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Need help finishing off my character

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:14 pm
by gunslinger737
Ok so ive been workin on this character for about 2 weeks now and im almost done with him. I just have a few questions that i was hoping somone can answer :?
Here what im at with the Show Real OFF....
GM Tactics
GM Fencing
GM anatomy
GM Hiding
Healing 65.2
Parry 67.0
Resist 29.0
Ok questions...
1.What lvl should i be healing poison? Is 65 (59.6 real) high enough? when can i start healing a ghost?
2. Can i poison myself with potions from scorpion loot and gain healing?
3.Will letting deer beat me up GM parry?
4. What is a good way to GM Resist without magery?
5. Is GM Hiding necessary?
Hope somone can help. Thanks :)

Re: Need help finishing off my character

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:22 pm
by Jayrich
i would say at about 65 real skill you could start doing healing poison . i would say the best way to do this is lure a slime into your home and hold a bow and have 0 arrows. your alt should be getting attacked by the slime. you will not melee the slime and kill it so all you will do is cure the poison and it will keep on poisoning you pretty much forever. if you dont use an alt to get poisoned its very easy for your healer to die because healing yourself takes so long. but another person it only takes 6 seconds so you will have better chance to cure the poison and heal him before he dies . you will set up a macro to heal the alt every 6 seconds. from 50 skill to 100 healing costs about 20k bandaids. i know this as i just made a fresh dexxer and made all the bandages myself.

in terms of resist if you have a friend who is a mage he can very quickly get you to 55 resist just by doing fire field and healing you say one guy casts fire field and you run over it while someone else spams heal on you and in say 20 fire fields and 100 big heals you will be at about 55 resist. the rest is hard to gain and i would recommend making a mage and having him cast on you as you heal.

you can start healing a ghost at about 80 real skill.

gm hiding is nice but i think its unecessary if you are in battle you will still need to break line of sight to hide and you can probably hide just as often with say 90 hiding and breaking line of sight as 100.

Re: Need help finishing off my character

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:04 pm
by gunslinger737
Awesome right on for the tips 8) So if i dont have a house can i just use poison potions? and another question slightly off topic ... Can u gm macing and tactics fighting a hired npc?

Thanks again :D

Re: Need help finishing off my character

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:24 pm
by Jayrich
i suppose you could do the whole poison potions route but this will take a long long long time. i would say to go from 60 - 80 skill is probably 8 hours of nearly constant poisoning and curing. so this is a heck of a amount of time to do with potions and nearly impossible to afk.

in terms of gming macing and tactics yes you can easily do this off of a hired npc i always use paladin npcs just outside of delucia town in T2a. but i think you can do it on even a fighter. given enough time.

the reason i tell you to do this in a house is because if you are doing some type of afk macro as a healer and you have alot of bandages on you someone will likely town kill you to loot the bandages or just kill you to screw up your macro.

if you need a character to make some money with i suggest a bard. you can freely gm both music + provocation it just takes your time and costs nothing you can easily do this at the moonglow zoo but people may come grief you if you are afk the whole time. once the bard is finished you can farm enough coin for a small house in probably a few hours of play time. anyways hope this all helps you out. good luck

Re: Need help finishing off my character

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:48 am
by gunslinger737
Awesome thanks again :) im actually working on a bard but im not sure what i should add to this guy. I had some ideas maybe u can help me decide :) this is what i got so far
Eval 97.8
Magery 91.4
Meditation 49.2
Music GM
Provo GM

Im gonna GM the top 3 (is GM meditation needed?)but what other skill would you recommend for a PvM character? I was thinking archery-tactics or Taming/Lore but what i would really like to do with this guy is make a t-hunter. Is there a way i can do that with what i have so far? Maybe get cartography-lockpicking? :?

Re: Need help finishing off my character

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:11 am
by iamreallysquall
with melee fighter or paladin they skill up with you so the key is to use the same one and not let it die. I also always max my dex to 100 for melee for faster gains. resist with 0 magery going to need someone to cast on you or a alt or a ton of white wyrms sitting out of town while you sit inside town.
fire field til 55 then approximatly the same levels and spells as you would for normal magery gains .

Re: Need help finishing off my character

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:08 pm
by Mikel123
Hi gunslinger, please keep these type of posts to the New Players forum. The Guides forum is supposed to be for in-game guides. I.E. the original post asks the questions and provides the answers :-)

Re: Need help finishing off my character

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:37 am
by gunslinger737
Thank you for the help and I apologize for posting in the wrong area :oops: but thanks again for the help :)