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e-tough guy? I think his E-feelings got hurt

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:41 am
by Lack
Another short video by yours truly Black Betty, after this tamer who thought he was going to grief some poor newby dexer and make off with his extra loot by stam blocking him in with a lich lord, he found out how wrong he was and happily handed over his own lewt to make up for his mistake. Enjoy everyone I'm using some new software for recording and editing hope you guys like this more! This is not set to my normal music as the song I used fits this clip better its titled "magic Corp Por Ride" by Midas, he has many other songs you can easily find for good laughs about the good old days of UO we currently are playing here on UOSA. any video comments or compliments suggestions let me know. As always this is not the trash talk thread so if you want to trash talk take it there and I would be glad to oblige you. ...

P.S. for the record this is NOT what makes me a good pvper, but what makes me a great pk as most pks don't understand there is a difference. Had this guy not griefed then have the nerve to smack talk he might not of got the GSOD (grey screen of death) =P

Re: e-tough guy? I think his E-feelings got hurt

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:46 pm
by Naljier
2 vs 1?
not worth a post, muchless a video.. id say

Re: e-tough guy? I think his E-feelings got hurt

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:05 am
by Matty
sounds like you're new at this PKing thing. that video was anything but epic and not even deserving of these words. but i'm bored, so here you go.

and steppenwolf sucks and so does that god awful cover. worst music choice ever.

Re: e-tough guy? I think his E-feelings got hurt

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:25 am
by the bazookas
Although it wasn't an amazing bout of PvP, I know how good it feels to give somebody their just desserts, so I enjoyed that aspect of it.

Also, I liked the screen recording--good quality :)

Re: e-tough guy? I think his E-feelings got hurt

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:31 am
by Light Shade
Welcome back Josh. Your video editing skills are still doing well I see. :P