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Application for Ender

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:26 pm
by xenobean
Character(s) Name(s): Ender

Preferred Play Style: (EX: PvM or PvP) PvM casual

Playing History: Spent some time playing old UO from second age to the ninja expansion. years later I found about this server and played for acouple months but had to take a leave of absence for a year or so. I am not a hardcore player but I do enjoy UO extremely as well as contributing to the guild. I am just now coming back and need to get a hang of the ropes again.

Time Zone: US central

Usual Online Hours: Whenever the wife and kid give me a break :)

Have you read DG Guild Rules and do you accept these rules: (yes or no) YES

Re: Application for Ender

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:47 pm
by Norris
Hey Ender. Go on a few hunts, hang out in IRC for a bit, hang out with the crew, see if ya feel comfy and visa versa .... Then we see if DG right for you...

Side note - I'm in central time zone as well and wife and kids don't let me at until they asleep so our play times may match ;)