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3/25 Patrol Report

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:32 pm
by Jupiter
In order to maintain complete transparency of the BPD's daily police business I submit this full report of the patrol of Captain Turbo Al'Esaule dated 3/25/2012. While I will provide a full report of deeds done, I will have to keep secret certain identities in order to ensure the safety of certain 'undercover' agents.

A very important arrest was made this day. The notorious thief named Jizzum, was arrested after several months of deep cover investigation. Perhaps embarrassed by his parents choice of a name, Jizzum had conducted all of his thievery under aliases and by the use of countless thugs. Because of this, BPD could not heretofore link any crimes directly to him (hence his blatant display in the middle of the West Brit Bank Square).

However, Jizzum was unaware that BPD had a deeply rooted undercover agent who provided the needed evidence to link Jizzum to his vast crimes. Prepared with sufficient evidence to prove Jizzum's guilt, BPD moves in and takes Jizzum completely unawares.
Image Jizzum falls

After the criminal Jizzum is arrested and put down, things seem settled. The horse that Jizzum was riding appeared stolen, however, since BPD's department of animal control and customs is still... understaffed, Turbo was unable to do anything about the horse so it left it standing. However, a local citizen, named Clone Trooper of the Trinsic Dungeon Crawlers, who was perhaps wronged by Jizzum or his thugs, decided to try and resolve past wrongs by means of his own spear. Turbo tries to warn the citizen several times that vigilantism is a very dangerous occupation and that such matters as horse theft must be resolved in an orderly fashion. Clone Trooper fails to listen so order must be reinstated. Again it is for matters of complete police transparency that I report this second arrest. I do not wish to discourage vigilantism, as it is a resource that BPD relies on most heavily. However, it is important that all independent law enforcement agents be wary that BPD strikes first, and fills out paperwork later.

Being the friend of horses I have known him to be, Turbo mourns the slaughter of this magnificent steed. However, true to his dedication of upholding justice, Turbo doesn't spend too much time mourning before he notices the dastardly Lopez cutting up the corpse of Clone Trooper - perhaps trying to send a threatening message to Clone Trooper's friends.

Drawing attention to himself was a bad idea as Turbo recognizes Lopez as BPD's former #2 most wanted, recently moved to the #1 position after the fall of Jizzum. Lopez doesn't run far before justice is served with a second helping.

- Jupiter

Re: 3/25 Patrol Report

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:29 am
by Border Patrol
Excellent report Turbo!,

I am glad Jizzum was finally brought Justice. I was very suspicious of him in my report that I filed. It covered events of days prior to this great conclusion of the demise of the vile Jizzum.

Poor horsey. It did not deserve death. It was an innocent creature that was enslaved by an evil master to assist in various crimes and most likely had to play a sick part in other unmentionable acts for the twisted pleasure of it's corrupt master.

*mourns for horsey*