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The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:08 pm
by Hicha
Alas, another lonely day in Vesper when a mysterious moongate appeared. Quickly, I ran through to see what wonders and mysteries await me, when I find myself smack dab in the middle of Warriors of Waaah [WoW] guildhouse as they are macroing away in the corner.

A standard home security inspection is in order! I make my way upstairs and discover 13 full potion kegs not locked down! As a certified home inspector, it is my responsibility to move these items to a secure location until the violation is corrected.
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As I begin moving the potion kegs, I hear the rumbling of a Meteor Swarm outside the home. I quickly run downstairs only to find the ruthless Bill Lumbergh casting spells through the walls. These individuals surely don't know about the dangers of macroing so close to the walls.
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The NPC is quickly dispatched, and the once idle members come to realize they are suddenly under attack! They quickly move away from the walls and out of our attackers reach. Bill Lumbergh moves around to the front door, fortunately our home owner had remembered to secure them from intruders. Lumbergh's gaze is fierce and piercing, his aggressiveness bleeds through the doors and walls and I succumb to his almighty power. In my frantic fear, I accidentally open the door.
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Corbin Lee is the first to fall victim to Bill's hail of energy bolts! The Dhali Llama frantically tries to close the door...
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... but fate reaches in before the door closes shut. A second Dhali Llama appears and is able to ban the vile Bill from entering...
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but death is surely a swift foe, reaching him before the hinges swing shut. Doogie Howser suddenly appears, surely he will be the end to this onslaught!
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Unfortunately he is unable to secure the front doors as well. What is this madness? Will this onslaught of death ever end? Gertrude awakes and comes down stairs. Seeing the assortment of bodies on the floor, surely she won't risk her life to secure the front door! ... And she doesn't. Wise is she, staying near the staircase avoiding any line of sight with our banned hunter.

But Bill Limbergh is all the wiser. He runs off into the distance, and Gertrude begins he assessment of the casualties. A few moments pass, when off in the distance Lumbergh reappears! His trot is paced, for behind him follows one of the most aggressive creatures in these parts of the lands, a giant serpent. The door opens once more, and the snake makes it way into the house.
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And Gertrude was no more.

Bill Lumbergh left soon after, and I was left there alone amongst the carnage and corpses strewn across the home. "What happens now?" I thought to myself.

And then a realization occurred: "I should probably finish the home security assessment."
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Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:10 pm
by Galendae
And people want trammel?!

Candyland .........pfffft!

What game, anywhere, can give this kind of enjoyment?
That is why, 15 years later, I still play this game.


Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:35 pm
by faber
Nice work Hicha. I see a lot of d^d names there.

Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:41 pm
by iamreallysquall
bill sure did lay down the mischief :P (me)

Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:05 pm
by Millerisfuntoplay
I like everything about this. Great work

Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:04 pm
by Populus
I love it.

Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:30 am
by Safir
Awesome! ;)

Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:51 am
by Light Shade
Oh wow. hahahaha

Looks like the D^D Guild Hall when I stealth in there, lol!!!

Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:16 pm
by Robbbb
hmmmmm....why is the corpse of Dhali blue and then grey?? Something is fishy here...

How did Doogie come to be grey as well? These questions must be answered or I declare this whole thread a farse!!

Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:23 pm
by iamreallysquall
Robbbb wrote:hmmmmm....why is the corpse of Dhali blue and then grey?? Something is fishy here...

How did Doogie come to be Grey as well? These questions must be answered or I declare this whole thread a farse!!
there was 2 dhalis and i don't remember what they did but the all started flagging grey i think they panicked :P rather i know they panicked

Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:14 pm
by Hicha
Robbbb wrote:hmmmmm....why is the corpse of Dhali blue and then grey?? Something is fishy here...

How did Doogie come to be grey as well? These questions must be answered or I declare this whole thread a farse!!
There were 2 Dhali Llamas; second one went grey trying to loot the first Dhali that died. Dougie went grey trying to loot the corpse closet to the door.

They were worried more about corpse loot than why the door wouldnt stay closed.

Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:15 pm
by Robbbb
LOL! I formally retract my last statement!

Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:00 am
by Boondock_Saint
yea makes me wonder why they didn't use detect hidden.. nubs.

Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:31 pm
by Ronk
Hmmm, I looted thier guild house once too, not quite as extensively though. They use to hav ea small house on the desert edge next to mine. I stealthed myself in one time and helped myself to regs. But they spotted me and during their attempt to ban me I was able to kill one. Then, of course, an alt logge don and banned me. But the bag of regs (800 or so of each) sure pleased the guild mojoka.

Re: The Massacre at Warriors of Waaah[WoW] Guildhouse

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:06 am
by iamreallysquall
i love this story !