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The greatest tale ever told. (in journal text only format)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:45 am
by Abbot
Yeah, this is going to be long but it's worth it, I swear. It was funnier when it was me, and I thought I was taking screenshots the whole time but I accidentally turned off my hotkeys. Anyways, if you like to read words, here you go.

So I was at the UBB guild hall looking for new recruits and I was speaking with one of them... and then this happened.

Barry McKokener: u see that megan that just ran by?
Costello: yea
Barry McKokener: she's a complete idiot
Barry McKokener: just fyi
Barry McKokener: heh
Costello: heh yea?
Barry McKokener: kind of a long story
Barry McKokener: she tried to kill me while i was minig by trying to get me to open a box that wa
Barry McKokener: magic trapped
Costello: lol
Barry McKokener: then she came back and casted a fireball on me
Barry McKokener: called the guards and she died
Costello: haha
Barry McKokener: came back and tried it again lol
Barry McKokener: had a bunch of regs on her too
Costello: what a dummy lol
Barry McKokener: then she was obviously pissed 'cause she just followed me around and was snoopi
Barry McKokener: snooping me
Barry McKokener: and i'm not mean but i really laid into here
Barry McKokener: her
Barry McKokener: i was like leave me alone
Barry McKokener: she just followed me around and said no, no, no
Barry McKokener: over and over and over
Barry McKokener: she finally said 'your stuped'
Barry McKokener: and went away
Barry McKokener: heh

about 10 seconds later . . .

You see: FuckShitUpDamnit
You see: megan

I see FuckShitUpDamnit drag and dropping a pouch and megan now as a ghost following him

You see: pouch
You see: (73 items, 307 stones)
Costello: whats this
You see: megan
FuckShitUpDamnit: hey
FuckShitUpDamnit: i almost
FuckShitUpDamnit: got pkd
FuckShitUpDamnit: by her
Costello: yeah
FuckShitUpDamnit: she got whacked
FuckShitUpDamnit: i got free lewts
FuckShitUpDamnit: :)
Costello: good job man

He continued off to the bank, and I ran back in to tell Barry about what I just heard

Barry McKokener: what happened?
Costello: similar story i just heard about
Costello: well
Costello: you know the story you just told me
Costello: about megan getting guard whacked
Barry McKokener: yeah
Costello: after trying to pk you
Costello: that just happened to him
Barry McKokener: heh
Costello: and he got a box full of crap of loot
Barry McKokener: rofl
Costello: pk of the year
Barry McKokener: it wasn't megan was it?
Costello: it was megan
Barry McKokener: omg
Barry McKokener: LOL
Costello: gonna go ask that guy to come here

FuckShitUpDamnit and megan are having a stand off at the bank and she is preventing him from walking forward

Costello: need help?
FuckShitUpDamnit: illstand
FuckShitUpDamnit: here all day
FuckShitUpDamnit: if u dont go
FuckShitUpDamnit: megan
Costello: pass it to me
FuckShitUpDamnit: naw
Costello: i can hold for you
FuckShitUpDamnit: im good
Costello: hey
Costello: when you're done here
FuckShitUpDamnit: can i join UBB?
Costello: yeah
Costello: meet me over there k
FuckShitUpDamnit: im a miner
megan: dsi am sorry
megan: i am sorry
Costello: this is the second story i've heard about you
Costello: trying to attack someone
FuckShitUpDamnit: ha
Costello: and dying in guard zone
FuckShitUpDamnit: she does this often?
Costello: apparently
Costello: the guy it happened to
Costello: last
Costello: is over in the guild hall

