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Remembering Xuk'luk Events starting Januaray 2nd 2012

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:56 am
by Bloodrock Announcer
All of you that play UO know that it isnt the items in the game, how much

you have aquired, or who is better at something then someone

else that made UO a great game. What made UO a great game was the


Please join us in remembering our friend and urk brother on Jan the 8th.

Also to show our passion for the game and the friends you make along the

way urk will be hosting a string of events throughout the week and they

are as follows.



January 2nd 10pm est

Do you have what it takes to defeat the orcish champion??

The orc fort will be heavily guarded this night with a special orc

champion within its walls holding unknown tresures, will you claim it or

die trying?

January 3rd 9:30pm est

Join us in channel #Bloodrock as orcish vessels leave and travel the high

seas carrying plundered goods.

Every 4 mins starting at 9:34pm est a location at sea will be given fro the boats. After one

vessel is taken over a new one will quickly takes its

place on the high seas.

Each boat will have approx 50k in gold and 5 sunken treasure chests.

All boats will remain unlocked during fighting.

January 4th late evening est


Urk will be roaming the hedge maze at an announced time. Loot the

armmed troops of urk if you dare and gather the spoils they carry. All

members will fight to the death for Belok!

January 5th late evening est
To be an urk!

Urk will gather willing umies, get them some urk gear, teach them some

simple phrases and take them on a quest for gold, blood, and glory!!

Event time will be announced in game!

January 6th

January 7th

January 8th 10pm
Remembering Xuk'luk

Gather with urk as they remember there brother in arms. Umies are welcome

to say a few words and leave a token if they wish, if you wish to give

something in private that is your choice. Rememberance will last roughly

an hour this time since last time it took so long we will mainly focus on

urks saying a few words. Right after the event urk will invade a random

town and everyone can enjoy the action!

Thanks again for all who attended last year.

Special thanks too:

Derrick(The orcish sky god), Skandi, Ognob, Krothu, Rok'zurg, Thigog, Chaos,

Sunshine, Matron, Nevermore, Arsen, God, and all who attended last year.

You people are what make UO great

(this post will have continous revisions untill said week, watch for bumps by bloodrock announcer for revisions)

Re: Remembering Xuk'luk Events starting Januaray 2nd 2012

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:42 am
by Chaos
Sounds Great can't wait.

Re: Remembering Xuk'luk Events starting Januaray 2nd 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:38 pm
by Drunk Monk
Jhu'lroth, the orc setting this up is currently in the hospital. He has a tumor above his heart and we have no more information at the moment. I do not think we have the numbers to set nightly events up, but we will be on Jan 8th for the main event:

January 8th 10pm
Remembering Xuk'luk

Gather with urk as they remember there brother in arms.

Re: Remembering Xuk'luk Events starting Januaray 2nd 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:40 pm
by Chaos
I'm very sorry to year this .. Best wishes are sent for your/our brother. If there is anything I can do feel free to contact me.

Re: Remembering Xuk'luk Events starting Januaray 2nd 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:46 pm
by Drunk Monk
Thanks man; keep him in your thoughts. Working out the details of the event over the next few days. This was Jhu's favorite event, and we hope it will meet his standards.

Re: Remembering Xuk'luk Events starting Januaray 2nd 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:26 am
by son

Re: Remembering Xuk'luk Events starting Januaray 2nd 2012

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:56 pm
by Brules
Any update on your brother????? Hope he is doing better!

Re: Remembering Xuk'luk Events starting Januaray 2nd 2012

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:27 am
by tanmits
He is better and may be well enough to attend the event.