'd like to PVP/PK together and maybe even some dungeon thievery. Thinking of a theme for the guild- can discuss that later. Anyone who is interested PM me or reply here- we'll get a meeting together in a few days.


Re: PVP/PK/ Thieving Guild.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 11:01 am
by Tyr
yo, pretty new to UO in general but have played on a few free shards before. i understand most of the basics of the game. I think ive found my home now though at UOSA.

Im making an assassin type character at the moment. im not 100% decided on some of the skills so just working on the ones i know i want. alchemy could change, i cant decide if i want to buy poisons....


anyways, I would love to help you start up a guild. I think I could learn much faster playing with a few people too. get back to me if youre interested either on here or in game. name in game is Tyr

Re: PVP/PK/ Thieving Guild.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 7:35 am
by Khodahafez
I have a great interest in new PK guild.

I am Japanese player,and was PKer in OSI's T2A era.

My PvP character's stat/skills are already set but I lost all money,stuff,and house.
I am Japanese player.Because of earthquake I couldn't log-in for 3 lost my house.

It'll takes more time to prepare for PvP,but I wanna join you if you build new guild.

Please let me know more information.