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2 questions on tracking and boats

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:53 pm
by Jamie Bond

I decided to give my lumberjack mule tracking and detect hidden so I can be useful as a scout for the guild when needed. I figured it's a cheap and fun way for a broke noob like me to be useful.

My question is: How much tracking do I actually need? I remember at one point all that was really needed was 21 tracking. Is there a benifit to GM tracking? Anyone know the formula for what skill percentages give what advantages?

Question number two is regarding boats. If I bought a boat and left items in the hold, assuming the planks are locked, are there any tricks or known exploits people can use to break into the boat?

Thanks :)


Re: 2 questions on tracking and boats

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:01 pm
by Pirul
Tracking: the higher, the longer the range. 30 might track a screen, while GM will track 8 or so screens.

Boats: if it's locked, then no, you cannot get into the hold.