A couple seconds pass

You see: megan
FuckShitUpDamnit: ...
Costello: megan
Costello: please don't fireball me
FuckShitUpDamnit: ya
FuckShitUpDamnit: lol
FuckShitUpDamnit: me either
Barry McKokener: reverse psychology lol
You notice megan attempting to peek into Costello's belongings.
You notice megan attempting to peek into Costello's belongings.
You notice megan attempting to peek into Costello's belongings.
You notice megan attempting to peek into Costello's belongings.
megan: i am waiting
megan: hi
Barry McKokener: go fuck yourself
megan: it me
Barry McKokener: fuckshit up
FuckShitUpDamnit: sup?"
megan: hit me
megan: are you go to do it or not

I do the fake out red text so and so is attacking you trick

Costello: Costello is attacking you!
megan: hit me
Costello: Costello is attacking you!
megan: hit me
megan: guards
Costello: Costello is attacking you!
Costello: Costello is attacking you!
megan: guards
Costello: Costello is attacking you!
megan: guards
Costello: Costello is attacking you!
megan: guards
megan: guards
megan: guards
megan: guards
megan: guards
megan: guards
megan: guards
megan: guards
megan: guards
megan: are you go to try to kill me ro not
Costello: Costello is attacking you!

Then the negotiations begin...

megan: you can't so please give me my stuf back
Costello: what stuff
megan: you know
Costello: he has your stuff
megan: your friend that ran awaya
megan: get it back and iwill give you iron
megan: no iron for you
Costello: gimmie iron
megan: what
Costello: Costello is attacking you!
megan: guardsif you kill me i will give you 200 irn bars
megan: and if i win you give me 50000
megan: ok
megan: or our house
megan: 200iron bars
Costello: let me see the house
Costello: then i'll coniser it
megan: no yu get iron bars i get house and house stuf
Costello: I want hosue stuff and house
megan: you get iron bars ok
megan: ok
megan: no
Costello: yes
megan: bout
megan: 5000
megan: ok
Costello: 50000
megan: 5000
megan: ok
Costello: 50000
megan: 4444
megan: so 444
megan: it is droping
Costello: no
Costello: it is raising
megan: 333
megan: or your house
megan: mno your house you have you right
Costello: banjno i want your house
Costello: where's your house
megan: i am not telling you
Costello: tell me
megan: ok no
Costello: yes
megan: you will have to do better for my house
Costello: ni can do so much better
Costello: i will buy your house
Costello: for 50k
megan: 70k
Costello: hmm
Costello: 60k
megan: 65k
Costello: 63k
megan: 65k
Costello: k
Costello: lets see it
megan: comeon

I'm led to a house on a seemingly random path...

Costello: is this it
You see: This house is somewhat worn.
You see: Bean Hut
megan: yes
Costello: which one
Costello: hmm
Costello: nice house
Costello: but
megan: thanks
Costello: 60k
megan: 65k
megan: so yes
Costello: lets see inside
megan: no
Costello: how do I know its yours
megan: it is
megan: ok
megan: comeon
Costello: come on what
megan: yes or no

I decide to continue the fun and examine a nearby house

You sense that it wouis somewhat worn. (double journal files colliding here)
You see: House of Forge
Costello: you own this one too?
Costello: i 'd buy this one
Costello: i pay
Costello: 80k for this house
megan: ok
megan: so let do this
Costello: k follow me

I begin leading megan around in circles in Britain farms, in very deliberate circle shapes running around buildings in such, and we come across a dog

Costello: wait
Costello: this is my dog
Costello: he has my gold
Tame which animal?
Costello: *You start to tame a dog*
Costello: Don't be afraid.
Costello: Don't be afraid.
Costello: Don't be afraid.
That wasn't even challenging.
Costello: a dog give 80k to megan
Costello: a dog bad
Costello: good a dog
Costello: hmm
Costello: no gold
Costello: this is not my dog
Costello: a dog come

We continue walking with our new party member, a dog, at a very slow pace so a dog can keep up with us, and we arrive at a random NPC home

You see: Glen
Costello: hi glen!
Costello: glen
Costello: you owe me 80k
Costello: glen
Costello: Costello is attacking Glen!
Costello: Costello is attacking Glen!
megan: wiat ing
Costello: Glen not paying up
Glen: Hello, my friend! How may I assist thee?,
Costello: Assist me
Glen: Sorry, I don't know what thou talkest about.
Costello: Give me gold
Glen: Gold can be found on the bodies of the more dangerous monsters of Britannia.
Costello: What monsters
Glen: What?
You see: a rabbit
Costello: Give me monsters
Glen: Excuse me?
Costello: sigh
Glen: Excuse me?
Costello: Goodbye, Glen
Glen: Goodbye.

I decide we should keep moving until we find more gold...

Costello: come
Costello: Let us find my gold
megan: i am not stuped you don't it
Costello: Are you calling me a liar?
megan: no
Costello: good
Costello: because if you did
Costello: the price would be 20k
Costello: You would lose 60k!
megan: sorry

I get a grand idea!

Costello: We will get gold from the bank!
megan: ok

I lead megan to west britain bank. . .

Costello: Wlthdraw 80000
Costello: ok
Costello: You give me house
Costello: I give you gold
You notice megan attempting to peek into Costello's belongings.
You notice megan attempting to peek into Costello's belongings.
Costello: stop!
Costello: thief!
Costello: thief!
Costello: thief!
megan: ok
Costello: thief!
Costello: thief!
Costello: thief!
megan: wait
Costello: thief!
Costello: thief!
megan: stop
Costello: thief!
Costello: HELP

We run around the bank, with many Britain citizens chasing us now, concerned for my 80000 gold.

Prosti-tot: NO THIEF
Prosti-tot: STOP LYING
Costello: no thief?
Prosti-tot: NO
Prosti-tot: THIEF
Costello: you no thief?
megan: let me see the gold
megan: no
Costello: House first
Costello: Yes my dog had my gold
You notice megan attempting to peek into Costello's belongings.
You notice megan attempting to peek into Costello's belongings.
Costello: but I cannot find my dog
Costello: thhief
Costello: THIEF
Costello: I thought you no thief
megan: i don't
megan: so 80k
Costello: Changed my mind

I get bored and decide to walk away... but then

megan: wait
Costello: what
megan: can my other prosn join yhammer bro (my tag for UBB was "Hammer Bro")
Costello: who are they
Costello: Let me meet this person
megan: waithere it is going to be raven dark fire
megan: ok

Raven Darkfire appears at the UBB Guild Hall..

You see: Raven Darkfire
Raven Darkfire: hi
Costello: hello megan
Raven Darkfire: no
Raven Darkfire: ho is that
Costello: I mean Raven
Raven Darkfire: hi
Costello: Are you the one who was sent to me for recruitment?
Raven Darkfire: yes
Costello: Then you must pass the test.
Raven Darkfire: ok
Costello: Do you know what the test might be?
Raven Darkfire: no
Raven Darkfire: no sir
You see: Clark
Costello: You must travel to far, distant lands and find the Hammer of Legend
Raven Darkfire: ok
Raven Darkfire: ok
Costello: Then, when you return, you shall be allowed to join.
Abbot: Excuse me, sir
Costello: Yes?
Abbot: I'd like to assist Raven in her travels
Raven Darkfire: take me thereplease
Costello: hmm
Costello: This is usually the task for just one person
Raven Darkfire: yes please
Costello: but I suppose I could allow it this one time
Abbot: Thank you Costello, I won't let you down
Costello: You both better be off then
Costello: Fair travels to you both

TO BE CONTINUED... WITH SCREENSHOTS THIS TIME! (yeah i enabled hotkeys at the end)

Re: The greatest tale ever told. (in journal text only forma

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:08 am
by Vhyx
If I were exceptionally bored, I could see myself making a "megan" type character just to see how many people I could troll.

Other than that, pretty funny stuff...

Re: The greatest tale ever told. (in journal text only forma

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:36 am
by nightshark
megan gets her comeuppance